In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are currently focusing on the Ngรถndro practice and teachings on Wednesdays.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link

Brrr! Dharma

As I write this, our outside thermometer reads -2 degrees. Fresh snow blankets the ground and spontaneous prayers arise in my mind with compassion for the unhoused population. May they find warming shelters and receive other necessary aid. The Dharma Center offers its support as a non-profit partner with the Family Kitchen, a local organization that offers thousands of meals each week free of charge to people in need. 

This happens only because of your generosity. We are grateful to be a channel for your kindness. May all beings surrender the facade of separateness and bless the world with compassionate activity.

Much Love,



With Gratitude

We are grateful for your ongoing support of our in-person and online teachings and of our center.

To make a donation click the link below:

Dharma Journal Posts

Sublime Sublimation

The snow is gone for the moment but winter is not yet done with us. The cold will return, the snow will fly, and we will deal with whatever arises. In the meantime, frosty...

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