We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
FOSB Website: www.FriendsOfSalmonBay.org 
Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1730
November 17, 2017
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar


20 - 22: No School - Conferences
23 - 24: No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
27-30: Fall Book Fair 
29: Secret Garden Adult Only Shopping Event, 6-8 pm


5: FOSB Mini Grant Committee Meeting, 7 pm
7: Salmon Bay Song Sing-along, 6:30 pm
7: FOSB Meeting, 7 pm
15: Lantern Festival at Friday Sing, 9 am 
15: Evening Lantern festival at Salmon Bay Park
18 - 29: No School - Winter Break

Seen in the Hallways
Congratulations K-8 Play Cast & Crew
We've heard rave reviews for  Horton Halfpott or The Mystery of Smugwick Manor! Congratulations to all cast and crew members on a job well done. You should be proud! 

Sister Schools Assembly
Middle school students attended an assembly on Tuesday morning to learn about challenges facing students in Uganda. See the MS section of the bulletin for more details and to learn about our supply drive.

Middle School Sports

Ultimate Frisbee Game Schedule for Saturday 11/18:
6th Grade Team:  Ingraham Stadium 2 at 12:30 pm
  7th Grade Team:  Ingraham Stadium at 2:00 pm
  8th Grade Team: Ingraham- North 2 at 12:30 pm

End of season celebration: 
Tuesday, Nov. 28th.  After school until 5 pm at Ren Fitness

Attention all girls and boys basketball players!
The basketball season is right around the corner. There are forms that every player must complete and turn in to be eligible to play. Form packets can be found in a folder on the wall next to room 127 or outside the West Gym, please take one (there are 5 forms to complete) and place in Syd's box in the office for the girls team or Ms. T's box in the office for the boys team. 
Try-outs will be held in December, so stay tuned for more info. If you have questions, please contact Syd Bridges or find Syd  in room 127 for the girls team. Contact Ms. T or Bill Brammer for the boys team. 

Last Chance for Lost and Found
Lost and Found items will be sorted over Thanksgiving break. Items with names will be reunited with students. 
Remaining items will be donated to community organizations on November 29th. 
Notes from the Library

Notes from the Library
We celebrated the end of the first quarter with an exciting author presentation. On Tuesday, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes came to hear Russell Ginns (a former Seattleite) talk about the first book in a new middle-grade series, Samantha Spinner and the Super-Secret Plans. It was an exceptionally lively event, with a lot of time for student questions. Thanks to Deanna Meyerhoff for bringing this author to Salmon Bay!

Speaking of books, the first book fair of the year is coming up the final week of November! The Salmon Bay Library relies on book fair commission to pay for many of the illustrated books in our collection, as well as much of our popular fiction. The rich variety of books in our collection is due to the generosity of our families, so thank you in advance for your support! I look forward to seeing parents at the Secret Garden in-store evening event on November 29th!

I will be available during Conference Week, so please stop by the library with any questions or concerns you might have-or just to say "hello"!

Happy Reading!

Community Announcements

Before & After School Programs
The Ballard Boys & Girls Club, just around the corner from Salmon Bay, offers before and after school programs for middle school youth grades 6 through 8. We're open from 7 AM to 6:30 PM every day and provide a variety of active and creative activities. Call 206-436-1870, or email for information . Full scholarships are available!
Girls Who Code
The Ballard Boys & Girls Club is proud to offer this  free weekly after school program that teaches young women about computer science and career opportunities in STEM! Learn how to create your own games, apps, and websites, all taught by professionals from Amazon! Girls Who Code will run Fridays from 4:30 - 6:00 PM starting on November 17th. Grades 5 through 12 are welcome. If you are interested in the program, please call 206-436-1870, or email jraduazzo@positiveplace.org

3rd Annual Seattle Public Safety Survey
Please visit  publicsafetysurvey.org to take part in Seattle University's 2017 Seattle Public Safety Survey. The purpose of the survey is to solicit feedback on public safety and security concerns from those who live and/or work in Seattle. A report on the survey results will be provided to the Seattle Police Department to assist them with making your neighborhood safer and more secure. 
The survey is available now through November 30th and is available in multiple languages. 

