Greetings! Enjoy our Saints News! 
Do you want to laugh? Maybe even belly laugh? Want to mingle with VCHS parents and others who love our school? Dance like we did at our high school proms? 
Join us the evening of October 1st for LaughMingleDance in Grace Auditorium for an adult community builder and opportunity to raise dollars for our students and teachers. Tickets go on sale today, and I’d highly recommend you purchase them soon as we anticipate the event to sell out! We have a capacity for only 175 people. We priced the tickets at $75 per person – a bargain for what you’ll experience. 41 tickets have already been pre-sold. We want to make sure our teachers can attend so there is an opportunity to contribute the the teacher's tickets as well.
The evening will begin with Mingle (delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks), followed by a 50 minute standup comedy act by Michael Jr. and will wrap up with more food and drinks, a live DJ and dancing alongside our very own ‘Dancing With the Stars’ – Erin and Bob Boselli. Arrive at 6:45, doors open at 7:00, and stay as long as you’d like through 11:00.
Thanks go out to our parent planning team: Tricia Adams (9th), Elizabeth Armstrong (11th), Erin Boselli (12th), Inga Causey (12th), Michelle Courtney (9th, 11th), Brian and Eileen Hall (12th), Samantha Hodgkins (11th), Karen Lee (11th), Anna Mills (12th), Laura Nowicki (9th, 12th), and Gwen Scola (9th). They are serving on one or more of the three committees: Food and Drink, Fundraising (Silent Auction/Sponsorships/Underwriting) and Marketing/PR. Reach out to one of them or me if you’d like to be involved or support this one-of-a-kind event. 
Get your tickets and let’s get ready to have a great time – TOGETHER!

Steve O'Neil
Head of School
VCHS International Student Program has six students this year!

Vail Christian High School’s reach extends far beyond just the Vail Valley with our International Student Program
Students from China, Czech Republic, Brazil, Mexico and Spain are joining the VCHS family this year for our rigorous academics, beautiful location and Christ-centered education. They all travel here for the cultural experience but often bring so much more to the students around them, adding a new cultural perspective in the classroom and in their host homes.

Nancy Liu
  • Junior from China
  • Has attended VCHS since her freshman year
  • Chose VCHS for our mountain lifestyle and ability to live her Christian faith openly
  • Likes volunteering at Mountain Life Calvary Church, playing in the Worship Arts band and snowboarding

Simon Hosna
  • Sophomore from the Czech Republic
  • This is his second year at VCHS
  • Chose VCHS for our challenging school environment to help him achieve future college plans and dreams
  • Enjoys golf and is a member of the High Altitude Hockey Team
Our New International Saints:

Mauricio Diaz
  • Junior from Mexico City
  • Speaks four languages, loves the outdoors and is playing soccer for BMHS and playing tennis with VCHS

Sol Moyano Rosa
  • Junior from Madrid, Spain
  • Will join us mid-September
  • Loves to surf, ski, play piano and is really looking forward to participating in all of our drama

Eduarda Kalil da Mata
  • Junior from Brazil
  • International education was her dream for most of her life
  • She loves to dance, spend time in nature and the outdoors, ski, mountain bike and is on the VCHS volleyball team

Shilin Wang
  • Senior from China
  • Joins us virtually everyday from China - this means he is often taking classes in the middle of the night  
  • An amazing artist and classical pianist

These international students are all so excited to be here and we feel truly blessed to have them as it allows us to expand our world view through experiences and friendships with Nancy, Simon, Eduarda, Mauricio, Sol and Shilin.
If you are interested in being a host family in the future for a semester or full-year, please contact Stacia Brasington, International Student Program Director, for more information at  sbrasington@vchsweb.orge

Congratulations VCHS Golf Team for winning the Grand Junction Tournament this week!
Golf ball isolated on white background_ full depth of field_ clipping path

