Salmon Bay Scool Banner
We Empower Compassionate, Creative and Independent Thinkers

Main Office: 252-1720 - Attendance: 252-1728
FOSB Website: 
Volunteer Coordinator: Jodi Russell 252-1730
October 26th, 2018
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar


31: Elementary Costume Parade (12:50 pm)
31: Middle School Block Party (12:45 pm)


1: Photo Retake Day
1: Funding Equity Committee (7 pm)
2: Direct Giving: Dollars for Donuts (8:30 am)
3: Garden Work Party ( 9 am - 12 pm)
7: WEP Info Night  (7 pm)
8: Movie: Screenagers (6 pm)
8: FOSB meeting
12: No School - Veterans Day
14: WEP Rental Night 
15 - 16: K-8 Play Performances
19 - 21: Student Conferences/ No School
22 - 23: Thanksgiving Break 
26 - 30: Fall Book Fair 
27: Book Fair Parent Night at Secret Garden 

Seen in the Hallways
K/1 Field Trip to Oxbow Farms
This week, our K/1 classrooms had a chance to visit Oxbow Farms. Students had a lot of fun learning about plants, touring the farm and playing in the straw.
As a follow-up to their farm experience, students gathered in the cafeteria on Friday afternoon for a tasting party! Students participated in a variety of jobs including preparing pumpkin seeds for roasting, scraping a pumpkin to make soup, and grating carrots.

Friday Sing 

Mary K, guest teaching artist and long-time friend of our school, lead Friday Sing this morning. She also told a story about a scary Halloween night when she was growing up. Ask your student about the scary noise!
Mary K will be visiting periodically during the next two months to conduct student workshops and lead our Annual Lantern Festival on December 21st. 
Middle School Sports

Ultimate Frisbee Games This Weekend
No frisbee this weekend. 
Salmon Bay teams have a bye week.

Girls Soccer This Weekend
JV Girls: 2:00 pm vs. Mclure 2 at Garfield
Varsity: 11:00 am vs. TOPS at Memorial Stadium
*All players should arrive 30 minutes early. 

Get Ready for Basketball Season!
The basketball season for Salmon Bay will begin in Mid-Late November!  If you are a basketball parent, please make sure you have ALL of the following forms taken care of prior to season start.  Some of the forms will not need to be filled out if your child is playing Fall sports:
Physical - Once every 2 years
Registration - Once per year
Transportation - Once per year
Sport-Specific Consent - Every Season
Halloween Costume Guidelines

Halloween Costume Guidelines
As we approach Halloween, we want to make sure our school is a safe and welcoming place for everyone. If your child chooses to dress up in a costume, please make sure the outfit is appropriate.
All costumes should adhere to school guidelines for modesty, messages and safety. In addition, please follow these guidelines.
  • Costumes need to be non-violent in nature - violence is inappropriate at school and other children can be frightened by blood and gore representations.
  • Weapons and toy weapons of any kind are not allowed.
  • Avoid costumes that are dressing as people from other cultures.
  • For safety reasons, please do not include masks as a part of costumes sent to school.
  • Make up, if used, should not be disguising the identity of the wearer e.g., whiskers and freckles, not face paint. 
Halloween celebrations
Elementary students are invited to participate in our Annual Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 31st on the upper field. The parade will be held at approximately 12:50 pm, followed by individual classroom celebrations. 

Middle school students will celebrate with a block party on the 3rd floor during 6th and 7th periods (12:45 - 2:10 pm). 
We need your help! If you can donate snacks or chaperone or middle school party, click here to sign up!

Support Salmon Bay

Salmon Bay Blankets 
Looking for a way to stay warm and dry on a wet Seattle sports day? We have just the item for you!

Our embroidered picnic blankets are perfect for staying warm on a chilly day. Purchase yours for $25 at the Volunteer Coordinator's Office. Blankets are black with a red fleece lining. 

PCC Scrip Cards
If you shop at PCC, using one of our scrip cards is a great way to support Salmon Bay. We have new PCC scrip cards for sale. Each card has a $50 value and is already registered to Salmon Bay School. You simply purchase the card, use it when you shop and add more value when needed.  You get groceries and FOSB gets a donation! Stop by the Volunteer Coordinator office to purchase your PCC Scrip card. 

Chinook Books On Sale Now!
Purchase a Chinook Book and support our school! We have a quite a few Chinook books left. If you haven't purchased your copy yet, stop by the Volunteer Coordinator's Office. Each book is $25 and includes a 12 month mobile subscription. 

