Last month the airport hosted participants from the City's annual UniverCity program. The program's "students" are San Marcos residents who are civic-minded enough to give up eight evenings to learn about all the City departments and the services they provide to citizens.
It was an incredible opportunity to engage with residents who, in some cases, had never been to the airport and had no idea what we do or how we benefit them - the non-airport user.
We've given similar presentations to organizations like the Chamber and the Rotary and it never gets old. The economic ripple effect of the airport - and it's importance in the national airport system - never fail to elicit a few "aha" moments.
It's also a good reminder to those of us who are here every day and take for granted just how special the airport is to the region. I implore our users to help spread the word about our growing city within the city.
Our commercial operators provide good, high-paying jobs to skilled workers. Our airfield is used during emergency rescue operations like extractions during floods. Our pilots donate their time to transport cancer patients to treatments in Houston and pups to adoptees in other states. And our airport attracts the attention of companies looking to relocate or expand - whether they need to be based on airport property or just utilize our airfield.
Education of our community members is imperative to the continued success, growth, and utilization of San Marcos Regional Airport and we sincerely appreciate all of you - the readers of this newsletter - who understand that and help to continue our mission.
PS: Our new T-shirts are in! Come by and gets yours today!
Happy Flying,
Cassidy Berenato
Vice President