I was so happy last weekend that we were able to have a beautiful celebration for the First Reconciliation of the students in our parish faith formation program. These were the young people who had their classes in English. We will have another service in March for those in our Spanish program.
The young people who made their first confession at the service last week were so happy. I asked them how they were feeling. They shouted back words like “great,” “excited,” and “happy.” There were also some who said “nervous” but I assured them that it would be a wonderful experience. And it was! They left the church with smiles on their faces.
It was also a wonderful experience for their parents and family members who joined in the service. They were also invited to join in the celebration by going to confession. Even though it had been a while for some of them, they accepted the invitation and received this sacrament of God’s mercy. They also left the church with smiles on their faces.
I remember when I was young and some of us were afraid of confession or nervous about approaching a priest to confess. I am glad that we are now able to give people such a positive experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our priests are very welcoming and nonjudgmental. We are happy to extend God’s forgiveness to all who wish this sacrament.
As Catholics we believe that this sacrament is a special way to experience God’s mercy. Yes, there are other ways to know of God’s forgiveness. But this sacrament is an encounter with the risen Christ that is directed to each individual penitent. After confessing our sins to God’s representative, the priest offers us absolution from all of our sins. He is there to proclaim God’s mercy which is stronger than our sins. Each of us can also leave church with smiles on our faces after having celebrated this sacrament.
We have regularly scheduled times for individual confession every Wednesday at 8:30 am and 6:00 pm. Our neighboring parishes have confessions on other days, especially on Saturdays. The priests of our parish are also available to hear confessions by appointment. Just give a call!
During the season of Lent (which begins February 22), there will be many Penance Services scheduled throughout the parishes of North County. Our Parish Lenten Penance Service will be on Wednesday, April 5 (just before Easter). The full schedule of all the area penance services will be published in the coming weeks.
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for God’s mercy endures forever.”
Join with Ruah Adonai Bible Study members and begin your Lenten Journey the 1st Saturday of Lent on the CA Camino from St. Patrick’s to Mission San Luis Rey– be a pilgrim or volunteer.
Contact Jeff Russell, (916) 257-4439 and click below for more information.
Please refrain from parking in the lot of our neighbors at New Song church. They also have worship services and their small lot is reserved for their congregants. Use the parking lots that belong to St. Patrick Parish or adjacent street parking (where permitted).
I Will Follow Him
You are probably familiar with the song “I Will Follow Him,” made famous by the movie Sister Act. Enjoy this enthusiastic rendition by the Valley Rock Voices from South Wales.
The Grace of Growing Old
This article appeared in a recent issue of America magazine. I hope it gives you some food for thought and prayer.
A group of our parishioners are helping a refugee family settle here in North County. They are looking for an apartment and will fully furnish it. The parishioners will be on the patio after all Masses this weekend to answer questions and collect monetary donations which will be matched by a private donor. For more information, please contact Susan Elmore at 760-729-8387. Thank you for your support.
call Mary McLain in the Parish Development Office 760.729.0717
Online Giving Reminder
Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account to make sure your payment method is up to date and that your gifts are being processed.
Please support the Parish Construction and Repair Fund using Online Giving
For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.
Click on the Online Giving logo below to create or access your account.
We appreciate your support!
Catholic Trivia
"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.
What is the theological term for the belief that Jesus was fully human and fully divine and that those two natures are united in his person?
What is the common term for the belief that our one God has three “persons,” Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
What was the 4th century heresy that denied the divinity of Christ?
How many titles of the pope can you name?
According to the official Catholic Church tally, how many popes have there been?
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at mmclain@stpatrickcarlsbad.com We will be pleased to add them.
In the work of justice, light shall break through darkness.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 112:4-9
The just person will be a light in the darkness.
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Paul shows that he came to Corinth preaching Christ crucified.
Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:13-16
Jesus teaches that his disciples are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Background on the Gospel Reading
After teaching his disciples the Beatitudes (last Sunday’s gospel), Jesus uses the now familiar metaphors of salt and light to describe the life of discipleship. We take salt and light for granted in our society, but these commodities were more precious in ancient cultures. Just as now, salt was used in Jesus’ time for flavoring, as a preservative, and as a healing agent. Similarly, the widespread use of electricity in the modern world makes us less aware of the value and importance of light in our lives.
Still, our familiarity with this passage from Matthew’s Gospel speaks well to the abiding power of the imagery that Jesus presented. Jesus’ call to be salt for the earth and light for the world powerfully states our mission as Church and as Christians. Our commitment to social justice flows from the exhortation that Jesus gives us in today’s Gospel. Some of the activities that this commitment leads us to are given more concrete expression as the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. When we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, console those who mourn, and so on, we show ourselves to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. When we do these things with the community of faith, the Church, we are indeed acting as “a city set on a mountain” that cannot be hidden!
J.S. Bach - WTC II Prelude and Fugue no. 11 in F Major
Here is a recent recording of a classical work by J.S. Bach by the group known as All of Bach. The use of the clavier adds to its bright and lilting flow.
All of Bach is a project of the Netherlands Bach Society, offering high-quality film recordings of the works by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by the Netherlands Bach Society and its guest musicians.
Save the Date
Our St. Patrick Dinner Dance sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will take place on Saturday March 11 in the parish center. Tickets will go on sale in the coming weeks, but save the date.
Support our parish young people for their pilgrimage by making a donation through Online Giving. Choose Fund "Other" and indicate for WYD!
The Monthly Ye Olde Garage Sale will be Sunday, February 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. We have Valentine, St. Patrick's, and some Easter articles just waiting on our shelves for you to come and see. Come visit us at the Ye Olde Garage. We would love to see you.
February 20 is President's Day and the Ye Olde Garage will be closed on that day.
1st Annual Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament
Presented by St. Patrick’s and Saint Thomas More Councils
The next Family Mass will be celebrated on Sunday February 26at 9:00 am. This will be the First Sunday of Lent. Bring the children to hear more about Lent.
Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,
Jesús dijo a sus discípulos, “Ustedes son la sal de la tierra… Ustedes son la luz del mundo… hagan, pues, que brille la luz de ustedes ante los hombres, para que viendo las buenas obras que ustedes hacen, den gloria a su Padre, que está en los cielos''. Mateo 5: 13a, 14ª, 16. Hoy celebramos el V Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, y leemos del texto del Evangelio de San Mateo. Escuchamos que Jesús les habla a sus discípulos y les dice que ellos son “sal de la tierra y luz para el mundo”. La primera pregunta para nosotros es, “¿Soy un discípulo de Jesús?” La definiciónde “discípulo” es: Persona que recibe enseñanzas de un maestro y lo sigue. Todos somos discípulos de Jesús. Venimos a misa, mucho de nosotros recibimos la Sagrada comunión cada semana, y rezamos. Pero al hacer esto, ¿qué cambia en nosotros? Jesús nos dice esta semana, que somos “sal de la tierra y luz para el mundo”. Pensamos que no tenemos las palabras para predicar las cosas de Jesús. Jesús “no nos pide” que prediquemos con palabras, nos dice que, por medio de nuestras obras, daremos sabor a la tierra que no tiene sabor. Que por medio de nuestras obras seremos luz para el mundo; y sabemos que en el mundo hay mucha oscuridad y necesita la luz de Cristo. Cristo por medio de sus obras curo a los enfermos y dio esperanza a los que no tenían esperanza. Esa es nuestra misión como discípulos de Cristo, que por medio de nuestras obras los enfermos, los que sufren y lloran, los oprimidos y los olvidados, sienten y miren el Reino de los Cielos. ¿Podemos aceptarnuestra misión?
Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm
In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.
If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.
To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below: