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We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
FOSB Website: 
Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1730
May 22, 2020
In This Issue

Seen Online

6th Grade Biography Project
For many years May has meant the Biography Project for Salmon Bay 6th graders. Although students were not be able to gather in the rooms of Salmon Bay school to perform this year, the show must go on! Sixth graders still worked hard researching and writing speeches about a huge range of fascinating people and had a choice to present either in a live Zoom performance Wednesday night or a recorded performance of their speeches.

Although this project does not look the same as it has in the past, students have stepped up to the challenge with many coming up with new and interesting ways to perform: making homemade costumes, adding in a virtual scene for their character to be in, or including PowerPoints or videos into their presentation. Students have had to work more independently than in past years and have done an impressive job. Although the format was different, it was still an exciting event for sixth graders and their families! 

Here are a few of the influential figures represented at Biography Night this year:
Izzy as Anne Frank

Eames as RBG

Macy as Frida Kahlo

Noah as Nelson Mandela

Lila as Jane Goodall

Lucas as Nathan Hale
Esteban as Radamel Falco

Librarian's Corner

Exciting news from library world!

Seattle Public Library's "Library Link" program, previously available to middle schoolers, is now available to elementary students. This means that all students can access SPL's resources online using their student ID number as a library card! Student ID numbers can easily be found by looking at The Source or a progress report.   Here is SPL's page explaining how to use Library Link, with a video tutorial

Library Link allows students to access ebooks and audiobooks through Overdrive (AKA "Libby"), as well as comics and graphic novels through Hoopla. Bookflix features animated books, and each story is paired with a related, non-fiction text. Why would a kid ever get bored again?! All these resources and more can be found here, accessible through Library Link.

In other news, New York City School Library System is offering a bunch of great, kids ebooks about Covid-19. You can download the books in many different languages. As a test, I just download Dr. Li by Francesca Cavallo in English, Dutch, and Serbian. All these books can be found here  

Finally, I have a new video lesson featuring the book, Harold and the Purple Crayon. My goal is for kids to understand that, even though we're stuck at home, we can go on limitless adventures in imagination. That video can be found here:

As always, I'm happy to help you access learning resources, and I'm just an email away!
Take care,

Music Notes

Mark is excited to share some new rhythm video lessons with you this week! Just click on the links below:

LET'S MAKE SOME MORE RHYTHMS WITH MARK! For grades 3-5  - This lesson explores using beat numbers and syllables to count rhythms! Click here

Music Videos for all ages:

Make the Band - Explore the PBS Kids recording studio and make your own band!

Listen to the Seattle Symphony  - The Seattle Symphony will be live-streaming concerts from their YouTube page.  
Counselor's Corner

I have heard from many families lately about worry.  Worry tends to sneak in when the future is unknown and this is surely one of those times in history.  When will the next phase begin?  What will September bring?  What will I make for dinner tonight?  On the Mood Meter (one of the RULER anchors), worry, anxiety, and fear are red emotions- just like anger.  Worry brings energy to our bodies and is not a pleasant feeling.  Our bellies can ache, our hearts pound, our thoughts can be fuzzy. Worry can bring nightmares and cause us to lose sleep. Humans need worry and fear, however, to survive- these emotions keep us safe.  They can also paralyze us.   
When worry and anxiety start to creep in, focus on what you have control over.  Focus on giving to others and taking care of your neighbors.   I have included a recording I made of the book, Stone Soup by Jon Muth.  What can you bring to add to the community soup?
Here are some other tips to help combat worry:
  • Create a daily time to worry
  • Challenge anxious thoughts
  • Focus on solvable worries
  • Interrupt the worry cycle
  • Talk about your worries with someone you trust
  • Practice mindfulness
As always, if you or your child need support, please reach out.  We are here to support you. 
Much love,

Art Lessons

Art Resources
Looking for some ideas to get creative? Take a look at these art videos from the district and Trevor, Salmon Bay's art teacher. 

K-2 Observational Drawing (District Video): click here
3-5 Observational Drawing (District Video): click here
Grade 4-5 Making a Zine (Teacher Trev): click here
Grade 3-5 Coupon Still-life (Teacher Trev): click here

Friday Sing

Friday Sing 
A team of teachers have been preparing a Friday Sing slideshow for families each week.  Note, that this is not actually a "live" event. You can choose anytime to sing together!

Watch the Friday Sing slide show here

FOSB News & Events

Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB) is our school 
parent teacher organization. 

