Sannam S4 Education Division  presents this monthly newsletter - EduChat with a brief overview of key & latest updates from Brazil, China, India, Malaysia and UAE which can impact your institution plans and operations.
EduChat                                    May 2017
In This Issue

Dear Reader,
We are here once again with a new issue of the EduChat. We have carefully researched and curated the latest updates from different markets for you.
In this issue, we have highlighted an exciting opportunity for collaboration under the Research and Partnerships Spotlight section. Take a look at the interesting stat section, Super Stat.
If you have any feedback on how to make the EduChat better, do share your comments on this feedback link

We hope you enjoy this issue of EduChat.

Editorial team
Research and Partnerships Spotlight

A deemed university from the South India is interested in collaborating with universities from US for
  • Semester abroad
  • Faculty exchange opportunities
  • International conferences
The University is known for medical and engineering courses.

To find out more about this opportunity, please write to
Super Stat
China spent nearly CNY 3.9 trillion (USD 565.6 billion) on education in 2016, an increase of 7.57 percent from 2015, according to preliminary statistics released by the Ministry of Education on Wednesday.

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Tête-à-tête - 7: Shilpi Prasad
"It gives me a lot of joy if I can see a student that I have counseled, do well on campus and eventually do well in life. Also, if students are unaware of certain programmes and career pathways, I get to advise and help them make informed choices. Helping students make the best use of the money they spend on their higher education gives me immense pleasure." ... says Ms. Shilpi Prasad, International Admissions Advisor, University of Bridgeport.

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The internationalisation scheme of higher education in Brazil which was expected to fill in the vacuum of 'Science without Borders' programme, took a backstage following the new corruption allegations on President Michel Temer. Temer has refused to resign from his responsibility as a President. The internationalisation scheme which was due in July 2017, might get pushed further due to the current political scenario.

At the vanguard of an HE privatisation wave?

Source:   University World News
Brazilian students deserve better treatment

Source:   blastingnews
Google, Lemann Foundation invest $6.4M to deliver lessons to Brazilian teachers' phones

Source:  EdSurge
China spent nearly CNY 3.9 trillion (USD 565.6 billion) on education in 2016, an increase of 7.57 percent from 2015, according to preliminary statistics released by the Ministry of Education. With such huge spending in education and record number of Chinese students graduating in 2017, China once again reinforces its commitment towards improving its education system. The best Chinese students are also leaving US universities to return home.

How do China and India compare in the global race for talent?

Record numbers of Chinese students to graduate in 2017

China's 'best and brightest' leaving US universities and returning home

Source: Forbes
With an automation wave hitting the Indian Information Technology (IT) industry, many IT companies are on a layoff drive. Companies are planning to fire thousands of employees this year. There is a need for highly skilled employees in the industry. Research and partnerships between Indian and foreign universities might address this ever increasing skill gap in India. Mr. Prakash Javadekar has promised to push autonomy for higher education institutions for facilitating better research and innovation.

Even the IIT heads are now worried about the quality of India's engineers

Source:   Quartz India
Will push for autonomy in higher education, better research: Prakash Javadekar

Source:  The Times Of India
57 UK-India partnerships in education, research announced

Malaysia continues to charm neighbouring countries with its focus on higher education. Japan's Crown Prince, Naruhito, urged more exchange scholars from Malaysia. For the first time, a Malaysian university is collaborating with the World Bank to produce a research programme for interns. With innovative initiatives such as these, Minister of Education, Idris Jusosh said Malaysian students need not look at foreign destinations to study.
Japan Crown Prince wants more  exchange of scholars with Malaysia

Source:   The Star Online
Gov't need not send students abroad as quality of local universities improves: Idris Jusoh

Source:  New Straits Times
A first for Malaysian higher education: UKM to collaborate with World Bank

According to data gathered on, the US is no longer a favourite study destination for UAE students. After Trump's first 100 days in office, students in the UAE no longer consider the US as a welcoming destination for higher education. On the flipside, with public, private, and global partnerships, the UAE is strengthening itself as a higher education hub of the world. Calling itself an 'Oasis of Higher Learning', the UAE is faced with the issue of high cost of education for the locals. 
US no longer top higher education option for students from UAE

Source:  Khaleej Times
The UAE is an oasis for higher learning

Source: Khaleej Times
High cost of education is 'biggest challenge faced by parents'

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Sannam S4 Education Division
Sannam S4 Education Division supports over forty international educational clients from 7 countries. Our Education Research and Partnership Services (ERPS) Department works closely with institutional stakeholders and creates smooth and successful road maps for those wanting to Explore, Enter and Expand in some of the world's most dynamic education markets.
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