Greetings! Enjoy our Saints News! 
To help shake off the winter doldrums and focus our attention on God’s active involvement in each person’s story, we held Story Week 2022 over the last 4 days. This was an opportunity for our school community to learn from others how they navigated their successes and failures and looking back were able to see God at work in both. Most importantly, it was a week to acknowledge that we will all fail at something but it doesn’t have to define us. It actually can refine us – lead us to be more in tune with who we are really designed to be. 
On Monday, we heard local Olympian Heidi Kloser share about heartbreak at both Winter Olympics 2014 and 2018. Moving from self-pity, she asked the question – God, what are you trying to teach me? And God led her to find answers and peace.
The next day, world renowned surgeon Dr. Tom Clanton told the audience that science and faith are not just compatible but that the further he pursues science the stronger his faith in Christ grows. He also shard stories of personal failure and loss of loved ones. He didn’t sanitize the resulting hurt and pain but expressed a humble acknowledgment of God’s mystery as well as His divine plans for each of us.
On Wednesday, Pastor Michael Carlton shared his story zeroing in on his high school years. He told of being lost and without purpose, but when he reached out to God and asked for Him to be made known, God showed up and Pastor Carlton’s life changed forever.
We wrapped up the week showing American Underdog, the Kurt Warner story – a man who went from stocking grocery store shelves to becoming a NFL Hall of Fame quarterback. He was always a champion but as he pursued his dream to play in the NFL, he had setback after setback. Through his Christian faith along with encouragement from family and friends, Warner persevered and was finally able to reach his goals. Most would have given up, but Warner leaned into failure. These two quotes from Kurt Warner sum up Story Week 2022 well:
  • If you're willing to put yourself and your dreams on the line, at the very least you'll discover an inner strength you may not have known existed.

  • Through Jesus, we’ve all been given a second chance…With Jesus we can do things we never imagined. 
Finally, thanks to Directors of Christian Life, Mr. Bergquist and Mrs. Carlson, for all of their hard work and creativity in making this week possible!

Steve O'Neil
Head of School
Click here to view the Vail Daily article
Click here to view the ceremony live on our Instagram page
Games and Ceremony are live on NFNS
VCHS Skiers Head to States with Battle Mountain Ski Team
Best of Luck to VCHS students participating in the CHSAA State Ski Championship in Winter Park (Granby) this Thursday and Friday. 

Kamryn Brausch
Robin Pavelich
Lindsey Whitton

John McAbee
Luke Olmsted
Kaden Williams
Lindsey Whitton 
Click here to view the Vail Daily article
Congratulations VCHS Honors Scholars
Congratulations to Eva Isaacs of Homestake Peak School and Reed Garrison of Eagle County Charter Academy, recipients of the 2022 VCHS Honor Scholarship.

Two merit scholarships are awarded each year covering 50% of tuition, renewable for 4 years.

Our faculty, administration and student body are thrilled to welcome these superstars to our school family and the Class of 2026!

REMINDER: Annual physicals are required for all sports! Submit your physical forms before the spring season begins! Spring Sports begin February 28th.
SAINTS Senior Stuff

Customize Your Senior Page | Deadline is March 1st | Click here to get started
You should have already purchased your yearbook and free Parent Ad
Log into your account
Click on "Design Ad"
Upload photos and add custom text

Senior Photos Due for Slide Show | Upload here

Jostens Announcement Orders have arrived | Pick Yours Up ASAP | Front Desk

Coming soon:
Senior Boards | Decorate yours with photos, etc | Displayed at Graduation Events
Start collecting & printing photos now!

VCHS 2022-2023 School Calendar is published!

Click here to view and download
Call For Entries
Articulation Art & Literary Magazine Vol. 6 - Metamorphosis is seeking entries of art, photography, poetry, creative writing + more to be published in the 2022 edition.

with questions or to send submissions.
Share our Admissions Viewbook with friends and future Saints!
List of several non profits in the Valley: Great NonProfits Vail
There is still time to enroll in Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder Summer 2022 programs. All SStS programs allow students to learn about ethical leadership while working alongside trusted partners and being immersed in the communities they serve. Community service hours are available for all programs. 

The next priority deadline is Monday, January 31. You can learn more about their USA-Based Programs here and their International Programs here. As an SStS partner school, students have access to a tuition discount, financial aid, and priority access to programs. Programs are limited to 14 students and fill quickly so Apply today.
Friday | 2.18.22
  • No School | Winter Break
  • Basketball | GJV 2 pm | BJV 3:30 pm | GV 5 pm | BV 6:30 pm
  • Senior Night | Following Girls Varsity Game
  • Court Dedications | Coach Alexander | Coach Kuhns

Saturday | 2.19.22
  • Basketball @ North Park
Monday | 2.21.22
  • No School | Winter Break

Tuesday | 2.22.22
  • Basketball | Districts | Location TBD

Friday | 2.25.22
  • A Period Friday
  • Basketball | Districts | Semi Finals | Location TBD

Saturday | 2.26.22
  • Basketball | Districts | Semi Finals | Location TBD

A Look Ahead:

Monday | 2.28.22
  • Spring Sports Begin

Tuesday | 3.1.22
  • Shrove Tuesday | Pancake Breakfast
  • Junior Class College Trip

Wednesday | 3.2.22
  • Ash Wednesday

Friday | 3.4.22
  • B Period Friday
  • Basketball | Regionals

Saturday | 3.5.22
  • Basketball | Regionals