In-Person and Online Practice
Sundays and Wednesdays

Join us Sundays from 8 - 9 am and Wednesdays from 7 - 8 pm either in-person at the Center or via Zoom video conferencing for practice and teaching with Michael.

We are currently focusing on the Ngöndro practice and teachings on Wednesdays.

Click the Zoom Video Link below and enter the password to join our video conferences.

Password: 362919

Zoom Video Link

Tea Time

I just received a container of organic matcha green tea. It is sealed inside a small tin with one of those pull-tab lids designed to exclude elements that would degrade the tea. I pop open the top to reveal green powder, the color of which surprises me. Although I frequently drink matcha, the fresh hue of a new batch of this concentrated chlorophyll defies description. My eyes pause to savor the image.

Matcha should not be touched by boiling water so I dial in 170 degrees on our tea kettle. I dip my curved bamboo ‘spoon’ delicately into the tin to withdraw just the right amount of tea. The hand of an imagined tea master takes over as as I tap-tap the utensil on the side of a beautiful hand-made bowl to release the powder. I pour hot water over the tea and bring it to a froth with a fine bamboo whisk. 

Closing my eyes, I taste the first sip and savor the emerald liquid—feeling a kinship with all those who share this passion. There is something about the elixir created by water and matcha. It is like drinking pure nature in her simplest disguise. You can also feel the presence of those humans who grow and process the tea with loving care.

My mind settles into the liquid ritual. Nothing else is happening—until I get the notion to write. Oh well, there is always another bowl…

🙏🏼Much Love,


Upcoming Events

Self-Reflected Wisdom: Visualization in the Vajrayana Tradition

Sunday, January 22, 9:30 am — 1:00 pm, $25 suggested donation

Deity (archetype) practice uncovers our profound natural insight regarding appearances, linking the ordinary perceiving mind with our original clarity. In this class, we will explore the "creation stage" practice of visualization and mantra.

Buddhist Point of View

Thursdays, January 19 — February 23, 7 - 9 pm, $89.00

Register through COCC Community Education, click on link below.

Class is taught at the Dharma Center

Offered through Central Oregon Community College, this six week class provides a foundation for the study and practice of Buddhism by exploring the three yanas or vehicles of the tradition. Michael offers an in-depth exploration of how the Buddhist point of view can help us to remember the natural heart/mind of compassion.

COCC Registration

With Gratitude

We are grateful for your ongoing support of our in-person and online teachings and of our center.

To make a donation click the link below:

Dharma Journal Posts

Whirling in One Bindu of Great Bliss

In the Tibetan Buddhist view of the subtle human body we are composed of three things: channels, winds, and subtle essence. When we are feeling happy and settled, the winds flow freely through the...

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