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Today's Industry Insider Tip
Salary Negotiation Tips
For HR And Payroll Pros

  • Word Count: 559
  • Time To Read: 2.2 Minutes

Greetings From Reliable Business Technology:
Although it's challenging for most people to leave their current employer, it is in your best interest to learn how to negotiate a pay raise.

How Pay Raises Typically Work.

A payroll or HR pro gets paid a salary with a 2% to 3% cost of living increase each year. And by the time 5 to 10 years roll by, you realize how underpaid you are in the marketplace. That said, ask yourself this question, “What would my boss have to pay to replace me?” Most likely, the answer is more money.

The People Who Negotiate A Better Salary Just Ask For More Money.

The old adage “The answer is no if you don’t ask the question” is alive and well regarding salary negotiations. Remember, a person’s compensation package is built around ranges. Although the pandemic has changed how many employees view compensation, you still need to focus on long-term loyalty and your career path (focusing solely on money can be a career mistake).

Know When It’s Time To Move On.

If you are unhappy at your current position, ask yourself why. Is it due to…

  • Bad boss.
  • Leadership changed or new owner.
  • Little to no benefits/vacation time.
  • Long commute.
  • Long work hours.
  • Too much stress.
  • Toxic work environment/culture.
  • You are being underpaid.

If your goal is to negotiate a better salary, here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Know What Your Skills Are Worth: Do some research on what the marketplace is paying for your years of experience, education, location, certifications, or any special training you have obtained.
  2. Define Your Needs, Wants, And Pay: Write down what your needs, wants, and pay should be based on your goals. Conversely, you need to know what pay level you are willing to not accept or extra bonuses or benefits. More vacation time also is important to some people. Outline what perks matter to you most before you start negotiating. 
  3. Ask For More After The Initial Offer: Most people in the business world don’t realize their total worth or ask for more on the initial offer (the initial offer can be improved upon).
  4. Be Prepared: When on an interview or with your current employer, it is best to be prepared to talk about your salary. Although an increase in pay is your goal, promised bonuses, stock options, etc., oftentimes never happen. 
  5. Plan Out What To Say: Here’s a sample script, "I'm hugely interested in the position; however, I was disappointed with the salary offer as it was lower than I expected, especially since I have X years of experience and my past track record of success." After saying this, stop talking and let the hiring person make the next move. 
  6. Stay Confident: A seasoned hiring manager may ask what you had in mind for a salary. If they do, tell them what you want, as they will most likely come back with a better offer. You also need to negotiate the small stuff like vacation/PTO time, working from home schedule, etc. 

Summary: We recommend practicing your salary/package request, and if you do, you will reflect a confident person and your ability to get it. Nonetheless, it is critical to know what you are worth in the open market.
Other Business Tips For You
Why Your Business Needs A Workplace Cell Phone Policy
47 Second Read Time
Due to the addictive nature of cell phones, it's crucial to address their presence in the workplace with the adoption of a clear cell phone policy in your employee handbook.

3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Written Cell Phone Policy.

  • #1: Focus & Productivity - Employees who are always on their phones struggle to concentrate at work and are consequently less productive. A standard cell phone policy needs to be implemented because this is one of the main worries of employers.

  • #2: Preventative Measures - Unfortunately, cell phone abuse can lead to accidents in the workplace. Therefore, depending on what type of business you have, it would be wise to have a policy in place to prevent any incident/accident from occurring. i.e., a business with labor-intensive jobs where employees must operate heavy machinery, move around, or drive will have a different policy than one where employees sit at a computer all day.

  • #3: Security - Information security breaches are frequently reported by businesses that offer WI-FI to their employees. A company should take every precaution to avoid this because it can result in major security breaches or malware intrusion.
Employee Satisfaction Survey: Questions HR Pros Should Ask
38 Second Read Time

The following employee job satisfaction survey questions should be asked by every HR professional in order to determine how content and engaged employees are at work and what actions should be taken if the findings are unfavorable.

  • How happy are you at work?
  • Do you enjoy working here?
  • Do you feel appreciated for the work you do?
  • Do your managers' value your feedback?
  • Do you think your job utilizes the skills and abilities that you have?
  • Do you feel a sense of purpose at work?
  • Do you feel that the responsibilities associated with your job are clearly defined?
  • Do you think work is distributed equally across the team?
  • Does the company provide you with the tools needed to perform your job well?
  • Do you feel that management is transparent?
  • Does management communicate company news effectively?
  • Do leaders commend you for your work?
  • How open to change are we as an organization?
  • Does the company offer enough job growth opportunities?
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  • Special value-priced packages (payroll and time and attendance).
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