Next meeting: Thursday, June 11 at 7 p.m.
Your Help Is Needed:
FOSB is recruiting parents to join as FOSB directors (board members) and officers:
       * Co-Chair (middle school)
       * Co-Chair (elementary)
       * Secretary
       * Assistant Treasurer

Click here to learn more about joining the FOSB Board.

FOSB Meeting minutes are posted here: 

Questions? Ideas? Please contact us at anytime:

Scott Koch & Laura Feola
FOSB Co-chairs 

WA Dept. of Health Message

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Vaccinated
The WA State Department of Health would like you to know that while there isn't a vaccine against COVID-19 yet, the good news is that vaccines can protect children from 14 other serious diseases. Delaying or missing vaccines could put your child, your family and your community at risk for these diseases. Vaccinating children on time is the best way to protect them.

Talk with your child's doctor, nurse or clinic about the
immunizations your child needs to stay healthy, and ask
about the clinic's safety measures to protect your family
when you visit.

For more information and to access a flyer available in several languages, click here.

Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to  Jodi by  noon on Thursdays.

From Admin

This Monday there is no school because of the Memorial Day holiday.  We recognize that nothing about this year's spring calendar feels normal, and that many in our community are struggling with economic fallout from the crisis, isolation from peers and loved ones, and concerns for their family's health and education.
Memorial Day is traditionally a time to acknowledge military personnel who have lost their lives serving their country during war.  Soon after the Civil War ended, recently freed slaves wanted to ceremoniously honor their comrades who fought and died with the Union Army for their collective freedom. So began this annual acknowledgment.  
This year the wars being fought include the one being waged in hospitals and health care facilities across the country.  Many of our frontline workers have also put their health and lives on the line to  serve humanity and those sick or vulnerable in our county.
This Memorial Day, I invite your reflection honoring those in our country who have lost their lives on the battlefield or in the fight against this virus so that we can be safer. 
We are thinking of each of you and wishing for you good health, serenity, and joy.
Take care of each other and yourselves.

Elementary News

Second Grade Camp Report

Camp Indianola is such a special place for second graders to cap off a fabulous year of learning and connections.  It is a place where we see the cumulated learning combine in an environment where the kids are totally in charge of their free time.  They set up small businesses, they make structures, they share new discoveries, and work out conflicts. They laugh, learn and play. 
So how to recreate that virtually?  Many students-built shelters with family members, they went on beach walks, they sang and roasted marshmallows and then had a story read to them. Was it the same? No!  But honestly, I heard from many that it was so fun to have a day centered around being outside and involved in creative activities.  We connected via zoom throughout the day yesterday and today so while it was not Camp Indianola, it was still a much needed and enjoyed different day. 

Kim and Carol
Second Grade Teachers

Here are some photos shared by second grade families from their camp day activities including building forts, nature scavenger hunts, beach walks and making smores (yum!).

We also wanted to give a big shout out to Carol and Kim for planning a fun camp day and leading these camp activities. Thank you!

Middle School News

Calling all 7th Graders!    WEB Leadership Program
This past fall we launched a new peer leadership program at Salmon Bay called WEB (Where Everyone Belongs). The WEB program trains 8th grade students to mentor 6th grade students by leading orientations, activities and small group check-ins throughout the year.
This spring we will select a new group of WEB leaders (current 7th grade students) to mentor  incoming 6th grade students next school year. About 25 students will be selected based on leadership qualities and diversity. Diversity within the WEB program means we value race, gender identity, learning styles, k-8 or 6-8 students, etc.
WEB Application:
Interested students will need to complete a WEB Leader Application. The Application and Introductory Video can be found on Victoria and Sam's Schoology pages in the WEB Leadership Folder. Applications need to be emailed to or shared with Sam by Friday, May 29th. 
WEB Zoom Meeting:
On Tuesday, May 26th at 2 pm, current WEB leaders will host a 30 minute information session where they will discuss their experiences as WEB leaders this school year. Interested 7th graders should join the meeting to learn more and determine if WEB is a fit for them. The
Zoom Link can be found on Victoria and Sam's Schoology Page/Calendar

Roosevelt Jazz Auditions
Audition information for the 2020-2021 Roosevelt Jazz Program is posted on our website.  
If you plan to audition for Roosevelt Jazz, your online audition registration and video submission are due no later than 5pm on May 29th.  Thank you! 

