Santa Fe MPO news & updates
July 2021 summertime and the MPO is busy!
Please enjoy the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization's Quarterly Newsletter! Each quarter we share developments in the programs, plans, and projects we're working on.
Para leer este boletín en español, haga clic aqui.
Mark your Calendar for July 21st!
Draft 2022-2027 Transportation Improvement Program
Online & In-person Public Meeting
July 21st, 5pm - 6pm
Cerrillos Redesign: St. Francis to
St. Michaels
Online Public Meeting
July 21st, 6pm - 7:30pm
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the fiscally constrained list of transportation projects receiving federal funding or of regional significance. Public comment on the draft 2022-2027 TIP is open through July 30th. Attend the meeting or email your comments to
The NMDOT is undergoing a road improvement study of Cerrillos Road from St. Francis to St. Michaels. Let the NMDOT know what your priorities are by attending the virtual meeting, taking the survey, designing your ideal Cerrillos Rd, or submitting your comments by August 20th, 2021.
What would help you walk or bike more?
Take the Multimodal Transition Plan Survey by July 23d and let us know your experiences with walking, biking, transit, and parking in Santa Fe!
Visit the Multimodal Transition Plan website for project details, updates, and to read completed reports on parking and transit existing conditions.
If a person walks down a street and there's no way to count them, do they really exist?
Of course they do, but the unfortunate reality is that transportation agencies are good at counting cars and transit riders, but people walking or biking are usually left out! This begs the question of how can we better serve our walkers and bikers when we don't know how many there are and where?

To address this gap, the MPO is working with the NMDOT Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau's Miovision anonymous cameras to count people walking and biking at busy intersections along Cerrillos, Airport, St. Michaels, and St. Francis.

The MPO will be rotating the four cameras around to 13 different intersections through October. Stay tuned for the results!
Southside Greenway Initiatives Continue
If you live on the southside between Airport, 599, and Lopez Lane, you may have seen signs like the ones above sprinkled around your neighborhood! The MPO placed 33 signs around the future Acequia and River Trails as part of our Southside Greenway Public Input and Visioning project. Each sign asks a question that can be answered via the QR code or our website and responses will help inform the vision for the proposed trails.
Community members, councilors, and commissioners also joined the MPO for a walkability audit of the Acequia and River Trail alignments. Community consensus was these trails will provide a much needed space to walk and recreate!

Next steps include working with Earth Care summer youth interns to engage with more residents and assisting the City and County with funding sources and timelines.
Plan and Program Updates
CMAQ, TAP, RTP Call for Proposals
The MPO is working with local agencies to submit proposals to the NMDOT for Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), and Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding. These federal resources have helped fund many important projects in our region.
Fun stuff
The 2021 Bike Month Baiku Winners have been announced! Read all the poems here.
Free Bikes 4 Kidz NM released a report showing where the 1,104 bikes given away went.
The Santa Fe Rotary Club is hosting a Bicycle Poker Run Sept. 18th benefitting youth.
Upcoming Meetings
TCC and TPB meetings are via Zoom.