Jazz Nutcracker Performances
The Roosevelt High School Jazz Band will perform Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn's Jazz Nutcracker on Saturday, December 2nd at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 3rd at 2:00 p.m. in the  RHS Performing Arts Theatre   This fanciful take on the Tchaikovsky suite is sure to get you swinging into the holiday season.  For ticketing information, click here.  

Ballard HS Gymnastic Kid Camps
Due to popular demand, the Ballard High School Gymnastics team is hosting 2 more Kids Camps for grades K - 5th  at the Ballard High School gym. Tickets are $45 per date, per camper (additional campers from the same family are $40 per date). No gymnastics experience is needed! Register here
  • Camp 1: Saturday, Dec. 2nd from 9am to 12pm
  • Camp 2: Saturday, Jan. 27th from 1pm to 4pm
Seattle Cascades Ultimate Frisbee Clinics
The next two ultimate frisbee clinics being offered will be held November 19th and December 2nd. Classes are offered for beginner thru advanced players. For more details and registration information, click here

Seattle Festival Orchestra Holiday Concert
December 2nd at 7 pm & December 3rd at 3 pm. 
Green Lake methodist Church, 6415 1st Ave NE.
$18 adults,  $14 seniors/minors or $50 family of 5 special
Listen to some great music and have your photo taken with Santa Claus. 

Ballard Girls Basketball Open Gym
Registration is open for Ballard Girls Basketball  Open Gyms  on Wednesdays from 10/11 through 11/29. 
6-7:30pm at Whitman Middle School for girls in 3rd through 5th grade (beginner to advanced). These open gyms will be run by our coaching staff who will set up teams, call fouls, make substitutions and give brief coaching tips. Space is limited. Register here.
Questions? Email Sara Wetstone .

RHS Mini-Hooper Holiday Camp
Girls and boys in grades 1-5 are invited to a holiday basketball camp sponsored by the Roosevelt Girls Basketball Team. December 18th and 19th, 9 am - 1 pm.
$75 1 day/child or $100/ 2 days per child. Register here. 

Fall Book Fair

The Salmon Bay Fall Book Fair begins November 27th! 
Treat yourself to a new book, grant a teacher wish or cross some holiday gifts off your list. 

The Book fair will be held in the school library. Shop before, during or after school. We'll be open for purchases from 8:20 am until 4 pm each day 
*Note that we will be setting up on Monday morning and won't be open for purchases until approximately 11 am.

Evening Event: We've added a special evening event at Secret Garden this year! November 29th from 6-8 pm.
Enjoy some adult shopping time, complete with snacks and community book recommendations.

Volunteer to Help: We need your help to make this event a success! We still have a few volunteer shifts available. Training provided. Please use  this link  to sign up for one or several shifts!
Direct Giving Campaign

Direct Giving Campaign Report
Today marked the official end to our Direct Giving Campaign. We want to extend a special thank you to everyone who participated in the campaign by making a donation or offering volunteer support. Together, we raised $45,000 for Salmon Bay students! 

What if I didn't have a chance to donate yet? 
Don't worry! You can still make a contribution. Simply donate online or drop off a donation at school. You can even mail it!   FOSB accepts donations at any time and we know that some families choose to donate at other times during the calendar year. 

A special thank you to Mary Ullrich, our Direct Giving Chair. Direct drives require lots of behind the scenes planning and organization. Mary graciously volunteered her time and leadership this year. Thank you for raising your hand, Mary!

Middle School News

Winter Enrichment Program 
Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) Registration Forms were due today. WEP p ayments can be made online here or via check, payable to FOSB.  Additional copies of the registration form  and program descriptions can be downloaded by clicking on these links.

WEP Next Steps: 
In the next week, you will receive an email from Jodi Russell, Volunteer Coordinator, confirming your student's program choice. 

