January 8, 2021

12: Auction Committee, 7-8 pm
13: SED Committee Meeting, 7 pm
14: FOSB Monthly Meeting, 7 pm
18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
21: Salmon Bay Virtual Open House, 6:15 / 6:45 pm
26: PIE (Parent Ed) Event: Rosetta Lee, 7 pm
27: FOSB Director's Meeting, 7 pm
28: Day Between Semesters - No School

2: Salmon Bay Virtual Open House
4: Auction Committee Meeting, 7 pm
11: FOSB Meeting, 7 pm
15 - 19: Midwinter Break - No School
25: FOSB Finance Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Dear Salmon Bay Community,

Welcome back! So much water has gone under the bridge this week that it is hard to believe we are just one week back! One of the rhythms that I look forward to each year is our school’s salmon tank receiving eggs and watching the growth and development of the tank occupants and those observing them. Marian Wagner has taken the mantle of leadership from Brian Williamson this year of Salmon Tank Steward, and we are hoping to have a Salmon Cam up soon to allow for observation over time from the community. Last year on the day of closure for COVID, we released our Salmon into the imprint pond as a small part of the effort to contribute to the protection of our environment and the species in it. On my way into work on Monday, I heard a radio piece honoring the life and legacy of Hank Adam who passed away this December in Olympia. Hank Adam’s work to fight for tribal fishing rights and protection of fish habitat is pivotal during his life, and I invite you to learn more about his work and share his story with your family as our next generation of leaders and citizens has to continue to take up the fight and stand up for environmental justice and social justice.

To environmental sustainability and learning,


Click here to read more.
Click here to listen more.
Seen in the Lobby
Our Salmon Eggs Are Here!
Teacher Marian escorted our salmon eggs to their new home in the front lobby tank. Look carefully and you can see them in the photo above! We plan to set up a salmon cam (more info will be shared soon) so you can track their progress!
Salmon Bay School Virtual Tours
We are planning two virtual school tours for families interested in learning more about Salmon Bay.

Tours will be held January 21st & February 2nd.
Elementary focused tours start at 6:15 pm with an introductory slide show, followed by a Q & A session from 6:30 – 7:00 pm. Middle School focused tours begin at 6:45 pm with an introductory slide how, followed by Q & A from 7 – 7:30 pm.  

Please submit this form if you would like to receive links to attend virtual tours. Check out our website to learn more about Salmon Bay. Specific information for enrollment and a chance to hear student voices will be available by January 15th on the Salmon Bay Tours page.
K-2 Student Work Spotlight
We are happy to share a new puppet show with you this week! Watch Ruby's puppet show here.

Zhianne is also sharing a storyboard created for zoo-zoom theatre with Teacher Glyde. Click here to watch.
Salmon Bay Mini-Library Schedule
Dear Salmon Bay families,
In case you didn’t hear, we are pleased to announce that the Mini-Library in Panther Passage (AKA the alley) will now be open every Thursday evening (except for breaks/holidays) for browsing and checking out books!  This new, more frequent schedule is made possible by Britta, Caitlin, and Jenny Brooks running the Mini-Library sometimes. 

The next Mini-Library session will be this Thursday, January 14, from 3:30 until 5:30. 

Excited to see you there,
Your Mini-Library Team
(Ben, Britta, Caitlin, and Jenny Brooks)
School Athletics Information
Hello Families!
There is a possibility that some school sports will start on February 1st. To participate, you will still need to turn in all the paperwork necessary as well as some new COVID documentation. Please follow the link – here – for all the necessary paperwork, all steps are necessary! Get your paperwork in ASAP to be prepared for the return, should it happen! Please email Erin Telford with questions.

Helpful Tip – Health Centers at high schools are functional and ABSOLUTELY CAN provide sports physicals for students!!!

Boys Soccer Head Coach needed:
IF we end up having a soccer season, we will need a boys soccer coach! If you have the willingness to take this task on, please contact Erin Telford for more information. The season is supposed to begin on February 1, 2021 at this point, so hopefully you, or someone you know is willing to get rolling with the Panthers!

Last Call for Middle School Yearbook Covers
We've extended the deadline for our middle school yearbook cover contest. Submissions are due by Monday, January 11th.

Yearbook Cover Expectations:  
-Keep the content school appropriate.  
-Keep your artwork related to Salmon Bay, our school, and our community. School pride.  
-Full color.  
-Original artwork only (no Disney princesses or Avengers superheroes!)  
-Submit a front and back cover. 8.5X11 inches.   
-Only one entry per artist.  
-Respect other people’s time, so make sure that your submission is serious.   
-Do not disrespect others’ cultures, traditions or opinions. Not politically motivated.  
Send Middle School yearbook covers here
Student Meals
SPS is offering free student meals at 40 school locations and eight bus routes. Meal sites are open Monday-Friday from 11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

For more information about student meal sites, including monthly menus, please click here.
Parent Education Event with Rosetta Lee
THE FOSB PIE committee hosts Rosetta Lee - Talking To Youth About Heated Topics
Tuesday, Jan 26 at 7pm
Registration is FREE, and required: https://tinyurl.com/Jan26Heated
This event is open to the community.

