Santos from Taos,
New Arrivals and Other Little Gems
HAPPY FRIDAY, World's Window friends!!
There might be more rain today, but we're glowing with all the new "little gems" we get to share with you today as new arrivals. Each make sweet gifts to yourself or others to brighten days and as reminders that blessings and caring keep the light glowing in this world.
Beautiful little saint and angel retablos from Ann Garlick
More Klikety Klik boxes in new designs
Noir Kantha jewelry (yes, in black!) and more new styles
New hair clips from Annie Loto
More fun Steampunk light switch covers
a glorious group of fall HABITAT clothing just arrived -
no time to take pictures yet but it will be on our sales floor today!
Shopping . . .
Lynn Garlick's retablo saints and angels bring a sense of blessing and calm. We're enchanted by her tiny pocket-sized reminders, ornaments and wall plaques. On the back of the retablos is the story of the saint's life. Many of them also have a prayer. Check them out here or click on the picture above. And don't miss our feature story about Lynn and her retablo-carving below.
Wild animals, vegetables and fruits have joined our collection of butterflies, birds, cats, dogs, flowers and graphics in Klikety Klik little repurposed boxes. Click here to see examples of each. Want to read more about these boxes? Click here to see our story.
The new Noir collection of the Worlds Finds Kantha jewelry line is so cool. And, of course, there are new colorful jewelry pieces as well to explore. Check them all out here. Do you remember how they're made? Click here to re-read our story.
Annie Loto's beautiful hair clips made with hand-printed Japanese silk fabrics continue to sell as fast as they arrive. Click here quickly to see what we have right now! Do you remember the amazing story of these textiles? Click here to read about them.
The whimsy of these Steampunk-inspired switch plate covers always brings smiles. So easy to pop onto your light switches; such great conversation pieces! Click here to see our current selection. And, do you remember the interesting story of Green Street? Click here to re-read it. We also received more of their fun earrings and will post pictures soon.
Enjoy your shopping!
We appreciate your continued support so much!!
Every sale helps sustain our small business!
Oh, the Treasures
in our "World Marketplace"!
Our expanded sale corner in our "back room" is still full of clothing, gifts, folk art, scarves and bags, pillows and textiles
ALL on sale!!
We are continuing to add some new sale items, so there will always be something new to see.
Stop in** to shop this sweet little sale area.
(**Unfortunately many of the sale items are not available online)
Meet Lynn Garlick, retablo maker
Lynn Garlick's workshop is located in the high desert town of Taos, New Mexico, a landscape richly steeped in religious iconography and history. The retablo, or ʻboard behind the altarʼ, was originally created in New Mexico in the 1800ʼs in response to the lack of Bibles and icons being sent from the church in Rome. The Santero (saint maker) painted retablos from pigment collected and ground from the local surroundings. The boards were hand-hewn usually of ponderosa pine with tin. The practice has carried down through the generations and is still done this way today.
Moved by the sacred art of the retablo paintings and the santeros (saint makers) who made them, Lynn Garlick started carving, painting, and producing her retablos in 1993. She handcarves and paints her original designs on the traditionally used ponderosa pine planks. Then she decoupages high quality prints of her originals onto pine boards, in an old school technique used for the Italian altar screens of medieval Europe.
As Lynn became more involved in her research of the saints' lives, she saw how deeply many people responded to them. "I felt a responsibility to make the painting a prayer for healing, kindness and right thought."
"I feel so fortunate to do this art/business. The saints, angels and prayers have changed and blessed my life. My hope is that they touch and bless others as well."
See our new selection of Lynn's retablos here
So much has happened this week including the KC Chief's first win of the season (woohoo!). Over several days we experienced a drop of almost 40 degrees as our first taste of fall arrived. Last weekend we were moved and inspired by the community creation of 6 "Black Lives Matters" murals on streets. And, of course, with new merchandise arriving we just had to share it with you!
The arrival of Lynn Garlick's retablos got us all thinking about tiny little "gems" or treasures that each of us carry with us some times as good luck charms or as a blessing to encourage or calm us. Besides these new pocket retablos, we carry little Blessing Rings, tiny milagros, pocket hearts, and Worry Dolls. With the start of school for many and returning back to work places for some, what a wonderful time to choose some gems to share with those you love (including you!). The church Lonnie and I attend (now virtually) created new little "backpack blessings" for everyone in the congregation. Now attached to the bag I carry, it reminds me of the love of one of my communities that I carry with me each and every day.
Have a wonderful weekend! We thank you for your continued shopping support. And I can't say it enough times - YOU are an important part of what makes World's Window so special! THANK YOU!
World's Window
"Nobody can define you like you."
OPEN Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday, 12 noon to 5 pm
As always we are "sharing the world" through clothing, jewelry, folk art, textiles and hand-selected gifts -
buying locally-owned is a gift to your community!
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us at 816-361-2500
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