Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2022 News

Planning for an in person conference May 4 - 6, 2022 at The Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina is continuing. We are aware of the risks related to Omicron, and public health restrictions that may be put in place as a result of this most recent wave.
We are uncertain where the country will be in relation to the pandemic in May 2022. Although we are anticipating a safe and more open environment, we are mindful that this may not be the case. As such we will continue to monitor. SLA will always take public health considerations into full account and respond with individual and community safety as the primary consideration.
Conference Proposal Deadline Extended to January 31, 2022

The theme for the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2022 is Libraries Rise Above, which reflects the innovation, flexibility and resilience of libraries to meet their communities’ evolving needs. Libraries are a flexible, resilient, constantly evolving force that rises to meet community needs, especially in the areas of life-long learning, innovation, social connection, and economic well-being in our our province. Proposals are being accepted for presenters at the conference until January 31, 2022. Presentations should reflect the theme of the conference.
Submit a proposal or find more information here.
Keynote Speaker Tomson Highway

Author, playwright and musician Tomson Highway will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2022 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference. Recently promoted from member to officer of the Order of Canada, winner of the 2021 Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for his book Permanent Astonishment, Tomson Highway is sure to give a captivating presentation.
Read more about Tomson Highway on the SLA website.
Read an excerpt from Permanent Astonishment.
Conference Partnerships

The Saskatchewan Library Association AGM will once again be held during the conference. This year, the Saskatchewan Library Trustees Association, the Saskatchewan Health Library Association and CASL will also hold annual meetings in conjunction with the conference. As well, Dawn Martin of Daybreak Consulting will present a session to explore the fundamentals of non-profit governance.
Release of Public Library Sector Report December 2021
The Provincial Public Library Sector Plan: A Step in a Very Long Process

In 2017 the Government of Saskatchewan committed to engaging with public library stakeholders and undertaking a planning process.

In the fall of 2018, the Government of Saskatchewan completed a series of engagement sessions with representatives from the public library systems and stakeholders. The process was led by Mr. Terry Dennis, the MLA for Canora-Pelly, and Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Education at that time. SLA was one of several organizations invited to an engagement session. In addition to engagement sessions, organizations were invited to provide written submissions. In January 2019 Report on Saskatchewan Public Libraries Engagement was released; it included eight main themes. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education conducted a survey to gather public feedback on the Report of Saskatchewan Public Libraries Engagement. In 2019, over 5,800 residents provided their feedback and subsequently a process was introduced to develop a Public Library Sector Plan.

Congratulations to Oksana Moshynska

Oksana Moshynska, Branch Manager of North Battleford Public Library and SLA board Member, was recently featured in the USC Marshall School of Business MMLIS Newsletter. SLA extends congratulations to Oksana for the recognition of her impressive achievements.
Read the newsletter here.
Upcoming Deadlines for SLA Grants, Awards and Bursaries

Applications for Continuing Education Grants
Due February 15, 2022
Have a great idea for a workshop for library staff? Interested in attending a conference, workshop, or other professional development opportunity? A grant is available for first time conference attendees at the SLA Conference.  Applications for CE category one, two, and three grants are now being accepted. All applications are due by February 15th, 2022. Details are available on the  SLA website.
Frances Morrison Award of Merit Nominations Due March 1st

Nominations are open for the Frances Morrison Award of Merit. This award is for outstanding service to libraries and is given in the name of one of Saskatchewan's outstanding librarians. Criteria for the award include:
·        Library service must be provided in Saskatchewan.
·        Outstanding service to libraries may be provided by individuals, institutions, or groups.
·        Recipients who may or may not be members of the Saskatchewan Library Association.

Applications due by March 1, 2022 submitted to Dorothea Warren [email protected]

For further information and an application please visit the SLA website.
Applications for Mary Donaldson Award of Merit Due March 31st

Applications are invited for the 2022 Mary Donaldson Award. The Mary Donaldson Memorial Trust was established in 1966 to honour the memory of Mary Donaldson, who was Saskatchewan’s first Provincial Librarian from 1951 until her death in 1966. The Mary Donaldson Award of Merit was established in 1977 to provide a bursary to a full-time or part-time Saskatchewan student enrolled in a library and information technician program. The award is usually presented during the annual Saskatchewan Libraries Conference in May.

