ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 4 Issue 6
June 1, 2018
First let me say how much I enjoyed attending CFLA-FCAB's first National Forum and SLA's Annual Conference May 2-4 in Regina. Kudos to the conference planning committee, its chair Jeff Barber and Alix-Rae Stefenko (CFLA-FCAB Chair), committee volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors, and the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel. The Canadian Urban Libraries Council and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries also held successful business meetings earlier that week. Saskatchewan's library community rose to the occasion of hosting a very successful week for library workers from near and far converging in Regina.
Also many thanks to the 63 individuals who completed our conference evaluation survey. Responses are being reviewed and improvements in areas are being noted and will be shared with the 2019 conference planning committee and its chair Tasha Maddison. Be sure to mark your calendar to attend our next conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Saskatoon May 2-3, 2019. It will be fantastic!
My two year term as your president was an incredible professional development opportunity for me. I didn't envision the many learning experiences I would have. The long-term benefits of volunteering will be invaluable for my career. I highly recommend those with leadership aspirations to consider running for president, another executive position, or a member-at-large. SLA also has many committees that require a diverse mix of people with ideas and a passion to make a difference in the province's library community. You will not regret it.
Welcome to the new 2018 2019 SLA Board
New Board Members:
President: Alison Jantz
Born and raised in Saskatoon, Alison Jantz is the Library Director of the Saskatoon Theological Union. She has been a librarian for 4
Photo credit:Anita Retzlaff |
years and has 20 years of experience working in libraries. She was a student library assistant at the University of Saskatchewan for 10 years and then moved into a Library Assistant position in Interlibrary Loans. Alison has been an SLA member and on the board for 3 years. She began on the board as a Member at Large and then became the VP of Advocacy and Development. Alison has greatly enjoyed her time on the SLA board and is looking forward to this opportunity to represent the Association as president.
V.P. of Advocacy and Development: Tony Murphy
Photo credit: Tony Murphy |
Tony calls himself a "late bloomer" librarian, joining the profession in 2011. He is currently the Regional Director and CEO of Wapiti Regional Library. He started his library career at the University of Saskatchewan Library in 2011 as the liaison librarian to English, Drama, and Anthropology. In 2012 his career moved into the public library world with a Public Services Manager position at Regina Public Library. In 2014 he moved to Wapiti Regional Library as Assistant Regional Director, and in January 2015 he took the helm as Regional Director.
I have a working familiarity with SLA, having previously been a Member-at-Large, and I look forward not only to the opportunity to bring my years and variety of experience to the position of VP Advocacy and Development, but also to building new relationships both on and off the SLA Board.
Member at Large: Nina Verishagen
Nina Verishagen is the Marketing Librarian at Saskatchewan
Photo credit: Kristina Ehrlich |
Polytechnic Library. She is passionate about developing connections with library patrons and does this through her work managing events, developing promotional materials, and chairing the library's social media committee. For the past six years, Nina has been developing and fostering important relationships with her colleagues in various student support services including Indigenous Student Success Strategy and International Education. Nina is also actively involved in library instruction, focusing her efforts on developing a programming for students enrolled in academic upgrading. She holds a BA in History from the University of Saskatchewan and an MLIS from McGill University. Her research interests include adult instruction and social media in the academic library.
Member at Large: Lukas Miller
Lukas Miller (Regina) is a clinical librarian with the recently
Photo Credit: Medical Media Services with Saskatchewan Health Authority. |
amalgamated Saskatchewan Health Authority. His work entails supporting health professionals in various settings to provide evidence and information for better patient care.
Lukas has been involved in health libraries from the onset of his career. After completing his M.L.I.S. in 2014 (UWO/London), he served as a librarian for the Regina Qu'Appelle and Prince Albert Parkland Health Regions. He was then an Assistant Librarian at the University of Saskatchewan from 2014-17 before returning to his hometown of Regina.
Lukas has worked toward improving libraries and their services as a former board member of Saskatoon Public Library(2016), President of the Saskatchewan Health Libraries Association (2016-17), and with involvement in various SLA committees. He looks forward to further development of the profession as a director of the SLA.