To purchase an app:  Tap this link from your phone to activate a FREE 7-day trial. If you like it, you can purchase a $15 app subscription and  50% of the proceeds will benefit FOSB and Salmon Bay! 

Counselor's Corner

A therapist from Community Psychiatric Clinic (CPC) will be coming to Salmon Bay on Mondays to meet with students during the school day.  If your student has Apple Health coverage and you are interested in this service, please connect with Jenny Brooks, School Counselor.  

Twin Bed Needed
A Salmon Bay family is in need of a twin bed. If you can help, please contact Jenny Brooks, School Counselor. 

From the Library

A big "thank you" to PIE, FOSB's Parent Education Committee, for arranging Tuesday night's speaker, Jo Langford! His presentation  was filled with helpful insights for parents and educators, as well as the reminder that our children and students are navigating their tween/teen years in the digital spotlight. (The internet is forever!) Our role, as the caring adults in their lives, is to provide guidance and support as they begin their digital experiences. One important way we can do this is to remind them that online mistakes are inevitable, and they should come to us when they happen! We can help them work through the consequences. In terms of practical suggestions, some of his recommendations are:  
  • Keep computers in common areas of the house 
  • No devices in bedrooms 
  • Use family contracts to set rules for device use 
  • Make "friending" parents a requirement when children begin using social media  

Lastly, Jo's website has a lot of information for parents, including many suggestions for digital family contracts. Parents can choose options that best fit their families.


In my experience, one of the most powerful teaching tools parents and educators can use are examples from their own lives. Share situations from your personal or professional lives where your digital actions weren't reflections of your best self. Talk about what happened, what didn't go well, and what you would have done differently. And remind them that you'll be there to help when (not if) they find themselves dealing with a similar situation! 


Linda Illman

Salmon Bay Librarian


From the office 

Photo Retake Day
Picture retake day is on Thursday, November 1. Remember to bring your original photo package back to school if you'd like a retake. If you were absent, this is your chance to have your photo taken!

LGBTQ  Family Dinner
The annual lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) Families Dinner will be held Thursday, November 8th from 6-8pm at Meany Middle School.  Members of the school board will be there to welcome LGBTQ families and their friends.  All SPS students, families and staff are welcome to attend!   Dinner and entertainment will be provided.  To reserve space at this popular event, please RSVP with the number of people in your party to Brennon Ham at or 206-743-3564.

Lost and Found 
Items will be sorted on November 16th! Anything without a name will be donated to a local shelter.
Stop by and check for your lost items!

Dine Out to Support Salmon Bay

Black Lives Matter Yard Signs
A parent has generously donated a dozen   "Black Lives Matter"  signs from Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ).  
  They are 18 x 24 inches. We only have a coupel lawn stakes left but lawn stakes can easily be purchased at hardware stores or on Amazon. 

If you'd like a yard sign for your home, please stop by the Volunteer Coordinator's office to pick one up. 

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Middle School Halloween Block Party
We still need a few more parents to chaperone and assist with snacks. We especially need volunteers to assist with face painting. This was a popular request from students!  Please consider joining in the fun.  Click here to sign-up. 

November Garden Work Party 
Please consider joining us at our November work party, Saturday the 3rd, 9am-12pm. Interested in being part of the committee? Contact  Danielle Steele.

Conference Week Dinner for Staff: We'd love to provide our staff with a soup and salad dinner on November 19th. There is no school that day, but our teachers will be busy meeting with parents for conferences all day and into the evening hours. If you can help provide an item for dinner, please sign-up  here

Graphic Designer Needed
Our Athletic Director is seeking a parent with graphic art skills to help update our middle school panther logo. We'll be printing some new spirit wear with the updated design! Email Jodi if you can help out. 

Boys Basketball Coach Needed
The middle school basketball season begins in mid-late November! We need a coach to work with our students. If you'd like to hear more details or have an interest, please contact Erin, our Athletic Director. 