In December, all families will receive a detailed email with specific itineraries, liability forms and volunteer needs for their program area. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Jodi

Ski Clothing Swap
If your student has outgrown their ski gear, consider donating it to another Salmon Bay family. We've placed a clothing rack in the Volunteer Coordinator's office. Stop by, drop your outgrown items off and look to see if anything will fit for the upcoming season.

Attention 8th Grade Families - High School Tours
It's time to start planning for high school tours. Although not all schools have published their tour dates, this document includes tour information for many SPS high schools including Ballard, Ingraham, Roosevelt, Nathan Hale, Cleveland STEM and the Center School. Please contact Gail, middle school counselor, with any questions. 

Middle School Class Listing
Soon you will see a new "class" called SCHOOL COUNSELOR MS on your middle school student's schedule when they log into the Source or Schoology. It is a way for our counselor, Gail Olson-Laing, to help students (and parents) access tools and supports all in one place. Students will not receive a grade and attendance is not taken. Gail is just getting this up and going, so there is some information there now but more will be added throughout the year. If you have any questions, please contact Gail or call 206-252-1787 

Sister Schools Supply Drive
Middle school students attended a Sister Schools assembly on Tuesday to learn about the organization and many of the challenges facing schools and students in Uganda. Ask your students about what they learned. 

Salmon Bay has been partnering with Sisters Schools for over ten years and we host a supply drive every other year, including this year!  Please bring any items you wish to donate to school no later than Friday, December 1st. 

Middle School Play Writing Class

After school drama's middle school play is going to be awesome! The only problem? It hasn't been written yet!
Starting Dec. 4th, join a small team of student playwrights who will work together to create a brand new play to be performed this spring! It could be a comedy or a drama, modern or historic, set in Seattle or on Mars. The choice is yours.
Middle School Playwriting - Grades 6-8
Fee: $155.   Min. enrollment: 8, Max: 12
Class meets on Mondays & Wednesdays until 5:15 pm.
Class dates: Dec 4, 6, 11, 13; Jan 22, 24, 29, 31; Feb 5, 7 
Sign-up here

Before & After School Programs
Mr. G's Super 5 Challenge
Interested in a fast, easy workout during the Thanksgiving break? Mr. G is inviting all students to participate in a workout challenge. Download your copy of the workout here

Metropolis Dance Fall Show
Metropolis Dance will hold it's Fall Quarter Show on December 8, 6:30 pm, at the Queen Anne Community Center Gym. Salmon Bay dancers will be performing the routines that have learned this fall. Everyone is invited to attend and admission is free!


Salmon Bay Song Sing-Along
December 7th from 6:30 - 7:15 pm. in the library.
Interested in learning the songs we'll be singing during the Lantern Festival? Join us for a fun sing-along before the next FOSB meeting. Feel free to bring an instrument too!
Questions? Email Danielle Steele

Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB) December meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 7th, from  7:15 pm -8:15 pm in the library. 
* Note: Enter building on east side (18th Ave).

At our December meeting, we'll be checking in with committees, have a chance to hear from staff and we plan to vote on exciting projects submitted to the Mini Grant committee. 

If you need childcare, please sign up on our webpage.

Scott and Ali
FOSB Co-Chairs

Volunteer to Join the FOSB Mini Grant Committee
We recently announced that we will be granting up to $15,000 in mini-grants to support students and families at Salmon Bay! We are seeking volunteers who would like to assist with the evaluation of grant proposals. The committee will meet on Tuesday, December 5, at 7 pm. Interested individuals should email our FOSB Chairs, Shelley Rousseau or Jen Snorsky Phiefer

Support Salmon Bay 
Many stores have reward or community give-back programs that allow you to designate a school or nonprofit organization to receive a small percentage of funds based on purchase price. For example, you can designate Friends of Salmon Bay when you shop at Office Max, Target, or Amazon (through Amazon Smile). If you shop at Ballard Market, please drop off your receipts in the Volunteer Coordinator's office. Thank you! 
Chinook Books for Sale

Last Chance!
Have you purchased a book yet? We'd love to sell our remaining book before Thanksgiving. Stop by the Volunteer Coordinator's Office to purchase your copy. 

Each book is $25 and includes a 12 month mobile subscription.