
Tonight! Sankofa Recap on November 2 | Hear about the experience of five Hillcresters on their recent Sankofa journey. We will also pray together and talk about moving forward toward a more equitable community. Meet us in Room 204 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. More here...

Join with others to pray from 6 to 6:45 PM for our world, neighborhood, church, and lives, tonight and every Wednesday in the Chapel. Feel free to drop in for one Wednesday or every week. All are welcome! See here for other prayer opportunities at Hillcrest.


Saturday! Next Coffee Talk is November 5 | Join us for a discussion of Identity: Seeing yourself through God’s eyes. Camille Sings joins us with her ministry in music to remind us that we are beautiful and ok just the way we are. Hillcrest library from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. And of course, there will be coffee! Sign up here...

Learn how RefugeKC helps new American neighbors feel supported and experience the love of Jesus on November 5 from 12 to 3:30 PM. We'll meet with leaders for an immersion tour in the areas they serve. Bring $15 for lunch at an Afghan restaurant and learn how we can care for refugees in KC. Meet at Hillcrest to carpool. Sign-up here...


New sermon series starts Sunday! Spend Your Life: the way you invest yourself matters. Over the next three weeks we will focus on how our time, our abilities, and our money can be used to change eternity. You are part of God's grand plan for our world and each day you are invited to invest in others so that we can all pursue new life together in Jesus. Join us at 9 or 10:30 AM in person or online here...

We'll receive communion together this Sunday. Communion elements will be provided for those joining us in person. If you're with us online, feel free to use whatever you have on hand.

Reminder: turn your clocks back one hour this Saturday night. You'll gain an extra hour of sleep and get to church on time!


Observe and serve at Mission Adelante Sign up for one of their observation nights November 7 to 14 to find out about ways to invest in kids through arts and leadership programs, and with adults through citizenship and English language learning classes. Sign up to observe and serve here...

Tabitha is Tuesday, November 8 | Join us for coffee, dessert, and conversation from 1 to 3 PM in Fellowship Hall. You’ll hear from a volunteer from Operation Christmas Child. See here for details about what to bring for your Christmas box and shipping costs. To RSVP, contact Kathy Langley at 913-788-0788.

New location! One important part of our vision at Hillcrest is to gather for prayer. We invite you to join us for a night of prayer and worship now in the chapel. It will be an extended time of asking God to move in our lives, in His church, and in our community in new ways. All are welcome! More here...

Briarwood Crossing Guard Help | Keep students safe by volunteering as a crossing guard at the corner of 86th and Juniper before and after school. It's one of the ways we can support our local school partner. Sign up for days and times here...

For other local outreach opportunities, see here...

CPR/AED is Tuesday, November 15 | Be prepared to help in an emergency with this training by Johnson County Fire. If you were signed up for the October class, please sign up again for this new date. If you would like to join this new class, sign up here. Class is from 6:30 to 8 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Surviving the Holidays GriefShare is a 2-hour workshop to learn with others about getting through the holidays while caring for your heart. Workshop participants receive a take-home holiday survival guide. Join us on Saturday, November 19 from 11:30 to 1:30 PM in Room 203. Sign up here...

Surviving the Holidays DivorceCare is a 2-hour workshop to learn with others about getting through the holidays while caring for your heart. Workshop participants receive a take-home holiday survival guide. Join us on Saturday, December 3 from 11:30 to 1:30 PM in Room 203. Sign up here...

Thank you to everyone who donated items for Pan y Vino's school supply drive. Your donations will be delivered to a school in Honduras that they support.

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