I’m excited to announce the pre-launch of 5 Days | 5 Reasons, this year’s fundraising blitz supporting our school’s All Saints Fund. Gifts to the All Saints Fund help fill the 8.5% gap between tuition and the total cost to educate VCHS students this school year. The campaign will run next week from November 7-11.
This year’s 5 Days | 5 Reasons motto is – THRIVE. When you make an annual gift to VCHS, our students, faculty and school are able to THRIVE. Participation, regardless of gift size, is what matters most. With a successful campaign, we can achieve:
Day 1 Athletics - 15-Passenger Van, New Uniforms
Day 2 Academics - New Courses: Sports Medicine (Spring ’23) and PLTW Aerospace Engineering (2023-24)
Day 3 Arts - Christmas Arts Celebration & Spring Musical, Grace Auditorium Lighting, Digital Media Production Studio Upgrades
Day 4 Facilities - Senior Lounge & Concession Stand Upgrades, Enhanced Security
Day 5 Faculty - Competitive Salaries/Benefits, Professional Development Opportunities
Each of the 5 days, you’ll receive a VCHS email with the day’s “reason.” Although we don’t officially launch until November 7th, you don’t have to wait. Click here and make a gift today. Thank you so much for helping VCHS thrive!
Steve O'Neil
Head of School