Salmon Bay Scool Banner
We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
FOSB Website: 
Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1730
October 25, 2019
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar


30 - Picture Retake Day
30 - Parent Information Exchange (PIE) Meeting
31- Elementary Costume Parade - 2 pm
31 - Middle School Block Party - 2 pm 


2- Garden Work Party - 9 am - Noon
4Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Meeting - 9:15 am
4Discussion on Gender & Identity  - 6:30 pm 
6 -  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion  Book Club - 7 pm
11 - Veterans Day, No School
12-15 Fall Book Fair at Salmon Bay
14 - FOSB meeting - 7 pm
14 - After School Theater K-8 Show - 6:30 pm
15After School Theater K-8 Show - 7:00 pm

Seen in the Hallways
Reading Buddies
Salmon Bay's Reading Buddy Program partners each K-2 classroom with a 3-5 classroom. Younger students are partnered with older students and when classes meet, buddies take turns reading to each other. The additional reading practice is helpful to students but the advantages of the program extend beyond literacy. Carol, second grade teacher, shared that, "my students always look for their buddies at recess and are excited to see them. They look forward to meeting with their buddies each week. The program really helps them make connections across grade levels."

Buddy activities also sometimes expand beyond reading. For example, Jennie's first grade class met with their fourth grade buddies in Xena's class for a lesson about spiders and a fun project today.   This year, we've also expanded our class buddy program to include 6th grade homerooms. Each 6th grade homeroom has a kindergarten or first grade buddy class, allowing for even more connection between middle school and elementary students. 

BHS Choir Performs at Friday Sing
Elementary students were treated to a performance by the Ballard High School Concert Choir this morning. It was especially fun to see Salmon Bay alumni among the choir members!

Science Challenge
There are a lot of cool projects happening inside our classrooms each week. This is just one example. 
Team Cascades ended their energy unit with a design challenge supporting students recent reading of "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" in Language Arts. Students were tasked with designing and building the blades for a wind turbine with the goal of producing the most electricity. 

Counselor's Corner

Big Deals and Little Deals
Jenny B has visited all of our K-2 classrooms to teach about problem solving using a book called Big Deals and Little Deals.  This concept can be used with older students (and adults) as well. 
Big Deals are one of three situations:
  1. Someone hurts your body on purpose
  2. Someone is doing something dangerous that could hurt themselves or someone else
  3. You are worried or afraid about your safety or that of someone else
Big Deals are emergencies and grown-ups handle Big Deals.  Go and report right away.  This is telling, not tattling.
Little Deals are different- they happen much more often and are situations such as bothering, someone not following the rules, or unkind words or actions (depending on severity).  When possible, we should all handle our own Little Deals.  Strategies to handle Little Deals include:
  1. Use gentle and calm words (not grouchy or yelling words)
  2. Scooch, walk away, or leave the situation
  3. Ignore the behavior
  4. Say 'Oh, well!' or remind yourself it's not a big deal
  5. Remind yourself 'I'm in charge of me!'
  6. Don't do it back
Tattling often involves Little Deals.  When you have tried 3 strategies and the situation is still happening, it becomes a Big Deal- go and report to a trusted grown-up.
We are here to help students, families, and the school community. 

Jenny Brooks (K-5 Counselor),

Rob Bright (6-8 Counselor), 

After School Programs
To find class listings  click here

After School Payments Are Past Due
Payment can be made through our online payment site, SchoolPay, or via check, payable to FOSB and dropped off in the Volunteer Coordinator's office. Click here for instructions on how to make an online payments. 
Questions? Email Jodi , our Volunteer Coordinator. 

Monday Morning Chess Club
Our free morning Chess Club is returning, open to students in grades 1-8. Meet in the auditorium beginning on September 23rd, 8:15 am - 8:50 am. Question? Email Jason, Salmon Bay Occupational Therapist.
Middle School Sports

Cheer on the Panthers this weekend!

