We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
FOSB Website: www.FriendsOfSalmonBay.org 
Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1730
December 8, 2017
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar


15: Lantern Festival at Friday Sing, 9 am 
15: One hour early dismissal (2:25 pm)
15: Evening Lantern Festival, Salmon Bay Park, 6:30 pm
18 - 29: No School - Winter Break


1: No School - New Year's Day
11: FOSB meeting
12: WEP Day #1
15: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
19: WEP day #2
23-25: Bye Bye Birdie Performances
26: WEP Day #3
30: Morning School Tour 
31: No School - Day Between Semesters

Staff Introduction

Please join us in welcoming Rob Kyker to Salmon Bay as our new Middle School Math Teacher.  

Rob is coming to us most recently via SoundView School in Lynnwood - a K8 school with a MS IB program.  He has taught at the Middle School, HS and College Levels.  Rob has also worked internationally in Thailand.  

If you see Mr. Kyker in the halls, please be sure to say hello! 
Seen in the Hallways

Million Trees Initiative
From the inspiration of Hazel Engstrom (now a 5th grader), our 4th grade classes partnered with King County Parks to plant trees for the Million Trees Initiative on Wednesday, December 6. With the help of two fifth grade Green Team leaders,  we planted close to 200 native trees and shrubs on Wednesday.  Together, we can make a difference!
Middle School Sports

Basketball Coaches Needed!
We are in need of two JV Basketball coaches, one for the girls and one for the boys. 
See job details here. 
Regular practice schedule:
Girls: Tuesday/Thursdays  from 3:45-5:30
Boys: Mondays, 3:45-5:30 and Wednesdays, 2:30-4:15.
For more information, contact Erin Telford, Salmon Bay School Athletic Director.

Winter After School Programs
Winter After School Classes
Registration is open for our winter quarter programs!
Hip Hop, Coding, Art Survey, Chess, Debate and Ukulele are all back for the next session. 

We are offering Trendy Crafts and Friday Sports Spectacular

See all of the class offerings and register here

Coming Soon: Winter K-5 Play, Game Over
Written by the 2017 3-5th Grade Playwrights!
Rehearsals begin January 17th. 
Performances will be held March 15 - 17th.  
Registration will be available next week!


FOSB Mini-Grants Awarded
FOSB voted to approve 13 mini-grants at their meeting on Thursday evening.  The grants impact the Elementary, Middle, and Specialist staff and faculty equally, and funding was awarded to every grant applicant at some level.

The grants included a wide range of items including a stove for kitchen science work, theater tech and videography equipment, STEM supplies, high quality professional development that will touch many students, technology, and adaptive materials to make school more inclusive. The full list will be available on the FOSB website and grant applications are available for review in the Volunteer Coordinator's office until the end of the month. 

Community Announcements

Closing the Achievement Gap
Cultivating the Genius of Black Children, a series of workshops designed to help families close the achievement gap. Thursdays: Jan. 23, March 22 & April 26 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.  Attend one or all workshops. Free dinner and free childcare.  Register here. 

Ballard HS Gymnastic Kid Camps
Due to popular demand, the Ballard High School Gymnastics team is hosting 1 more Kids Camp, Saturday, Jan. 27th from 1pm to 4pm,  for grades K - 5th  at the Ballard High School gym. Tickets are $45 per date, per camper (additional campers from the same family are $40 per date). No gymnastics experience is needed! Register here.

Panther Pride Night Invitation
Mark your calendar, Seattle Prep is sponsoring a Panther Pride Night on Friday, January 5th in the McHugh Gymnasium. Our girls basketball team kicks off the night with their game at 7PM versus Cleveland followed by our boys team at 8:30PM. We hope our entire community joins us for a night of Panther Pride. We will have games and prizes to give away at halftime of each game. Admission is free for middle school students and families who are wearing CYO or school gear, or if they bring their student ID card. Join us for a fun and exciting night of basketball! Questions, contact Melissa White at mwhite@seaprep.org.

Northwest Girlchoir
Know a girl who loves to sign? Auditions (grades 3-12) and enrollment (prep choir; grades 1-2) is open now for January entry. Sign up by December 20th!  Click here for details. 

Mentor Led Support Group for Girls
Circles of Power, a girls group talking circle, is a mentor led support  group created to usher girls through the ages of 11-15 by providing  support, connection, and a safe space to explore who  they are becoming as young women. Group are led by Karina Brossman. Girls meet  every other Sunday  from 2-3:30 pm, January through June. Cost is $300 total. Families are asked to commit by December 15th, a minimum of 5 girls needed to run the group.  See this flyer for more details. I nformational meeting on Saturday December 9th, 11-12:30.  Please email for more details.  

RHS Mini-Hooper Holiday Camp
Girls and boys in grades 1-5 are invited to a holiday basketball camp sponsored by the Roosevelt Girls Basketball Team. December 18th and 19th, 9 am - 1 pm.
$75 1 day/child or $100/ 2 days per child. Register here. 

Teen Art Program
Push/Pull, an artist collective/shop in Downtown Ballard has started a teen art program! Ages 13-18 are invited to participate. Full more information, please click here. The comics and Illustration classes are taught by David Lasky who is one of the city's best comics artists!

