In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are studying Counsels from My Heart by Dudjom Rinpoche during the Wednesday night group.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link

What the River Says

I walked through a canyon along the river and asked her to receive the spirit of my recently deceased friend, Willie. The river replied, “He is already here—I thought you understood.” Later I spoke with Willie’s wife, Winona. She asked if she would see Willie again. I said, “Sit by the river and wait. You will feel his presence.” Winona wept and knew this was true.

The river courses though each of us, dancing as the dakini of the water element. We should listen to her wisdom. As William Stafford wrote: “We know the current is there, hidden; and there are comings and goings from miles away that hold the stillness exactly before us. What the river says, that is what I say.”

🙏🏼Much Love,


Creation Stage Practice

We are studying the Creation Stage Practice on Sundays. Support material for this practice is available through the link below:

Creation Stage Practice PDF

We will be chanting the Kuntuzangpo prayer on Sunday available below:

Kuntuzangpo PDF
Dharma Journal Posts

Fool's Journey

The Dalai Lama arrives to offer teachings in Bend. He is staying with me and we soon discuss the best day for him to teach. I suggest April 1, April Fool’s Day, would be...

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With Gratitude

We are grateful for your ongoing support of our in-person and online teachings and of our center.

To make a donation click the link below:


"Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.

We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous.

We experience joy in the actual act of giving something.

And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given."

-Buddha Shakyamuni

The Healing Power of Practice

Green Tara Mantra

With great compassion and to relieve suffering and fear, we are chanting and accumulating the Green Tara Mantra:



We will chant this mantra during 2024 with the goal of accumulating 500,000 or more!

Report Mantra Count
Visit our Website

Natural Mind Dharma Center | [email protected]rg