The Saratoga Chamber of Commerce is committed to connecting and supporting the Saratoga community, particularly our businesses. You've received my previous messages describing the efforts of our coalition of 16 Chambers of Commerce, business owners, and faith leaders from across Silicon Valley to safely re-open Santa Clara County. We held a press conference to express our concerns over the restrictive measures in place by the County of Santa Clara due to COVID-19. Many businesses have sat idle for the last 7+ months. They are on the brink of extinction because Santa Clara County officials have not created an environment where businesses can safely re-open and have a fighting chance to survive.
Our coalition wants to be part of the solution in finding a responsible balance between life with COVID-19 and meaningful, authentic gatherings and business survival. We are encouraging lawmakers and government officials to safely re-open the economy (consistent with California's red tier designation) and allow the following:
· Indoor gatherings of worship (at 25% capacity);
· Indoor dining (at 25% capacity); and
· Certain personal care services to safely re-open (such as estheticians)
We've created a letter of support to Governor Newsom, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, Dr. Cody, the County's Public Health Officer, and the County Counselor. We ask for your support and signature in support of this campaign by clicking on the Call-To-Action below.
Also, we are asking for you and your employees that are impacted by the County's restrictive measures - put in place without any participation or input from the business community - to speak at the next Board of Supervisors meeting. The meeting is on Tuesday, October 6, at 9:30 AM. The Public Comment section where we will speak should start around 9:45 or so. I've attached a document with links to the zoom meeting and some suggested talking points. I recommend that you or others that you enlist to speak do so from the heart. Tell your story of the suffering that the County's more restrictive rules have caused. You'll probably only have 1 minute to speak, and the speaker queue may be lengthy. Please help us show the Board how many of us have been impacted, and let's get them to bring us to the table to help devise a plan for a safe re-opening. Heck, even New York City and San Francisco are ahead of our County.
Thank you,
Chuck Page
President, Saratoga Chamber of Commerce
Farmers Insurance - Chuck Page Insurance Agency
mobile 669-256-2856