Dear friends,

Our most meaningful memories are formed when we are in community with others, blessed by the gift of friendship, and united in service, sharing God’s love. 

There is a palpable love when you are in the presence of the teams (pictured above and below) that have beautified the Pine Grove cabins. In service to those they may never even meet, the members of these groups have been toiling behind the scenes, just as our members of the backstretch do every day. 

The brainchild of NYRTCA Program Director Nick Caras and Volunteer Extraordinaire Kim Weir, the beautification project has taken on a life of its own. Thank you to Kim for her hours upon hours of organization and attention to detail and for bringing the teams together. We extend our gratitude to Kim's incredible co-caption Genevieve Schimpfle for her dedicated service and partnership. Thank you and Blessings always be upon Pastor Mark Kehrer of Pine Grove Church, who loves Saratoga and this campground, and serves God with all of his heart.

The future of the campground as a home to the backstretch is uncertain, as the property is currently for sale. While we mourn this potential loss, we are at peace in the knowledge that God is in charge. We know this volunteer group will remain united in service and we are actively seeking an alternative location for the families.

Thank you to each of you who contributed to our children’s summer enrichment program, many through the matching grants of the Heider Foundation and Len Green, in loving memory of Lois Green. We are delighted to announce that each of the grants, as of yesterday, have been matched. Thanks to all of you, the children we serve will be having a blast in a safe and educational environment.

Happy Opening Day and I hope to see you in Saratoga!


Chaplain Humberto Chavez

Lord God, we so wish to prepare well for this Saratoga Racing season.

We so want to make all of ourselves ready and attentive and available to your guidance. Help us clarify and purify our thoughts and intentions. May each time we head to the track and the winner’s circle be a celebration of unity and inclusivity, where people from all walks of life come together to acknowledge and honor the one who got them there.

Today we collectively offer praise and gratitude for the blessings, protection and wisdom you will bestow upon your people and horses that participate each day in the racing circuit of this great nation.

In your name we pray, Amen!



The NY Race Track Chaplaincy, with your help, provides backpacks filled with the specific supplies needed for hundreds of students of the backstretch communities of Belmont, Aqueduct, and Saratoga.

During the backpack distribution we also provide free first day of school haircuts, distribute free clothing, and even provide ice cream for everyone in order to provide a fun, relaxing, and festive atmosphere for the students and their families as they prepare for the first day of school.

This year for the second year we will also be providing a new pair of sneakers, which adds significantly to the cost of this program but provides a critical benefit for our families, for whom a pair of new sneakers is not a feasible purchase.

You may help us to provide this service by contributing toward the purchase of sneakers, backpacks and supplies.. Thank you for your support!

Back To School Program


Our 15th Annual Brunch is scheduled to be held on

Wednesday, August 16th 10 AM

Saratoga National.

Please join us as we honor Tracy and Todd Pletcher!

Tickets are limited


Always a highlight of the Saratoga calendar, our 14th annual Charity basketball game pitting the jockeys against the horseman will be held on Thursday August 3rd at 6:30 PM at the Saratoga Rec Center,

Admission is free and Sponsorships and donations support our programming.

Charity Basketball Game
Annual Brunch
Charity Basketball Game
Back to School Drive
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