Apart from the 2020 shutdown, the All School Retreat has been an annual tradition since our founding in 1998. For the last five years, the retreat has been held at beautiful Crooked Creek Ranch near Fraser.
Our 158 students, faculty/staff, and 24 parent kitchen crew volunteers, just returned from 48 hours of high octane fun, relationship and community building, and spiritual nourishment. I want to take this musing to thank a variety of people who helped make it happen.
Although adults are involved, significant thanks go to STUCO (the VCHS Student Council). Officers Hunter Gilbert (President), Reed Garrison (VP), and Jasmine Dolcescu (Secretary) deserve special thanks for all of their summer planning and retreat work. They showed true servant-leadership. Thanks also go to STUCO advisors Mr. Mysnyk and Mrs. Wiebe. Coach Savannah Webster (who also serves on the local Young Life staff) also deserves our thanks for many of the zany activities.
Although behind the scenes, we would not have been fed amazing meals without the twenty-four parent volunteers who selflessly gave up their time from work to join us as they prepared and served meals and handled all of the dining hall and kitchen cleanup. They built their own sense of community.
Retreat is far more than just all of the fun activities, class competitions, and Tortilla Challenges. It was also a time for each of us to consider more deeply who Jesus is, or might be, for us. Mrs. Macias and Mrs. Carlson (Co-Directors of Christian Life) led those efforts and invited Erik Scofield (aka Sco) to speak to us during four sessions, each followed by cabin time reflection. I have heard few teenage speakers as captivating as Erik. With thirty-plus years on Young Life staff, his bank of powerful stories were compelling. On top of that, JD Webster (Worship Arts Teacher) struck the right balance between fun camp songs (like Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey) and praise and worship music.
Yes, we all returned a little sleep deprived, but the memories that were created and the tone and the relationships that were strengthened or that began, have set a great tone for the new school year. Students and alumni oftentimes say that the All School Retreat is a VCHS highlight, I know I speak for the faculty and staff (and for me personally) when I say that the same is true for us!
Steve O'Neil
Head of School