Girls Soccer on Saturday

JV plays at 11:00 am vs McClure 2 @ Eagle Staff (1330 N 90th St)

Varsity plays at 11:00 am vs TOPS at Memorial Stadium (401 5th Ave N) 

Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday

8th grade plays Whitman A2 at Ingraham HS S1 at 9:30 am  

7th grade plays Eckstein 8th B at Franklin HS #2 at 11:00 am  

6th grade plays JAMS Purple at 
Ingraham HS N2 at 2:00 pm 

Community Announcements

Ballard High School Free Fall Concert Series
Choir Concert: October 29
Orchestra Concert: November 4
Band and Jazz Concert: November 6
All shows begin at  7:30 p.m.
Admission is free. You can purchase reserved seating at Search for the name of the performance.For full details about this event see

Intergenerational BrainDance Class |
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15 pm at Soma Yoga and Dance Studio. Come move your body and brain in a fun and interactive atmosphere! BrainDance focuses on the eight fundamental movement patterns that help to wire our brain/central nervous system and keep us sharp! All ages are welcome. Children age 6-13 should attend with an adult. This class is great for all levels and chairs are available for those who wish to dance seated. Mention you heard about this class from Salmon Bay and your child's first class is free if accompanied by a participating adult. Click here for more information.

Yoga Class 
Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15-10:15am at the  Loyal Heights Community Center. Taught by
Shelley Curtis (Salmon Bay mom of 7th grader).
Need some calm amidst the storm of life? Would it feel good to move, stretch and strengthen your body? Do you crave connection and support? Then please join me for an hour of yoga at the Loyal Heights Community Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15-10:15am. Feel free to drop-in anytime or sign up for a 6-week session (one day a week or two). The class is mostly moms but everyone is welcome!  Mats and other props available for use, free of charge. No yoga experience necessary.
For questions, e mail or text Shelley at 206-250-9191.

Ultimate Frisbee Clinic 
Cascades Academy is coming to Roosevelt High School (turf) with our special Halloween edition - we're wearing our costumes so feel free to wear yours!
Sunday, October 27th
Roosevelt High School (turf)
     Elementary School 9:30 am - 12:00 pm 
     Middle School 9:30 am - 12:00 pm 
Theme: "Cutting to Create Space and Get Open"
Sign up here! All clinics are $35, or $50 includes either a jersey, shorts or a disc.

After School Baking Classes
Does your kid love baking? grettie's goodies, a local business, is teaching after school baking classes for 6th-8th graders this year. Located on 85th St and 22nd Ave NW in Loyal Heights Ballard, classes are Friday's after school until 6:30pm. Classes available now through December 13th.  Kids can sign up for all of the classes or just the dates that work for them. Each class is $40. Contact Gretchen O'Connell at to learn more.   

 Adolesco Youth Exchange
Please join us at an upcoming informational meeting:
Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 from  1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Bellevue Public Library, Meeting Room 3
1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004
Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019 from  2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Capitol Hill Public Library, Meeting Room
425 Harvard Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102
Everyone welcome, RSVP  for more information.
Adolesco Youth Exchange offers a two-way exchange program that gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new language and new culture AND to host a carefully matched exchange partner in turn. The kids are together in each other's country, forging a life-long bi-lingual friendship along the way.
Your match will be about your age, and your families will decide exactly WHEN (whatever's best for your schedules), and for HOW LONG (anywhere up to 12 weeks) you want to go on exchange and host as part of our flexible and affordable non-profit language immersion and cultural exchange program for qualifying students between the ages of 9 and 18.
Start your application at here and get in touch with alumni mom Marie Meyer, the Adolesco Exchange Coordinator, at 303-913-4845.  Applications are due on Friday, Nov. 15, 2019, with matches announced in early January 2020.
Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to Jodi by  noon on Thursdays.
Administrator's Note

Last night, we celebrated 20 years of Salmon Bay as a K-8 school with a mix of current and former faculty, parents, and students who have helped build this school and the community. 

