ISSN 2369-4939
Volume 6 Issue 9
September 1, 2020

Letter from the President

I cannot believe it is September already. I look around my garden and it definitely looks like fall out
there. I know a lot of you are thinking about back to school - either for your kids, or for those of you in the academic sector. This has always been a time of renewal and a fresh start, but this year feels a little
different with the uncertainty of
Photo Credit: Andrew Marshall
 COVID-19 times. I am still working from home most of the time, although we are planning a return to work this fall. Dorothea, Marina and Anne are also working from home, with an occasional foray into the SLA office. Routines have been established, as I am sure they have in your worlds. 

Instead of going to Toronto for the Partnership meetings, Dorothea and I will be attending a couple of days of Zoom meetings later this month. This will give us an opportunity to see what is happening in associations across the country. We will provide updates in next month's newsletter.

Call for Interest: Member at Large

SLA would like to remind you that one position of Member at Large in the Board of Directors remains vacant. Serving on the SLA Board is a great opportunity to contribute to the library community, make connections and have a voice. More information about Board duties is available here.

If you are interested in this position, please contact Dorothea Warren at [email protected]

Maureen Woods Education Bursary: Applications due October 30

The Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) is pleased to accept applications for the Maureen Woods Education Bursary until October 30, 2020.

The $5000 bursary was established to promote the continued growth of professional librarianship in the province of Saskatchewan. It is open to all students enrolled in or accepted in an ALA-accredited graduate degree program in library and information science or equivalent at the time of the award. Applicants must be willing to take up residence and employment in Saskatchewan for a period of at least one year following completion of their MLIS program.

More information is available here.

Take a look at an interview with the SLA President about the Maureen Woods Education Bursary here.

Saskatchewan Libraries and COVID-19

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, Saskatchewan libraries have been returning to business. We understand that it may take a while for libraries to reopen with the proper safety measures, and that the services provided may differ in each area of the province. SLA is monitoring the situation and will continue to provide information as it becomes available. We have compiled a list of libraries that are currently providing services to the public as of August 26, 2020.

CFLA-FCAB Response to Globe and Mail op-ed

CFLA-FCAB is the united voice of Canada's libraries. CFLA-FCAB influences public
policy, advances library excellence, and raises the visibility of libraries in Canada to advance our national intellectual, social, economic, and cultural success. To this end, Board members and member associations of CFLA-FCAB add their endorsement to sectoral responses to Ken Whyte's opinion piece in the Globe and Mail on July 25, entitled Overdue: Throwing the Book at Libraries. The article has drawn reaction from a variety of sources and CFLA-FCAB is
gratified by the positive, supportive tone of responses from across the country.

2020 Video Project: Culture Days and Saskatchewan Library Week

As we continue to address programming possibilities during pandemic restrictions, SLA has commissioned eight writers and artists to create short workshops, readings and presentations on a variety of topics. Some will be hands
on, while others will introduce new and engaging topics for further exploration. Each of the videos will be 45 minutes in length. Libraries will be able to share the videos with their patrons in their physical space if they are open, or through their website and social media pages.

For more information, including the list of confirmed presenters, please visit the video project's web page.

Culture Days 2020: September 25 to October 25

Culture Days will begin this month! Graphics to help you celebrate  Culture Days are available here. You can also view a complete list of events happening in Saskatchewan here.

Saskatchewan Library Week: October 18 to 24, 2020
Libraries: Resilient in Changing Times

To help you celebrate and promote Saskatchewan Library Week, SLA encourages all libraries to download and share the SLW poster, web banner and graphic bits. All SLW graphics are available here.

The Book Spine Poetry Contest will return this year and will run from September 14 to November 1, 2020.  Contest instructions are available in English and in French. Stay tuned for more information!

Statistics and Evaluation 2020

TDSRC statistics and evaluation will be gathered by Maru Blue this year. Library contacts and regional administrators will receive an email from with a link to the form.
Please complete the form by September 30.

One Book, One Province, Saskatchewan

Although nothing is for certain at the moment, plans are beginning for One Book, One Province (OBOP) events in March 2021. Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, His Honour, the Honorable Russ Merasty has agreed to continue in this role for 2021. Once more, we are planning to launch OBOP month at Government House at the end of February.

More information and updates will be available on our website.
The Most Important Building in the City

Gail Bowen is a featured writer in SLA's 2020 video project for Culture Days and Saskatchewan Library Week. Her newest book, The Unlocking Season, will be published in September.

You can read her piece about libraries, The Most Important Building in the City, here.

Gradual reopening of SPL locations began August 25

Saskatoon Public Library (SPL) moved to Stage 3 of their Path to Reopening on August 25. Click here to view their media release.

Request for Input: New Guide for Monetary Appraisals

The National Archival Appraisal Board (NAAB) and the Canadian Council of Archives (CCA) are seeking the input of monetary appraisers and archival institutions across Canada regarding updated guidelines. The guide is available in English and French. Input can be submitted here.

LJ Day of Dialog: September 25, 2020

Library Journal's most popular event is free and fully virtual in 2020. The event will take place on September 25 and will feature a close-up look at the biggest forthcoming adult books from winter/spring 2021. Registration is available here. Click here for more information.

Call for Nominations: 2020 Canada's Volunteer Awards

The call for nominations for Canada's Volunteer Awards is currently open, and you are encouraged to nominate a not-for-profit organization, an individual, a group of volunteers, a social enterprise or a business that is making a difference in their community. Nominations will be accepted until September 30, 2020.

Newsletters from other cultural organizations

Saskatchewan Library Association
10-2010 7th Ave.
Regina, SK S4R 1C2
Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409
Fax: 306-780-3633
SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the 25th of each month.

Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets

 The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community.  Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download  in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.