Save the Date 

SAVE THE DATE! Salmon Bay's annual auction is on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at North Seattle College's Wellness Center. Join us as we travel around the world and celebrate this year's theme 'Bon Voyage!' 

As  our largest fundraiser of the year, the auction is also the one evening we set aside to gather our entire community together to celebrate. If you haven't been to a Salmon Bay auction, you have no idea what you're missing! Mark your calendars now for March 24, 2018 and join in the fun.

Office Notes
Holiday Help
Jenny Brooks, Elementary Counselor, is coordinating support for families during this holiday season. To request assistance, please email or call Jenny at 206-252-1738.   If you would like to donate gift cards (Fred Meyer) or other items to support our school community,  please contact Jodi or stop by the Volunteer Coordinator's office. 

No Parking Reminder
We ask that you do not park in our bus zone on 19th Avenue. This area is used by school buses in the morning and is not a safe drop-off location for students.

Action Required - Student Verification Forms
Seattle Public Schools has announced the online version of the student data verification form for the 2017-18 school year. This process replaces the paper data verification form sent home at the beginning of each school year. 

To complete the form, please log into the Source  and click on "Data Verification Form."  Note: The system allows for only one data verification form to be submitted per student. If another legal guardian has initiated filling out the data verification form, you will receive an error indicating that the form is associated with another account.

If you have multiple students at the district, you will fill out a data verification form for each student. We ask that all families complete these forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our main office. 

Middle School News

Ski Clothing Swap
If your student has outgrown their ski gear, consider donating it to another Salmon Bay family. We've placed a clothing rack in the Volunteer Coordinator's office. Stop by, drop your outgrown items off and look to see if anything will fit for the upcoming season.

Attention 8th Grade Families - High School Tours
It's time to start planning for high school tours. Check this document for tour details. Please contact Gail, middle school counselor, with any questions. 

Information Nights  - Tuesday, February 13, 2018
6:00 to 7:00PM Information Tables and Tours
7:00 to 8:30PM Presentation & Questions

Ballard High School
Student tours, February 6th and 14th from 8 to 9:30 AM. 
8th Grade Parent Night  - Thursday, February 8 at 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Ballard High School Gym.  
Students may sign up for shadow visits of IHS students now. Contact Maria Medina (206-252-3889). Slots for shadowing fill up quickly. 

Open House - Tuesday, February 6th, 7:00 PM 
International Baccalaureate (IB) Info Night - Thursday, February 8th at 7:00 PM in the Ingraham Library. 
Ingraham High School Tour - Thursday, February 8th at 9:00 AM until 10:45 AM, in the auditorium. Parents must accompany students on tour.

Garfield High School
Tuesday 1/16 and Tuesday 1/23: 10:00-11:30 am - School-day tours designed for students (parents/guardians may attend.) 
Thursday 1/18:
6:00-8:00 pm - Evening info session and self-directed tours designed for parents and guardians (students may attend.) 

Lantern Festival / Friday Sing

Lantern Festival
Our annual school Lantern Festival will take place during Friday Sing on December 15th. Elementary students are already working on their classroom lantern projects! 

An evening Lantern Festival, led by guest teaching artist Mary K, will also be held at 6:30 pm on Friday, December 15th.

Volunteers are are needed to help set up for the lantern festival after school on Thursday, December 14th and to light/monitor lanterns on Friday, December 15th. If you can help, please sign up here. 

From the Friday Sing Committee
Thanks to everyone who answered our Friday Sing survey. It's obvious that many consider Friday Sing a significant community event - and we agree!  We received feedback that Friday Sing provides an important sense of community, as the one place elementary students gather together on a regular basis.
We have been working to identify a consistent leader and feel that Sandy Buchner is a good fit. Sandy led Friday Sing during November. She already knows some families in our community, looks forward to meeting more, and is open to having new people involved on Fridays. We are working to share favorite songs with her and are excited to learn the music she'll be sharing with us.
We understand that Friday Sing is a work in progress and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve this experience for our students. We are currently thinking through the best ways for students to learn songs outside of our Friday morning gathering (including working with Mark Oesterle!).We continue to welcome your feedback and participation!

Community Giving Opportunities

Books for Children in Need 
Secret Garden Books is running a Book Elves program to provide books to children in need. Dozens of paper elf shoes hang in their windows, each with the name and age of a child in our community. You will receive a 20 percent discount on any books you buy through the Book Elves program. 

If you're passionate about giving back to the community, or if you would like an opportunity to teach your children about giving, please consider visiting Secret Garden Books at 2214 NW Market Street in Ballard to participate in the program before Sunday, December 10th.

Legion of Hope Donation Drive
Talia's Third Grade Class is gathering supplies to help feed, clothe and aide the homeless of Seattle.
You are invited to join them by gathering the following items:
  • Jackets
  • Sweaters
  • Gloves
  • Scarves
  • Hats
  • New Socks
  • Individual toiletries (including travel size items)
Donations can be dropped off in the boxes outside of Talia's classroom (room 113).  
For more information about the Legion of Hope, click here

Follow  Us on Facebook

Did you know that we have three Facebook pages? 

Salmon Bay School (official announcements/ events)
Salmon Bay School Annual Auction  (all things auction)
Salmon Bay School Community (community issues/needs)

Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to Jodi by noon on Thursdays.