In listening to the stories, and in reading through the archival documents - some of which are currently up in our front lobby, I was struck by the dedication of parents and staff - and inspired by the persistence - that has been required to relocate the school, develop site plans, merge the two parent organizations, build a new sports field, sustain programs, and maintain traditions.

Investment in community pays dividends. Investment in community takes time and resources. 

On Monday Friends of Salmon Bay is launching their direct drive and putting forth our 20/20 challenge to increase parent participation in the school.  I am so grateful to all those who have made this learning community what it is, and I am excited to be part of the next 20 years as we continue to grow and respond to our community needs.

On behalf of our faculty, thank you for contributing to and supporting our school with your time, treasure and talents!

Neil Gerrans
Salmon Bay Principal

Halloween Guidelines & Celebrations
Halloween Costume Guidelines
As we approach Halloween, we want to make sure our school is a safe and welcoming place for everyone. If your child chooses to dress up in a costume, please make sure the outfit is appropriate.
All costumes should adhere to school guidelines for modesty, messages and safety. In addition, please follow these guidelines.
  • Costumes need to be non-violent in nature. Violence is inappropriate at school and other children can be frightened by blood and gore representations.
  • Weapons and toy weapons of any kind are not allowed.
  • Avoid costumes that are dressing as people from other cultures.
  • For safety reasons, please do not include masks as a part of costumes sent to school.
  • Make up, if used, should not be disguising the identity of the wearer e.g., whiskers and freckles, not face paint. 
Elementary Costume Parade
Students are invited to participate in the Annual Elementary Costume Parade beginning at 2 pm on Thursday, October 31st. W e ask students to not wear costumes to school. Time will be allowed for students to change into costumes in the afternoon. 

Middle School Block Party
Middle school students will celebrate with a block party on the 3rd floor from 2 - 3:10 p.m.  Students can bring costumes to change into prior to the block party. Please ensure that costumes are appropriate - see guidelines above. 

If you signed up to donate snacks, they can be dropped off in the Volunteer Coordinator's office. Questions? Please email Jodi

Sister School Supply Drive

Sister School Supply Drive: Ocotber 25 - November 7th

Hello Salmon Bay Community,
For over a decade, the Salmon Bay Community has been partnering with Terry at Sister Schools in support of this supply drive to support children in rural Uganda. While there are many highlights that come from participating in this program, having individual students realize there efforts and donations are positively impacting and changing lives has to be among the best. 
8th Grade WEB Leaders have decided the best way to organize this supply drive is through Homeroom classes. Each Homeroom will have a box or two for donated items to be collected and stored. If your student would like their photo taken with the specific item(s) they are donating, please have them write their name on it (post its or tape can work well) so Terry can identify the student and place them with their donated item(s) when he comes to take photos.
Individual elementary classes will decide on whether or not to participate. Check with your student's teacher if you have a question.  If a K-5 class does participate, 8th Grade WEB Leaders will visit their classroom and present why we are participating and how to participate if interested. 
Sister Schools Supply Drive Timeline:
The supply drive will run from Friday, October 25th through 9:00 am on Thursday, November 7th. 
Please see this flyer for more information about what items to donate. 

Schoology Information 

Schoology Information for Parents & Guardians
Schoology can be a helpful resource as you support your student's learning this year. If you are having trouble accessing your student's account, please review the following instructions and tips. 

STUDENTS are members of Schoology by default. They access Schoology via Office 365 using their school username and password. If students share a home computer with their family, they should use different browsers.
Student username EXAMPLE:
More information for students may be found here.
PARENTS & GUARDIANS must set up a Schoology account to have view access of their student's account.
More information for parents and guardians may be found here:

A Schoology Account Set Up Video for Parents/ Guardians can be found here
Note: the Schoology PARENT Code at SPS is found on the Source.
Common Problems:

Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found collection is growing. Please take a moment to see what might belong to your family. Our upcoming conference week is a great time to do this! Unclaimed items will be donated after Thanksgiving. 