Lukas lives in downtown Regina with his pet cat, Sam. He enjoys reading, blogging, video games, music, craft beer, and swimming.
Returning Board Members:
Member at Large:
Lindsay Baker
Finance: Brad Doerkesen
Vice-President, Membership & Publications: Linda Winkler
Member at Large: Alan Kilpatrick (1 year)
Applications for Continuing Education Grants Due August 15, 2018
SLA offers Continuing Education (CE) grants to provide and support relevant educational opportunities for its members. Applications for CE category one and two grants are now being accepted:
- Grant to an individual for attendance to any continuing education opportunity (conference, workshop, etc.).
- Grant to an individual or institution for organization and promotion of a continuing education opportunity (conference, workshop, etc.).
All applications are due by August 15th, 2018. Details are available on the website. All applications are to be sent to the SLA Executive Director
Grants will not be awarded if suitable candidates do not apply. Preference will be given to those who have not had a grant before.
Thank you to all the committee members, committee chairs and volunteers who helped to make this year so successful.
Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information
Practice and Research
currently has the following volunteer editorial posting open:
More information on the posting can be found here :
Letters of application stating interest and qualifications, along with a current CV, should be sent to:
Jessica Lange, Editor-in-Chief
June 15
, 2018
Mark Your Calendar!
The 2019 Conference will be held May 2 & 3 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Saskatoon.
Interested in hosting the Saskatchewan Libraries 2020 Conference?
Is your community or institution eager to host an upcoming conference? This is your opportunity to host the 2020 Saskatchewan Library Association's annual conference! Interested locations should submit a proposal as soon as possible, and include a chair or co-chairs for the 2020 Conference Planning Committee (CPC). SLA offers a mentoring opportunity for the chair(s) to attend all upcoming 2019 Conference Planning Executive Team teleconferences. This group consists of SLA's executive director, president, 2019 CPC chair, and 2019 CPC program chair. Details about the conference request for proposal are here and also available in SLA's CPC Handbook
We were very honoured that Life Speaker
Noel Starblanket gave prayers at the 1st CFLA-FCAB Nat'l Forum and 2018 Sask. Libraries Conference.
Congratulations to Helen Sutherland,SLTA's 2018 Honourary Life Member Award Recipeint
Helen Sutherland is a former teacher and farm wife. She is mother
 to eight. She has always loved books.
Regional libraries were being established all over Saskatchewan in 1967. In Lakeland, not so much. At a home and school meeting that year a few like-minded people decided Borden needed a community library. Read more
SLA Awards
At the 2018 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference in May, SLA was pleased to present several awards.
- 2017 Maureen Woods Education Bursary is Elise Lehmann.
- 2018 Frances Morrison Award for outstanding service to libraries is Colleen Murphy. She is also the recipient of the
Honourary Life Membership.
2018 Mary Donaldson Award of Merit is Brittany Schmidt.
Information about the recipients can be found here.
The official launch for the TD Summer Reading Program, Get Your Summer Read On, will be June 16-23, 2018
. There is a great deal of information on the
TDSR website.
Saskatchewan Library Week will be held from October 14-20, 2018
The theme, submitted to our recent contest by Justine Walton from the White City Library Board is:
Watch for upcoming announcements about grants and artwork.
The National 2018 Culture Days Programming Theme is
Culture Days is coming soon: September 28. 29 and 30, 2018
here to find 100 Culture Days Activity Ideas to inspire you.
Or click
here to watch a webinar about the theme.
Apply now for Culture Days grants. SLA offers 10 $200 grants to member libraries to assist with Culture Days Programs. The application form is
here and the deadline to apply is July 13, 2018.
Michael Shires, on behalf of the SLA Board, announced the 2019 One Book, One Province selection during the President's
Photo credit: Calvin Chiang |
Reception at the 2018 Sask. Libraries Conference on May 3 inRegina. Colleen Murphy, Chair of SLA's One Book, One Province Committee, poses with the book,
Just Pretending by Lisa Bird-Wilson.
Saskatchewan Library Association
15-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-9447
SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the 25th of each month.
Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets
The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community. Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.