Dear Golf Industry Partners,
Thanks for subscribing to our Golf Business News, Internet Marketing Insights, Sales Strategies and Social Media Tips. If you know of anyone else who would benefit from this info please use the 'forward to a friend' feature at the bottom of this email.
What to work on this week...
As many of your may know we have been focusing on sales quite a bit lately with a new favorite saying - "Sales is not a dirty word". This week we want you to start thinking about each position in your organization and how you can train and motivate them to be a sales star!

The most obvious place to start is with the position of Sales Manager or Marketing Manager or Wedding Coordinator. Different types and sizes of facilities have different positions that would or could lead the sales charge. However, it is often the case that the people in these roles are so tied down with day to day operations that the only time they sell is when the phone rings.

Question: How many outbound phone calls did you make last week to tournaments, events or meetings that you hosted in the past one to three years?

We expect that the answer to this question varies widely but with too many responses like 'none', 'zero', 'zippo' and 'nada'

If you are already 'on it' then that is great! If not, now is the time that you should be focusing on securing your repeat customer business. This is not outbound sales but simply follow-up. It is step one in the revenue generation process for next year. Securing this business is not dependant on your marketing budget, your online presence, media or anything but simply picking up the phone.

This task can be performed by your Head Professional or Golf Shop Manager, an Admin Assistant or pretty much anyone in you organization (OK maybe not the Super), but the point is to get it done. You could offer an incentives for booking before December 31st but often they are not needed. Simply calling and asking for the business is often enough.

"The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!" - Marvin Phillips

If you would like to chat more about Sales give us a call at 604-506-2226. Jeff will also be presenting at the Golf Business Canada Conference and Trade Show in Toronto, ON on Wednesday, November 18th on the topic "How Internet Marketing has changed the Sales Game". You can view the conference website here.
Our Services
Everyone on your team is in Sales, even if they don't know it.  You have a great looking website, you send regular enewsletters to a large database and you post on social media daily, but you are not seeing results. 

Is your team generating leads and growing revenue?

We have a proven system to engage and train your team on the art of selling using the internet. Selling is about the system and process used. We are in the golf business, not selling used cars. Sales has never been easier when you have the right process.

Visit our website or call 604-506-2226 for more information.
BC Craft Beer Month
We are wrapping up our Craft Beer month posts by writing about one of our favorite local breweries - Red Truck Beer Company on East 1st Ave in Vancouver. The diner/brewery/retail store design and branding are really well done, the food is good and the beer is better! 

We like all of Red Truck's beer but have narrowed our favorites to the IPA and the ISA. And the classic red trucks that are used to transport the beer and sales people around Vancouver are pretty cool too! 

Read more of our BC Craft Beer Month blog posts:



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CK Golf
1208 - 1529 W Pender, Vancouver, BC
604-506-2226   [email protected]