Elementary News
Elementary Yearbook Cover Contest
Submissions are currently being accepted for our 2019-2020 Elementary Yearbook.
  • Front and back covers will be selected
  • Must say "Salmon Bay School yearbook 2019-'20"
  • Original artwork only (no Disney princesses, cartoon or Marvel characters, etc.)
  • You may work with a friend.
  • Do NOT put your name on the work (names should be written on a post-it).
  • Full color
  • Digital images acceptable
  • Deadline Mon Oct 28. No late entries.
  • Hand in to GLYDE's mailbox in the office, or Room 306.
Questions? Please ask  Glyde.
the Yearbook student staff

Elementary Enrichment Fees Due Now
During the school year, your child will participate in field trips, artist-in-residence programs, or other special class projects.  Instead of asking for payment each time one of these activities takes place, we ask parents to pay one fee in the beginning of the school year. This fee is called the Enrichment Fee (or field trip fee).   Our elementary enrichment fee is $100 per student.

Payment Options?   We have a new payment system (SchoolPay) that allows you to easily make and track payments throughout the year. You can reach the new payment portal by logging in to your student's SPS Source account. Click here  for instructions on how to access your student's Source account and the SchoolPay system. You may also pay this fee by dropping off a check (payable to Salmon Bay School) in the volunteer coordinator's office. We ask that all enrichment fees be paid by December 1st.  Scholarship funds are available.

Middle School News

Middle School yearbook Cover Contest
Submissions are currently being accepted for our 2019-2020 yearbook.
  • Front and back covers will be selected
  • Must say "Salmon Bay School yearbook 2019-'20"
  • Original artwork only (no Disney princesses, cartoon or Marvel characters, etc.)
  • You may work with a friend.
  • Do NOT put your name on the work (names can be written on a post-it) for anonymous voting.
  • Full color
  • Digital images acceptable
  • Deadline Mon Oct 28. No late entries.
  • Hand in to GLYDE's mailbox in the office, or Room 306.
  • Questions? Please ask Glyde

FOSB is our school parent teacher organization. All parents and guardians are automatically members

Minutes from the last FOSB meeting can be found here

PIE Committee Meeting 
The FOSB Parent Information Exchange (PIE) Committee will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, Oct 30 from 12-1p at Grumpy D's.  We hope to see you there!  If you are interested in supporting/participating in PIE but unable to attend this meeting, please contact Michelle Pearson or Julie Schneider and they will loop you in.

Garden Committee
Join us for our next Garden Work Party on November 2nd, 9am to 12pm. We'll be clearing fall leaves and any weeds that we may have missed during our last work party. Hope to see you there!

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Interested in Social Justice? Please join us for the next Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee meeting on Monday, November 4th, 9:15-10:45am, at Mabel Coffee (7001 24th Ave. NW). All are welcome! Please contact our committee head at to be added to our email list.
Please join us for a Discussion on Gender & Identity with Brennon Ham, advocate and Seattle Public School education specialist on Monday, November 4th, 6:30-8:30pm in the Salmon Bay School Auditorium. The event is free, light refreshments will be provided, babes in arms are welcome, and childcare is available at no cost for ages 2+ able to potty independently. Please RSVP to to register for the event and childcare. Space is limited and we have filled up quickly in the past! 

The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Book Club  will hold its first meeting on  Wednesday,  November 6th at 7 pm . Our first book will be White Fragility , by Robin DiAngelo. Please contact for more information.
Save the Date - FOSB meeting 
The next FOSB meeting will be  Thursday, November 14th, from 7- 8 pm, in the Salmon Bay School Library

Support Salmon Bay
Chinook Books On Sale Now!
We need to sell 21 more Chinook Books!   Each book costs $25 and comes with a 12 month mobile subscription.  

To purchase a book: 
Stop by the Volunteer Coordinator's office to pay via check (checks payable to FOSB).  You can also purchase a book online through SchoolPay by navigating to the FOSB page (nonprofit group page) where after school activity payments are also collected. Once paid, pick up your book or ask Jodi to send it home in your student's backpack.