Description: Young people can bear witness to challenging and/or traumatic events in current events, media, and our local communities. They often process thoughts, feelings, and reactions without our explicit help and guidance - thereby increasing their confusion and anxiety.
-Adults have a natural instinct to protect their children from harsh realities, yet want to prepare them to navigate our complex world - is it possible to do both?
- How can we talk about identity, difference, and justice in age appropriate ways?
- How do you reinforce your family's values while maintaining respect for other perspectives?
- How do you coach children toward authentic and respectful dialogue across differences?
Engage in these questions and more through this interactive online session.
Event Questions? PIE committee chair, Julie Schneider - kajulie@hotmail.com or fosbpie@gmail.com
Building a Family Charter             
Many of our classrooms create a charter at the beginning of the year and then update it as needed. This provides a roadmap for staff and students- similar intent to a list of classroom rules, but different in content. The charter identifies how everyone would like to feel while in class, what behaviors are needed to help everyone feel that way, and what will everyone do when conflict arises (because it will). This year, more than any other year, it is important that families also have these conversations. Please use the below resources to help your family create your unique charter. If you go through this process, please let me know- you can also send me a snapshot of your charter!

Paper copies are also available on Thursdays at Outdoor Library

Classroom/ Family Charter is a pillar of RULER, which is a social emotional program from Yale’s Center of Emotional Intelligence

If you have questions or you need guidance or support, please reach out to one of us. 
With Gratitude,
Jenny B and Rob

Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB) is our school parent teacher organization. All parents and guardians are members.
Dear Salmon Bay Community -

Hang in there! There are lots of volunteers digging in to help keep our school community going. We have a membership meeting next week. We’ll start at 7:00 with roughly 45 minutes of business, a small break, and then we’re hoping to host Brennon Ham for a discussion on our Year of Purpose topic of queer-affirming. During the business discussion we’ll get the latest numbers from the Direct Giving drive (the news is good), an auction planning update, advocacy opportunities, and a budgeting schedule. Hope to see you there.

Scott and Shawna

FOSB January Meeting
Jan 14th at 7 pm
Join our Zoom Meeting here.
Meeting ID: 836 2323 0194
Passcode: 507472

SED Committee Meeting
Please join committee members to discuss possible future events i.e. films/speakers.
Jan 13, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Join using this Zoom Meeting link
Meeting ID: 771 8312 4367
Passcode: 7t8RwP

Auction Update
Our school auction is coming up and planning continues. If you're interested in being a part of the preparations or learning more about helping out, the auction planning team invites you to participate in their upcoming meeting on Tuesday, January 12 from 7-8 p.m. (zoom ID: 883 9021 8218, passcode: PLAN).
Attention - 8th Grade Families:
High School Tour Information
We are in the process of collecting high school tour information. We'll continue updating our information as more tour dates are set. We also encourage you to visit websites for any schools you are interested in attending.

Lincoln High School
Lincoln’s New Student Information Night will be posted January 21st, 2021 on the LHS website. We will cover the following topics: Academics, Athletics, Activities, HCC, Special Education, ELL, Dual Language Immersion, 9th grade transition. Due to Covid, we will be pre-recording our presentation.

We are asking families to submit questions in advance so that we can best prepare our presentation to support your student’s transition to high school. If you have specific questions, please complete this form by midnight on January 15th and we will work to address them in our presentation.

You can find additional information in this flyer or on our website. We look forward to ‘meeting’ you and welcoming our new Lynx!

Ingraham High School
Click here to learn more about Ingraham.

Ballard High School
Save the date for our virtual open house on February 4th. Time TBD.

The Center School
Save the date for our Virtual Open Houses:
Wednesday, Jan. 20th and Monday, Jan. 25th
Student Live Sessions at 6 pm
Parent Live Sessions at 7 pm
Pre-recorded videos (watch these ahead of time), tours, and meeting links will be available on our website by January 8th.

Open House with Principal Office Hours and Q&A on January 29th. Click https://bit.ly/NovaOpen to sign up with your email and they will email you the link on the day of the events. Also Learn more online or call 206-252-3500 with questions. 

Middle College High School
You are invited to attend an Open House on:
Jan 26th 4:30-5:30pm

Feb 2nd from 6-7pm.

MCHS is a small cohort-based community of learners. Our program starts with 9th and 10th graders attending one of our small sites located on either the UW or SU campuses. Our students receive honors level education while preparing to attend full-time, enhanced Running Start in 11th & 12th grade. We offer small class sizes approximately 1 teacher: 20 students, deep exploration into content areas, social justice/ethnic studies embedded into the program and on campus support in college classes. All students should graduate with college credits and potentially an AA degree!
Please email with any questions.
Free Tutoring
Seattle Public Library has launched free virtual tutoring in a variety of subjects for K-12 students. This service will be available 7 days a week in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese and help is available in math, writing, science, history, foreign languages, college essay writing, AP courses, and more. Sign up for Library Link using your SPS student ID and get access to thousands of free tutors today. More information here.
Community Announcements
Theatre Workshops Offered By Nathan Hale High School
Nathan Hale’s Theatre Department is offering workshops to fifth through eighth grade students from local schools. 

Schedule of Workshops Offered:
Monday, January 11th -Acting Workshop
Tuesday, January 12th -Improv Workshop
Wednesday, January 13th -Stage Makeup Workshop
Thursday, January 14th -Audition Workshop
Monday, January 18th through Wednesday, January 20th - Tap Workshop
Thursday, January 21st through Friday, January 22nd - Writing Workshop

All classes will take place from 4:00 to 4:40pm
Each class will have a max of 15 students. If there is high enough demand for a class, we will be able to schedule another date. Single day classes (Acting, Improv, Stage Makeup, Auditioning) will cost $7 per student and multi-day classes (Tap & Writing) will cost $10.

Email nathanhaletheatre@gmail.com to reserve a spot in the class and receive the Zoom link.
UW Virtual Recess
The UW is continuing to offer a fun opportunity for kids to get their wiggles out on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12 - 12:15 pm. These short sessions are hosted by UW coaches and athletes. You can join the fun at this link: https://washington.zoom.us/j/94755524160