In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are studying Counsels from My Heart by Dudjom Rinpoche during the Wednesday night group.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link

Philosophy or Religion?

One of the most common questions about Buddhism is whether it is a religion or a philosophy. I think this is a silly question that can devolve into heady conversations that do not benefit anyone. The Dalai Lama responded (kinda sorta) this way: “When it comes to Buddhism, philosophers find it too religious and religious practitioners find it too philosophical. Poor Buddhism, it has no place to lay its head.”

I usually answer the question by saying it is both and neither. It depends on your frame of reference. So it is better to discover your frame of reference and get to know the one who is framing the reference. Then you will know…nothing.

🙏🏼Much Love,


Creation Stage Practice

We are studying the Creation Stage Practice on Sundays. Support material for this practice is available through the link below:

Creation Stage Practice PDF
Dharma Journal Posts

Quantum Mind

In quantum theory, a particle does not really exist as a tiny bit of matter located somewhere but rather as a cloud of probabilities. If observed, it collapses into the state through which it...

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Dharma Journal Book ~ You Can Help

We are putting together a booklet of nature-themed Dharma Journal posts. You can help us with this project by sending along the titles of your favorites through the email ink below:

Favorite Dharma Journals

With Gratitude

We are grateful for your ongoing support of our in-person and online teachings and of our center.

To make a donation click the link below:


"Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.

We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous.

We experience joy in the actual act of giving something.

And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given."

-Buddha Shakyamuni

The Healing Power of Practice

Green Tara Mantra

With great compassion and to relieve suffering and fear, we are chanting and accumulating the Green Tara Mantra:



We will chant this mantra during 2024 with the goal of accumulating 500,000 or more!

Report Mantra Count
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Natural Mind Dharma Center | [email protected]rg