Celebration of New Life

I was walking through my yard the other day and was shocked to see that the grass is starting to grow. Getting down closer, I could see that some of the bluebonnet seeds I planted in the Fall had sprouted and are starting to spring up. Then I looked up at the red oaks, and I could see the buds beginning to swell. The sunrises are coming a little earlier and the sunsets a little later. The temperatures are starting to warm up.

No question about it, Spring is nearly here. The grey/brown dormancy and apparent death of Winter is losing its grip. Life is marshaling its strength and preparing to overcome death; to burst forth in all its vibrancy and color.

I am writing this on February 15th, the day after Ash Wednesday; the day after the beginning of the season of Lent. And, as I think about it, Lent is a lot like Winter. Last night we put ashes on our foreheads to remind us of our mortality; to remind us of death. During Lent, we are invited to turn our attention to those things that get between us and God; the things that keep us away from the source of True Life; the things that want to keep us in a state of spiritual death. During Lent, we experience Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem, his trial and execution and death. We sit in the hopelessness and loss and death of Holy Saturday, when the creator of the cosmos lay in a tomb.

But then comes Easter! As inevitable as the Spring. A celebration of New life. And not just New Life, but abundant, born-again, eternal life, in all its vibrancy and all its joy.

Now, I’m sure over the course of the next month there will be some cold snaps. There will be some storms. But hold on. Spring is coming. Jesus is coming. In fact, He is already here.

-Pastor Tommy


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Thanks to everyone who support our Children's Ministry at their fundraiser meal at the beginning of February. We raised $840!

Your support is appreciated!

Church Family

Phyllis Holder, Elaine Ory, Wes Pershall, Elizabeth Willborn, Arthur Wade Capps,

JL Alley, Bea & Bob Stewart, John Garcia, Anna Tarbutton, Wilma Smith,

Gene Robertson, Marjorie Bird, Don Hogue, Leslie Van Cura, Frances Birchet

Family & Friends

Michele King & Family, Andy Taylor, Betty Shafer, Debbie Knight,

Allan Cloud, Crawford Family, Tom & Michelle Kyle, C.A. Smith, Cynthia Merritt,

G'Anne Weaver, Jeremy Colby, Andrew and Ashley Stock, Ms. Moore,

Allen and Karen Kennedy, Jackie Eubanks, Brenda Scott, Deanna Sallee,

Sonya Eubanks, Cyril & Geri Armstrong, Gabriel Lopez, Kenneth Shannon,

Gus Zittritsch, Troy Weatherly, Nathan Barrier, Heather Luby, Alicia Rampe,

Tamara Turner, Lyn Fowler, Harold, Shirley Prud'homme, Bill Finn, Viola Cleo Bradshaw,

Cordelia Vogel, Allen Family, Cade Neimeth, Frances Porter, Elizabeth Germany,

Reagan Williams, Dave Gardner, Sherry Brinlee, Leroy Reynolds, Gabe Goodin, Jordan,

Rowan, Lindsey Pierce, Cori Resiner, Brett Dvorak, Annie Johnston, Elvin Gary,

Elle Staron, Corbie Jacobson, Jarene Carney, Laura Lewis, Bill Roach,

SUMC Committees


Pete Alderman, Jeffery Barnes, Amy Cook, Gerald Montanona, Daniel Collins,

George Robey, Oscar Fernandez, Jacob Nelson, Aaron Baker, Kaden Baker,

Taylor Wood, J.J. Kelly, Ryan McDonald, Keary O’Connor, Michael Gordon,

Jason Lowerey, Jake Bradshaw, Devan Patterson, Ben Smith, MK2 Benjamin Perrin,

Patrick Reinbold, Chris King, Dylan Dexter, John Hawkins, Katie Kyle, Seaman Hall,

Oscar Little, John Little, Clint Tracy, Ian Deakins, Joseph Van Cura, Brayden Walte,

Zac Garmong

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P.O. Box 771
Salado, Texas 76571
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