From Admin

Dear Families,
As we approach the last week of October we want to update families about our progress in creating a Racial Equity Team.  The politics of our nation currently has many narratives that dominate the news cycles and political messages around gender, privilege, race and power.  While much of the national discourse is often divisive, these issues and the counter-narratives we offer are really important for us to grapple with as a community seeking to meet the needs of all learners and to develop confidence and positive identity in all our students.
We're working hard to establish our Racial Equity Team (RET) and are excited to launch this important work in a more intentional way at Salmon Bay.  Many of our teachers are deep into this work already, some of which attended a Race and Pedagogy Conference back in September.  
As we develop our team's specific goals for this school year, our commitments and next steps will become more apparent, but our overarching mission is to strengthen our school as a whole around understanding and addressing equity issues, barriers, and supports.  
This team is currently comprised of teachers, instructional assistants, administrators, a student, and parents.  We are still in search of 2 parents to join our RET, so please contact Annie Parker, Gabi White (1st grade teacher), or your child's teacher to express interest.  We are looking for parents who are not only committed to racial equity, but are also flexible, open-minded, and strong listeners. 
Thank you for your partnership,
Annie, Darren and Neil
Salmon Bay Admin Team

Direct Giving Campaign

The Direct Giving Campaign runs from October 10th through November 30th. Our goal is to raise $50,000. 

We are tracking our campaign progress on a puzzle displayed in the lobby. Each piece placed in the puzzle represents $1000 that has been raised towards our goal. So far, we have raised over $21,000!

Dollars for Donuts - November 2nd
That's right, Dollars for Donuts is back next Friday in the lobby!  You can drop off your donation in person and pick up a tasty treat. The donuts and donation station will be available beginning at 8:30 am. You can also drop off a donation in the red zone! We'll have volunteers outside to collect donations curbside. 

How to Donate
If you are able, please consider donating to the Direct Giving campaign. Any amount will do! Donations are tax deductible and simple. 

Donate online here You can also return your donation by mail or drop it off in the school office.

Ask your employer to help!  Many employers match employees' charitable donations. If your employer matches your donation, they could double or triple your contribution! Our Tax ID is 91-1622350.
Ask your friends and family to help. Send them this link:
Thank you for your participation and support of Salmon Bay School!

With gratitude,
Mary Ullrich,  Direct Giving Chair

Elementary School News

NW Region Elementary "JazzCats" Jazz Band
Enrollment is now open for the first session of the "Jazz Cats" Jazz Band, led by instrumental music teacher Mark Oesterle. This session will run from early March through June. What a great opportunity for a young musician to get more time on their instrument playing in an ensemble setting, and to learn the art of improvisation and America's great art form: Jazz!
"The Jazz Cats" Jazz Band is open to all 4th and 5th Grade Elementary Instrumental Musicians. Jazz
instruments include trumpets, saxophones, flutes, clarinets, and trombones. Rhythm
section includes piano, drums, bass and guitar. Practices are held on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. There will be 13 classes during this session, which runs every Thursday from November 8th until March 7th. NO JAZZ on December 20th before Winter Break. Performance date of March 7th at Nathan Hale HS. Cost is $85  -$95. Click here to download a registration form.

Elementary Enrichment Fees Due
Our elementary enrichment fee is $100 per student. You can pay this fee by dropping off a check (payable to FOSB) in the volunteer coordinator's office or by following this link to an online payment option. We ask that all enrichment fees be paid by October 31st. Scholarship funds are available.

Middle School News

Panther Press
Read the latest edition of our middle school newspaper! Just click here

Middle School Yearbook Cover Contest
Announcing 2028-19 middle school yearbook cover contest:   Deadline is Wednesday, November 1.
Front AND back cover submissions needed.
Must say Salmon Bay Middle School 2018-19
Original art work only. School appropriate.
May use full color, black/white, digital, photography, etc.
May collaborate with other artists.   Please do not sign your work. Put your name on a post-it ON THE BACK.
Hand-in to Glyde, Room 306, when you are done.

Middle School Math Tutoring
Jon Olver, middle school math teacher, will begin offering math support before school next week. Before school math help is available to middle school students from 8 - 8:30 am in room 308 (Hien's room) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

FOSB is our school parent teacher organization. All parents and guardians are automatically members. 

Funding Equity Committee 
The Salmon Bay Funding Equity Committee will meet  Thursday, November 1, from 7-8 in the SB library.  The committee will discuss proposals for supporting other schools, ideas about raising new funds to share, and opportunities to share information about school funding with our community. Please grab a friend and join us for an engaging and productive conversation.