Applications due March 31, 2022 submitted to Dorothea Warren [email protected]

For more information and application visit the SLA website.
Each month we share Saskatchewan library stories of places, events and people around the province.
If you have a Saskatchewan library story to share, please send it to [email protected].

This month we celebrate the career of librarian Carol MacDonald with a story submitted by Cara Bradley.

Carol MacDonald Retires
After Forty Years at University of Regina Library

Carol MacDonald has retired from the University of Regina Library after serving the U of R for over four decades. She began her career at the Library as a Reference/Collections Librarian then transferred to the Canadian Plains Research Center to develop the CANPlains database into a nationally accessible database of prairie research. She then returned to the Library to lead its first major automation project and the formation of the RegLIN consortium consisting of the University of Regina Library, the Saskatchewan Legislative Library, the Gabriel Institute, the Regina General, Pasqua and Wascana hospital libraries, and the Saskatchewan Dept. of Health Library.
As Head of Library Systems at the University of Regina Library, Carol played a key role in leading the development of three state of the art integrated library discovery systems all of which were adopted by the RegLIN consortium member libraries. Along the way Carol became adept at writing RFPS, writing database conversion specifications for the consortium libraries, loading records, administering complex library systems, customizing web interfaces, writing technical documentation, and providing technical support and training.

Carol MacDonald
Photo Submitted by Cara Bradley
Saskatchewan Library Association Program News
One Book, One Province Saskatchewan 2022
The One Book, One Province (OBOP) Committee is lining up a great month of library and community events throughout March to celebrate Arab Cooking on a Prairie Homestead: Recipes and Recollections from a Syrian Pioneer by Habeeb Salloum. Libraries and community organizations all over Saskatchewan will be hosting guest author readings, discussions, Syrian film screenings, cooking demonstrations, book clubs and other events to celebrate the book. Our programming this year will include a mix of both virtual and in-person events.

SLA would like to hear how your library plans on taking part and we will spread the news! Please send details about your OBOP event to Leslie Charlton at [email protected].
Visit the SLA website for more information.
Lunch Speaker Series to Return in Winter 2022
The SLA Speaker Series Working Group has been busy planning a ZOOM lunch series for winter/spring 2022. In 2021, SLA successfully presented a four-part Learning Opportunities Series with guest speakers on a variety of topics. This year, we are planning for two virtual lunch sessions:
  • A panel discussion on libraries expanding services to meet communities' needs.
  • A information session on your SLA and the variety of ways to be involved.
Watch for upcoming newsflashes and social media updates for dates and times.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines’ community of practice within the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL) invites the public to attend this Zoom webinar on January 20that 1pm to 2pm eastern.
Title: Experiencing inaccessible PDFs and how the National Network for Equitable Library Service has been advancing the agenda of accessible publishing

Speaker: Dr. Daniella Levy Pinto, manager, National Network of Equitable Library Service
The Canada Council for the Arts Announces the New Strategic Innovation Fund
More than $200 million has been committed over the next five years to build a more resilient, sustainable, connected, inclusive and equitable arts sector. The goal is to support a range of artists and arts organizations, throughout their innovation journeys, to create meaningful change in the arts sector and beyond.
Read more here
SCAA Announces February 6 - 12, 2022 is Archives Week in Saskatchewan
Read the official proclamation and find more details here.
The Canada Council for the Arts Annual Public Meeting will be held virtually on January 25, 2022. Registration info can be found here.
Workshop on Instruction in Library Use (WILU) Call for Proposals
From June 20 to 23, 2022, McGill University Library will host the 50th annual Workshop on Instruction in Library Use (WILU). The Organizing Committee is pleased to officially launch the website and call for proposals to be submitted by January 21, 2022.
Call for Proposals for Concordia University's Library Research Forum 2022
(Deadline: February 4, 2022)  
Proposals are now being accepted for Concordia University's 20th Library Research Forum. This year's Research Forum will again be held virtually, in the afternoon of April 26 & 27, 2022. 
Full details here 
Latest Newsletters and Programming from Libraries & Other Cultural Organizations
Saskatchewan Library Association
10-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-3633


SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the 25th of each month.
Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets

 The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community. Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.
The Saskatchewan Library Association gratefully acknowledges the support of our funding agencies.