Ministry Update

Summers are always a time of preparation and renewal. Regarding renewal, I had the privilege of spending the entire month of June in Minnesota and North Dakota. This allowed me to escape the crazy Missouri heat, enjoy the lake, and spend valuable time with my family. I also had the privilege of being at Harvest Plains Church for the first month in their new space in Mapleton, ND. On June 18th, I preached at Harvest Plains from Psalm 139. The sermon is linked below. I continually turn to Psalm 139 to be comforted by the reality of God's divine nature. The theme of Psalm 139 seems to be sovereign providence as the source of comfort. If God has written your days, knows everything about you, and is always present with you, should that not bring incredible comfort and security to your life, especially while suffering? I think so, and so does King David. 

Listen to the Sermon on Spotify
Listen to the Sermon on Apple Podcast

In my Ph.D. studies, I am finishing up my ecclesiology seminar. I figured that since I am reading, thinking, and writing on the doctrine of the church, I should kill two birds with one stone and record a series of podcast episodes on ecclesiology. When I was in Fargo in June, I recorded nine episodes with Cody Weckerly and Adam Nesvold, discussing various topics related to the church. Most of the episodes are published. I provided two links below: one to listen on Apple podcasts and one on Spotify. 

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify

Another development with my ministry is the launch of the new Ambassadors for Christ International website. Our old website was rather antiquated and unhelpful. Our ministry is the evangelists. And we, as evangelists, exist to preach Christ, edify His Church, and glorify God. What that means is that we are ministers of the Word. We are preachers, teachers, and gospel proclaimers. In an age of media, that means we are a content-focused ministry. Thus, we wanted to develop a website that made our evangelists and their biblical content front and center. If you visit the website, you'll see how it revolves around the evangelists. Many of my sermons and podcasts are available on the site. Also, please read through the About Us page. If you have struggled in the past to understand our ministry, this page will provide amazing clarity. 

Visit the New AFCI Website

With the new website came a new giving platform. We made the switch from Cornerstone to Pushpay. If you are one of my monthly partners, you received several emails in May and June explaining how to transfer your giving from Cornerstone to Pushpay. If you still need to transfer your giving, please do so as soon as possible. If you need help, please call or email Kelley Johns, our operations director. You can reach her at 470-945-4090 or email her at [email protected]


Regarding preparation, Dan and I are game-planning our evangelistic efforts at KU starting in September. As many of you know, we have attempted to create open-air dialogues with students concerning the gospel. Last year, we made a retractable banner that says, "Let's Dialogue." It worked amazingly. However, it was a sail for the wind, so we only used it twice all school year. Thus, we are getting a new sign that will handle the wind. I anticipate many rich gospel conversations at KU this year.

We are also creating a series of videos that answer all the typical non-believing questions concerning Christianity. Since we anticipate interacting with many students this year, we want a webpage to which we can direct non-believers for more information about Christianity and the gospel. These videos will answer questions like: What is the Bible? Isn't the Bible filled with errors and contradictions? Who is Jesus? Doesn't slavery in the Bible discredit it? What about other religions? What is truth? What does the Bible say about LGBTQ+ identities? How can I know God exists? Doesn't science disprove Christianity? How do science and faith relate? This is a big project, and it may be that it'll be a work in progress throughout the year. 

View as Webpage

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that God would cultivate my mind as I read and write for Ph.D. seminars.
  • Pray that God would prepare souls for our evangelistic efforts at KU this coming school year.
  • Pray that God uses my podcast to equip and strengthen Christians around the world.
  • Pray for preaching opportunities in Kansas/Missouri. 
  • Pray for summer evangelism in KC -- that God would prepare people for me to share the gospel with.
  • Pray for the Fiji Bible College and that they would be richly funded for their incredible ministry. 

5440 Skyline Drive, Roeland Park, KS 66205 | [email protected]