FOSB meeting Minutes
Minutes from October's meeting are available at Check out our minutes to learn about current happenings in our classroom, updates on school day happenings from administration, and a recap of statewide school funding issues and ways to get involved from Washington's Paramount Duty
Next FOSB meeting
Our next FOSB meeting will be Thursday, November 8, from 7:30-8:30pm in the Salmon Bay Library, child care is available from 7:15-8:45pm. The meeting will start after Screenagers movie. 
Become A FOSB Director
Are you interested in getting more involved? FOSB is looking for family members interested in serving as FOSB Directors. Directors attend FOSB meetings and provide guidance and leadership for the school community by elevating family and parent voice and helping support our committees that get so many jobs done. Please come and learn more at the November meeting, where you can be elected to serve as a FOSB Director. 

"Hey - I've got an idea...Let's put on a show to raise some money for the school!!!"
Nineteen years ago, a group of music-loving Salmon Bay parents got together, and - in the best tradition of Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland - decided it would be fun to put on a show. Thus was born RockFerFOSB, a mostly-annual Fun Night Out (and fund raiser for Friends of Salmon Bay). Might you be interested in finding others with whom to make live music onstage? Come join us at Zeek's on Phinney, Tuesday 4 December at 7 P.M. to find out how. In the meantime, watch the RockFerFOSB Facebook page, it's parent (pun-intended) group Jammin at Salmon , or if Facebook's got you down, email RockFerFOSB at gmail.
November Garden Work Party 
Please consider joining us at our November work party, Saturday the 3rd, 9am-12pm. Interested in being part of the committee? Contact Danielle Steele.

PIE Presentation: Screenagers

Screenagers Documentary - November 8th

We will be showing Screenagers, Growing Up In The Digital Age on Thursday, November 8th at 6 pm. Admission is free and open to the public. Parents and students are welcome to attend. 
Pizza and popcorn will be served. Please RSVP to Michelle Quigley Pearson at so we know how much to order

Film length is 1 hour 10 minutes. Following the film, we'll have a short discussion. The November FOSB meeting will be held after the film. Questions or to RSVP, contact Michelle

Salmon Bay School Directory
Salmon Bay Directory Ads
If you own (or know of) a business that wants to advertise in our school directory, please contact  Jodi. Ad revenue is used to offset FOSB's printing costs and to draw attention to local businesses with Salmon Bay connections.

2018 Ad Prices

$100 for full page ad
$75 for half page
$50 for quarter page ad
$25 for business card

Community Announcements

Families of Color Parent Group
We are looking at partnering with Families of Color Seattle (FOCS) to start a parent group here within the Salmon Bay community.  This group is for families of color looking to connect with other Salmon Bay families of color on a regular basis to explore topics around race, identity and community.  In order to make this partnership happen we need to know how many parents are interested.  Please send us an  email if you are interested and would like additional information.

Salmon Bay Park Halloween Celebration
Join the Salmon Bay Park Stewards in a Halloween celebration. We'll have a costume parade, a pumpkin patch picture station and a Jack-O-Lantern contest. Bring your carved pumpkins from home to enter to win a prize! We'll also raffle off the pumpkins from the patch at the end of the event. See you at the park!
Saturday, October 27 3-5pm (Costume parade at 4). 
Rain date: Sunday October 28 3-5. 
Ultimate Frisbee Clinics
October 28th -  costumes encouraged!
1: 00 - 3: 30 pm at Loyal Heights Playfield. 
Seattle Cascades is Seattle's pro ultimate team. We combine forces with our elite women's teams to coach our clinics. Clinics are for all: beginner to advanced, all genders. Cost is $35 for the clinic, or $50 includes a disc, shorts, or shirt (one item). 
All abilities are welcome to join us.  Scholarships are available.  More information and registration here
Northwest Boychoir 
The Northwest Boychoir is holding tryouts for boys who love to sing on Saturday, November 3 or at a time convenient for you. Classes for new members begin in January 2019. Boys who are ages 6-9 years old are invited to sign up to audition and no previous music training is needed.  To schedule an audition appointment or for more information: 206-524-3234 or

Ballard High School Fall Concert Series
The Ballard High School Music Program opens the year with their Fall Concert Series, which includes four varied nights of music. All performances begin at 7:30 PM in the Ballard High School Earl Kelly Center for Performing Arts. Admission is free. You can purchase reserve seating here Search for the name of the performance.
Concert schedule:
  • Choir Concert - Tuesday, October 30
  • Orchestra Concert - Thursday, November 1
  • Jazz Band Concert - Wednesday, November 7
  • Band Concert - Thursday, November 8
Bulletin Submissions
We welcome submissions to our weekly Bulletin.
Email submissions to Jodi by  noon on Thursdays.