RE: Proposed Sanctioned Interpretations
Dear e-Stewards Certified Processors, Certifying Bodies, Auditors, Consultants, and others:
The e-Stewards team, in collaboration with the e-Stewards Standard Committee, wishes to announce the publication of the most recent proposed Sanctioned Interpretations to the e-Stewards Standard v4.1. As there are several, please visit this link to view them in their entirety. Sanctioned Interpretations are small changes to the Standard that are agreed between official versions of the Standard. They become binding once adopted by e-Stewards after taking into consideration the comments provided during the public review period.
At this time, and in accordance with our Sanctioned Interpretation Policy, we wish to open the 30-business-day public comment period form beginning today and ending May 1, 2024. During this comment period, we welcome all feedback and input on the proposed Sanctioned Interpretations. To provide feedback during the public comment period, use this form.
At the close of the public comment period, the e-Stewards Standard Committee will review all feedback received and integrate any input necessary. Should there be no major objections to any of the SI’s, they will be adopted and formally published on the e-Stewards website here.
Please note that the Sanctioned Interpretations, will become binding 30 days following their final adoption, on Accreditation Bodies, Certifying Bodies, and all e-Stewards Certified Processors. ABs, CBs, and Certified Processors are required to treat all adopted Sanctioned Interpretations as binding requirements under the e-Stewards Standard at that time.
Thank you,