Rumple Memorial Presbyterian, Blowing Rock Visiting Scholar Series - Jason Byassee
Sunday, September 22-Monday, September 23
Jason Byassee’s primary vocation is to reinvigorate today’s church with the best of ancientand contemporary wisdom for creatively faithful living. His books address various topics:questions of revitalization in specific geographies, reading the bible for preaching and life,and technology and ministry.Jason and his wife Jaylynn are ordained elders in the United Methodist Church, and haveserved in ministry together in BC at Tenth Church, a multi-site megachurch, and at FirstBaptist Church in Vancouver. He was recently a visiting fellow at St. John’s College atDurham University in the UK. He also served as Pastor at Boone United MethodistChurch from 2011-2015, and is currently the Pastor of Timothy Eaton Memorial Churchin Toronto, CanadaJaylynn and Jason have sons who are 21, 19, and 16. Things break in their house on the west side of Toronto.
Sunday, September 22:
9:30 am - Q & A with Jason
11:00 am - Worship "Oh Yes, We Do want a King"
4:30 - "Revitalizing the Traditional Church"
Monday, September 23:
9:30 - "Prayer"