This Week's Schedule
Monday, Sept. 30: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, Oct. 1: Rehearsal @ 7 am
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Rehearsal @ 7 am
Thursday, Oct. 3: Rehearsals @ 7 am & 5-8 pm
Friday, Oct. 4: 
  • No AM rehearsal
  • Pep Rally at Samohi — wear or bring your navy-blue retro shirt!
  • HOMECOMING! Samohi Varsity Football Game @ SMC
  • big instruments load after school
  • 5:45 pm call time on JAMS lawn
Saturday, Oct. 5: UCLA Band Day
Pick Up Your Marching Shoes
The new Dinkles have arrived, and some of the loaner pairs have not been picked up yet. All of the shoes are labeled with student names, in bags or boxes, right outside the tuba room door. Please, please, PLEASE pick up your Dinkles!

Please let us know ASAP if you don't have Dinkles that fit.

UCLA Band Day Is This Saturday!
Please check your inbox or read this link at for more information on Band Day, including a detailed itinerary and instructions, plus ticket sales and driving and parking instructions for families who choose to attend. Dropoff is at Samohi at 10:30 am, and pickup is set for between 9:15 and 10 pm.
Dress Rehearsal Friday, October 11
We will be having a FULL DRESS REHEARSAL on Friday, October 11, from 4-7 pm (please note the change in time — we are moving the rehearsal up by one hour to accommodate band students who will be performing with the orchestras that night).

Parents, we will need volunteer help with a variety of tasks. Click here for more information and to sign up.
Upcoming Dates

  • Friday, Oct. 11: Full Dress Rehearsal, 4-7 pm
  • Saturday, Oct. 12: Percussion Rehearsal, 10 am—2 pm
  • Thursday, Oct. 17: Rehearsal, 5-8 pm
  • Friday, Oct. 18: Football Game; Exhibition Night at SMC (Senior medals; halftime performance of "The Bard" in full uniform)
  • Saturday, Oct. 19: First Comp >> Read more

Questions? Email the VP of Marching Band, Beth Levy, at
Tuesday, October 29
Please mark your calendars for our very first band concert in Barnum Hall on Tuesday evening , October 29. All five bands will be performing! Tickets will go on sale on Monday, October 7, $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Please keep in mind that concert performances are part of your student's grade; the best way to support them is by attending!
Wind Symphony Sonoma/SF Tour
Please check your inbox for an email coming soon about the Wind Symphony tour to Sonoma and San Francisco this March 12-15, 2020. We will need a commitment from families whose students are going, as well as a deposit from those who can pay, no later than Monday, October 7. Wind Ensemble members have also been invited to join the tour!
Honor Band Applications

Please note: Honor groups are not part of the band curriculum. Samohi Band does not endorse any particular group, nor do they have the funds to support student participation in these fee-based programs.
We always welcome donations of any amount to keep the bands in top form! Click here to see what your money pays for.
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