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August 29, 2024

Hello Steve, Please enjoy our Saints News! 


Apart from the 2020 shutdown, the All School Retreat has been an annual tradition since our founding in 1998. For the last five years, the retreat has been held at beautiful Crooked Creek Ranch near Fraser.


Our 158 students, faculty/staff, and 24 parent kitchen crew volunteers, just returned from 48 hours of high octane fun, relationship and community building, and spiritual nourishment. I want to take this musing to thank a variety of people who helped make it happen.


Although adults are involved, significant thanks go to STUCO (the VCHS Student Council). Officers Hunter Gilbert (President), Reed Garrison (VP), and Jasmine Dolcescu (Secretary) deserve special thanks for all of their summer planning and retreat work. They showed true servant-leadership. Thanks also go to STUCO advisors Mr. Mysnyk and Mrs. Wiebe. Coach Savannah Webster (who also serves on the local Young Life staff) also deserves our thanks for many of the zany activities.


Although behind the scenes, we would not have been fed amazing meals without the twenty-four parent volunteers who selflessly gave up their time from work to join us as they prepared and served meals and handled all of the dining hall and kitchen cleanup. They built their own sense of community.


Retreat is far more than just all of the fun activities, class competitions, and Tortilla Challenges. It was also a time for each of us to consider more deeply who Jesus is, or might be, for us. Mrs. Macias and Mrs. Carlson (Co-Directors of Christian Life) led those efforts and invited Erik Scofield (aka Sco) to speak to us during four sessions, each followed by cabin time reflection. I have heard few teenage speakers as captivating as Erik. With thirty-plus years on Young Life staff, his bank of powerful stories were compelling. On top of that, JD Webster (Worship Arts Teacher) struck the right balance between fun camp songs (like Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey) and praise and worship music.


Yes, we all returned a little sleep deprived, but the memories that were created and the tone and the relationships that were strengthened or that began, have set a great tone for the new school year. Students and alumni oftentimes say that the All School Retreat is a VCHS highlight, I know I speak for the faculty and staff (and for me personally) when I say that the same is true for us!

Steve O'Neil

Head of School



Lady Saints are gearing up for a great season!

Click here to read the Vail Daily Article.

Off Campus

Shout out to Saints, Adam Labenski '24 and Nate Beuche '26 who were mentioned in the Vail Daily by BMHS cross country coach for their disciplined summer training.

Click here for the article.

Nate Beuche was the top runner for his BMHS Huskies at Cheyenne Mountain Stampede in Colorado Springs last Friday. Lia Nowicki was featured in the Vail Daily Prep Notebook last week.

Click here to read the article.


Thank you to our Parent Work Crew and Volunteers for making this long time tradition a success!

Katie Allen

Wendy Armstrong

Stacia Brasington

Jeff Burkley

Tracy Chester

Ryan Davis

Carrie Dill

Joanna Engles

Jessica Hart

Jenny Hetei

Jerome Isaacs

LaRae Keyes

Julie Kirkham

Nicole Kohrmann

Heather Lawdermilk

Cara Leonard

Celynn McClarrinon

Carrie O’Shaughnessy

Natalie Parker

Martha Pressler

Brent Rimel

Ian Salyer Sr

Eric Scofield

Megan Shull

Tomina Townsend

Todd Vermeer

Luke Vlaar

Kristin Wittenberg



If you did not pick up your yearbook last year, please pick it up at the front desk before September 3rd. They will be recycled after that.


Get Involved Today!

  • Parent Association Mixer Sept 4
  • RSVP here

  • Join us for our first PA Meeting
  • September 10th
  • 8 am
  • Yeti's Grind

  • Sign up for Fall Concessions
  • Click here to volunteer

  • Have a business you'd like featured at all VCHS games and events or looking for ways to support our efforts? Check out Business & Family sponsorship opportunities here.




  • If you need to make changes to schedule, please reach out to your Assistant Head of School:

9th & 10th Graders - Mrs. Verratti

11th & 12th Graders - Mr. Mysnyk

PARENTS: All required Back to School Forms must be completed and on file by September 3rd in order to be in compliance

All forms are located in your FACTS Family Portal

  • Health & Medical Forms
  • Over The Counter Medication form is required for Retreat, all others are only if they pertain to your student
  • Campus Policy Forms
  • Google Workspace for Education Consent Form
  • Cell Phone Policy Acknowledgement
  • Parent Student Handbook Acknowledgement
  • Click here to view the Parent Student Handbook
  • Door Access Credentials Agreement
  • Vail Valley Field Trip Permission
  • If it pertains to your student:
  • Junior | Senior Lunch Permission
  • Campus Parking Policy & Vehicle Registration*

*Campus Parking is limited this year - register by September 3rd to secure your parking privileges

Rustic Farm to Fork is looking forward to their 7th year with Vail Christian High School. Our first day of lunches will begin on Monday, September 9th. We offer lunches Monday-Thursday.

Things are Changing this year!!!

  • Walk-up orders will not be offered this year
  • EVERYTHING will need to be pre-ordered online
  • You can still get your breakfast items
  • Hot Items can to be picked up in the morning
  • Lunch items can be picked up during lunch to be heated in the microwave
  • Our window will be closed during lunch hours

We are looking forward to another great school year! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to Chelsea at

You may order online through our school lunch program by clicking here.

Click here for this year's menu

Lunch will be available for purchase for the 2024/2025 school year starting on Sunday September 8th. You will be able to order for the day, week or the month. This system will allow you to save your credit card information for hassle-free checkout. You will also receive an order confirmation for your records.

Ordering Online Instructions for NEW CUSTOMERS:

Email to obtain a student ID#

Click here to create an account. Click on the orange “Register for Free Account Button”.

When creating an account please choose:

State: CO and District: Vailchristianschool/Stonecreekcharter

Please make sure to put in the proper grade for your student and the ID# which you obtained from Rustic Farm to Fork.

Upon completion of the fields, log in with your username and password.



Seniors and Parents:

Please check your email for the "Welcome to Senior Year | Class of 2025" email. This has a ton of Senior Year information along with upcoming deadlines that you don't want to miss! If you did not receive the email, please contact Shannon O'Brien ASAP.

Past Due:


Ascend exists to, "Build Community. Pursue Faith." We do this by putting men in men's groups and women in women's groups to simply do life together. Our groups meet on weekday mornings for 12 weeks in the Fall and 12 weeks in the Spring one hour at a time. People who have never been to church and people who have never missed church come together to share advice, life's highs and lows, and take their next steps in faith. 

If you're interested or have any questions reach out to Scott or Cara Leonard at

Watch our short video at for more info too. 


VCHS 2024-2025

School Calendar

Click here to view! 

*Subject to minor changes

Please click "Calendar" at the top of Saints News to view online school calendar

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