Come cheer on your Saints Football
Friday, September 3rd
7:00 pm
Battle Mountain High School
The Learning Center
The Learning Center after school enrichment program will begin on Tuesday, August 31st and will meet every Tuesday and Thursday that VCHS is in session from 3:15 - 5:00 pm. We welcome students from all schools in grades K-12. Homework Support is available in all subjects and extra enrichment for math and language arts is always available. Email Sandra Burner at or
Due to the Covid restrictions at Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater and after searching tirelessly for other venues, we have decided to cancel UpLift on September 5, and move it to another day in 2022. Please stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram @upliftvail or at for more news and information.  We are so excited about what God is doing in our communities and love you all! We can’t wait to celebrate Jesus with you soon!
Senior Parent Night | Tuesday | September 7th | 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm | Room 209

Zoom Meeting ID: 765 853 1180 Zoom Password: 2020vchs

Find out all you need to know about your senior's steps for post graduation plans from VCHS College Counselor, Adina Petersmeyer
All School Retreat
New dates for All School Retreat: September 27th- 29th at Crooked Creek Ranch in Fraser, Colorado.


We need 32 parent volunteer drivers and 18 work crew to make this happen! Email to sign up or complete registration forms on RenWeb.

PLEASE COMPLETE REQUIRED FORMS ON RenWeb by September 17th in order for your student to participate.
Student's schedules this year included a change in the daily schedule for Fridays in 2021 - 2022. Please make note of the new schedule: Classes start at 8:30 and conclude at 12:34 every Friday. 
Faculty meetings will take place on A Fridays from 7:30AM - 8:20AM and specific classes will utilize the later start time on B Fridays to hold extension classes including science labs and AP prep.
VCHS Student Success Center
Sandra Burner will be heading up our Student Success Center again this year. Click here for all the information about VCHS Student Success Center. Contact Sandra Burner for more information at
If your student is ill or arriving late please email:
Important Message:
VCHS publishes a school directory for our parent community. If you do not want to be published in the directory you may contact Shannon O'Brien at to "Opt Out". Deadline for "Opt Out" of the school directory is August 27th. Click here  to view directory format.

Click here for the 2021-2022 School Supply List.

The four required forms for all students attending VCHS should be completed by now. If you have not done so yet, please follow the guidelines below to ensure your student(s) have the correct paperwork on file ASAP:
  • Please login to your parents web account in Renweb.
  • District Code: VAIL-CO
  • Enter username and password
  • Click on Web Forms (left column)
  • Click on the Folder: 2021-2022 SCHOOL PERMISSIONS
  • Required Form #1: (All Students) 2021-2022 Field Trip Vail Valley
  • Required Form #2: (All Students) G Suite Consent
  • Required Form #3: (All Students) Over The Counter Medication Form
  • Required Form #4: (All Student Drivers) Vehicle Registration
  • Optional Form #5: (Junior & Senior Students only) Lunch Permission Form required if your junior or senior student plans to leave campus for lunch.


If you need assistance logging into your Renweb Parent account please contact Shannon O'Brien by email at 
All students participating in sports for the '21-'22 school year are required to have a physical form on file with the Athletic Director on or before the first day of practice. Students will not be allowed to participate without a physical form signed by a medical doctor.
Paint Your Parking Spot

Thank you to everyone who supported VCHS Parent Association by participating in the Paint Your Parking Spot fundraiser.

Friday | 9.3
  • A Period Friday
  • Football Home vs Caliche

Monday | 9.6
  • Labor Day | No School

Tuesday | 9.7
  • Golf @ VMS
  • Senior Parent Night with College Counselor, Adina Petersmeyer
  • Back to School Night - 5:45pm

Thursday | 9.9
  • Picture Day
  • Football @ Lyons

Friday | 9.10
  • A Period Friday
  • Tennis @ Grand Junction | Western Slope Tournament
  • Volleyball Home vs Olathe

Saturday | 9.11
  • Tennis @ Grand Junction | Western Slope Tournament
  • Volleyball @ Dawson
  • ACT Date


Monday | 9.13
  • Spirit Week

Tuesday | 9.14
  • Golf @ Steamboat
  • Volleyball @ VMS

Wednesday | 9.15
  • Tennis @ Basalt

Thursday | 9.16
  • Fall Fellowship Dinner

Friday | 9.17
  • Homecoming Football Game vs Soroco

Saturday | 9.18
  • Homecoming Dance