Greetings! Enjoy our Saints News! 
Learning another language opens doors of opportunity, whether that language be Spanish, English, Mandarin, Python, or any other. Becoming proficient with a 2nd language (or a 3rd or 4th) opens even more doors. VCHS students have a 2 or 3 year foreign language graduation requirement, but we desire when possible that they strive to go even further toward proficiency with another language.
With our Christian faith as a lens, I’m convinced that God not only loves each of us but loves the diverse mosaic of His human creation. I’m inspired when I read the Apostle John’s vision of heaven in the Book of Revelation - After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb (Jesus), clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands. Think about that for a moment – from all languages. What a beautiful image!
We recently pursued and earned the honor to offer the VCHS Seal of Biliteracy through the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas, a recently developed program created by Colorado Senate Bill 17-123. However, VCHS standards are even more rigorous than the State’s as we also require:
·     Community service
·     Bilingual presentation
·     Writing and speaking proficiency
The VCHS Seal of Biliteracy extends beyond Spanish to other languages. About a dozen VCHS students have already expressed interest in pursuing the diploma seal with these languages: Bulgarian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian.
For more information on this honors program, please feel free to reach out with questions to Barb Wilson ( or Stephanie Ward ( 
Steve O'Neil
Head of School
Halloween Dress Up Day at VCHS
Student Council sponsored Dress Up Day complete with Best Costume Prizes!
Winners will be announced soon!
Congratulations to Our Cross Country Athletes
Both the boys and girls teams at BMHS won regionals last week in Evergreen! 
They are headed to the State Championships this weekend in Colorado Springs!

  • Kaden finished 25th overall
  • out of 100 athletes

  • Lindsey finished 6th overall
  • out of 108 athletes

  • Jorge finished 7th overall
  • out of 100 athletes

Good Luck at the
State Championships!

Click here to read the Vail Daily article
PreACT | Friday | October 29th
Freshmen - Sophomores - Juniors | Pre ACT | 8:25 am – 11:00 am
Seniors | Early Action College Workshop | 9:30 am - 12:00 noon | Music Room

What to bring
  • No. 2 Pencil
  • Scientific/Graphing Calculator
  • Healthy Snack
  • Water Bottle

College Workshop
  • Computer
  • Materials to complete applications
Vail Opens November 12th!

Download your Student Authorization Letter to get your discounted student pass- good at Crested Butte this year!
Canned Food Drive
Our VCHS Student Council will be sponsoring a school-wide Canned Food Drive for the Salvation Army. VCHS Connect Advisory Groups will compete for the most cans collected to earn the top prize of a catered lunch from Qdoba. Second and third place groups will be treated with ice cream sundaes. Can collection will begin on Monday, November 1st and conclude on Monday, November 15th. Students should bring in cans, boxed, and packaged nonperishable food.

Final Exams | December 15th - 17th

  • Students must be present
  • PARENTS: Please plan to have your student(s) here and please do not plan to leave early for Christmas Break!

View and download Finals Schedule
Saints Families,
If you know a highly academic 8th grade student who would make a great Saint, please consider nominating him/her for the VCHS Honor Scholarship.
All eligible nominees must complete the admissions process, as well as an on-campus math assessment, essay, and interview.
Nomination Deadline is 12.3.21 please click for form in English or Spanish.
  • October 29th
  • 8:30 am - 11:00 am
FAFSA/CASFA Nights from 6-7PM
  • BMHS: 11/02
  • EVHS: 11/04
  • These are hands on workshops for parents. Families should bring all required documentation/information to complete their FAFSA/CASFA
  • Click here to register

  • October 29th
  • 9:30 am - 12:00 noon
  • Available to all Saints Seniors
  • Bring application documents & your computer
Pacific Northwest College of Art | Tuesday | 11.2.21 | 11:10 am
Colorado Christian University | Thursday | 11.18.21 | 1:45 pm
SAINTS Senior Stuff
Seniors | Vote on your Class Verse Today! | Deadline: Friday 10.29.21
Slideshow Photos | Due This Semester | Upload Here
Contact Shannon O'Brien at
Click here for more information
Virtual Attendance
PARENTS: Teachers need to know ahead of time if your student will be attending classes virtually! Please email with as much notice as possible (24 hour notice preferred) so that our teachers and administration can best prepare for virtual classes and virtual attendance. Parents/Guardians must contact the school regarding your student'a plan in order for your student to access class virtually.
Be a TedxYouth@Vail Speaker - Applications Due November 1st!
List of several non profits in the Valley: Great NonProfits Vail
Friday | 10.29
  • Pre ACT
  • Football @ West Grand
  • Volleyball @ Cap Rock
Tuesday | 11.2
  • Pacific Northwest College of Art Visit

Friday | 11.5
  • B Period Friday
  • Volleyball Regionals

Saturday | 11.6
  • Round 1 Football Playoffs
  • Volleyball Regionals
  • SAT Test Date

Sunday | 11.7
  • Daylight Savings
Thursday - Saturday| 11.11 - 11.13
  • Volley State Championship

Thursday | 11.11
  • Veteran's Day Assembly - Modified Schedule

Friday | 11.12
  • A Period Friday

Saturday | 11.13
  • Round 2 Football Playoffs
Monday | 11.15
  • Basketball Begins - First Practice

Thursday | 11.18
  • Colorado Christian University Visit

Friday | 11.19
  • B Friday

Saturday | 11.20
  • Round 3 Football Playoffs