
Thank you for your continued support of the Sanborn Fun Run ✨Glow Edition✨! We are excited to share our current progress with you:

  • 💻 We’re at 67% of students registered (Our goal is 85% and if we achieve this goal the entire school earns a PJ & Stuffie Day)
  • 💰 We’ve raised $16,100 to date! (Our goal is $20,000. If we reach our goal Mrs. Fawcett has agreed to get slimed!)

Weekend Challenge Winners:

The class in each grade with the highest % of students registered earned Extra Recess time! Here are the winners:

  • Kindergarten: Baffo
  • First: Goldman
  • Second: Doucette
  • Third: Boucher
  • Fourth: Demattia
  • Fifth: Diodati

These teachers have been notified, and the class will have their extra recess time on a day of their teacher’s choosing. 

Today’s Challenge:

The grade with the most NEW donations earns a Light Up LED Whirly Flyer Propeller Toy!

 Donate on today!

Event Day Information - Friday, February 14th:

Parents and family members are welcome to watch the event! It will take place in the Sanborn gym and all adults must have a valid CORI to attend. Here is the form.

The Fun Run Glow EditionSchedule on 2/14 is:

  • 9:15-10:00 | 4th Grade
  • 10:15-11:00 | 1st Grade
  • 11:15-12:00 | 5th Grade
  • 12:30-1:15 | 2nd Grade
  • 1:30-2:15 | 3rd Grade
  • 2:30 - 3:15 | Kindergarten

Thank you for supporting Sanborn! 

- The Sanborn PTO