7th/8th Grade Parent/Guardians - Support for You
Weekly office hours are now open JUST FOR YOU. Each Tuesday from 12:45-1:45 we will have a open office hours to answer your questions about supporting your student(s) with ELA and World Geography assignments. We know you are juggling demands like a pro while also partnering with us as we all grapple with the challenges of remote learning. Well, we're here to help. Use the MS Teams link below to stop by for guidance, or just to say hello. We're happy to help.

Nancy Gruber/Audrey Lee, Instructional Assistants
Middle School 7th/8th Humanities
+1 206-800-4125 United States, Seattle (Toll)
Conference ID: 987 404 339#

Poetry Anthology

Salmon Bay Stays Home
We've extended the deadline to submit poems to our poetry anthology to hopefully allow more students to participate. 

ALL students are invited and encouraged to submit an original poem to the "Salmon Bay Stays Home" Poetry Anthology - poems can be any length, on any topic, in any style. The only rule is that it must be an original poem by a current Salmon Bay student. 

Email your poem to
Please be sure your student proofreads; poems will be published as submitted. Also specify your student's full name as you want it listed and their current grade. Poems will be compiled into a published anthology and available to families this summer. 

Computer Help 

SPS has created a new work group to give technical support to parents and students who have been issued SPS district laptops.

Parents and students can call 206-252-0100 or email for support.
Hours: 7 am - 4 pm

A volunteer run helpline has been set up for students with Amazon-donated Chromebooks or personal devices. 
Call 206-413-2700 for assistance. 


Students have been working hard to record videos from Newsies. Click the links below to see their performances. We've been so impressed with their efforts and desire to continue singing/ practicing. Congratulations to all on a job well done!

The Bottom Line w/Mateo P as Pulitzer - click here
Santa Fe w/Sylvia B as Jack - click here
Watch What Happens w/ Emma as Katherine - click here
Santa Fe Prologue w/Eliott as Jack & Julia as Crutchie - click here

Letter From the Refuge w/ Julia - click here

Santa Fe w/ Eliott - click here

That's Rich w/ Luna - click here

Watch What Happens w/ Ellie - click here

Thanks for your support of the performance arts. 

Glyde & Newsies
Family Support Fund

Dear Salmon Bay community,

Thank you to the generous donors who have helped us raise over $13,500 to support the  Salmon Bay K-8 and Broadview Thomson PK-8 communities with basic needs during this closure and into the summer. 

If you are able, please consider donating to the Family Support Fund.   Our goal is to raise $15,000. 
Contributions can be made online at:  

If you are in need of support, please reach out to us! Our counselors, Admin team and office staff can assist you and provide resources.  

Career Discussion for Students
  Explore Washington Careers in Online Discussion Series for Students 

May is Career Connected Learning Month in Washington. Every school day at 3:30 PM, students can go to CareerConnect@Home and hear from people doing different types of jobs in our state. 

Imagine your future at leading organizations like Seattle Children's Hospital, public radio station KUOW, Spokane's Avista energy company, superfast superstar Mod Pizza, and more. Learn about companies and careers linked to each weekly theme:
  • May 18-22: Startups, Small Business & Entrepreneurship 
  • May 26-29: Education, Health Care & Government 
Head over to CareerConnect@Home to find out what the lineup is each day and join the conversation! Follow or ask questions on  Instagram  

Community Announcements

Coyote Central Online Classes
Spring Class Session is now online! We are offering a variety 15 hr online classes (7.5 hrs on ZOOM and 7.5 hrs on independent project time). Some classes are on the Weekend, some weekday,as we are hoping to meet families where they need the most support.
Students can register here:
The basic premise is the same for online courses - small class sizes, breaking out of your everyday environment to try new skills, project based learning and reaching far and wide. Just a new modality. We even have supply pick-up for families that might need the gear. As always, Pay-what-works-for-you is available!

Resources - Food
Twenty-six schools will be serving meals from 11 - 1 p.m. starting this coming Monday for any Seattle Public School student. The closest distribution sites to Salmon Bay are:
Ballard High School
1418 NW 65th St Seattle, WA 98117
Broadview-Thomson K-8
13052 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98133
Robert Eagle Staff Middle School
1330 N 90th St Seattle, WA 98103

Visit the Food Bank website to learn how to receive food, view the schedule or find ways to support food bank! 

Supplemental Assistance Program (SNAP)
This program is also known as Basic Food. This program helps ensure families can feed themselves. 
To learn about SNAP click here. Follow links to SNAP FAQs, SNAP Accounts and Applying for Benefits.