


All funds will go towards our
annual Gr.7 Battleship Camp.
Trauma Awareness Workshop
On the 25th and 26th of September Salt & Light Kids hosted a Trauma Awareness workshop. We were privileged to have trainer Bev van Rensburg present the LAMb International material.
50 delegates were equipped for trauma and counselling.
ECD Workshop
During the month of August, 33 delegates attended Salt & Light's very first Early Childhood Development workshop! Teachers were trained and equipped to ensure excellence when working with the precious children in our valley.
Stories of Change
“Becoming a part of the Salt and Light team is and has become an absolute blessing. The weekly prep time has taken me deeper into His word. There is a want and a need to know more about God. It has also drawn me into a closer walk with Him. Laying spiritual foundations in the lives of these kids also made me realize the brokenness and lack of spirituality in their homes. For most of the kids the only spiritual guidance and teachings they get is from the Salt and Light ministry time. Some schools can be very challenging especially when it rains. At times we had to cancel the classes due to poor weather conditions. This is just one of the many challenges we together with the schools are facing. On the bright side, bringing the gospel into schools gives so much hope for our kids. Ultimately, our kids are the future and the generation of tomorrow. It is an absolute blessing and privilege to be a part of this ministry.”
  Patty Brooks (ECD team member)

“Life before Salt and Light was a confusing time and a hard time. I was a very closed off person, afraid to show people that I was going through a hard time and I was suffering in silence. Depression was slowly taking life away from me. Since working at Salt and Light Kids I have changed completely. I love working with a group of wonderful people and having the chance to change the lives of children and helping them grow spiritually as I do. I will always cherish the opportunities that Salt and Light has given and continue to give me. Today I can with confidence say that Jesus is my rock and my strength whenever I need it”.
– Emily  Stephens (SALT team member)