issue: 79
September 2016
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In this issue:

Back to School


As we turn our attention to September, education becomes an important focus. Millions of students of all ages begin another academic year and the promise of learning, achievement and skill attainment is top of mind.


Proper nutrition is a key factor in achieving and maintaining good health, including mental development and acuity. Good nutrition can help the brain, no matter what age it is. Good eating habits can also help to combat obesity.


The American Heart Association says that today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. With good reason, childhood obesity is now the No. 1 health concern among parents in the United States, topping drug abuse and smoking.


Among children today, obesity is causing a broad range of health problems that previously weren't seen until adulthood. These include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol. There are also psychological effects: Obese children are more prone to low self-esteem, negative body image and depression.


And excess weight is associated with earlier risk of obesity-related disease and death in adulthood. Perhaps one of the most sobering statements regarding the severity of the childhood obesity epidemic came from former Surgeon General Richard Carmona, who characterized the threat as follows:


"Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents."


What is "overweight" in children?

When defining overweight in children and adolescents, it's important to consider both weight and body composition. Among American children ages 2-19, the following percentages of children are obese, using the 95th percentile or higher of body mass index (BMI) values on the CDC growth chart:

  • For non-Hispanic whites, 17.5 percent of males and 14.7 percent of females.
  • For non-Hispanic blacks, 22.6 percent of males and 24.8 percent of females.
  • For Mexican Americans, 28.9 percent of males and 18.6 percent of females.
The prevalence of obesity (BMI-for-age values at or above the 95th percentile of the 2000 CDC growth charts in children ages 2-5 increased from 4.8 percent in 1971-74 to 12.1 percent in 2009-2010. For 6-11 year old children, the prevalence of obesity increased from 4.0 percent in 1971-74 to 18.0 percent in 2009-10. The prevalence of overweight in adolescents ages 12-19 increased from 6.1 percent to 18.4 percent.


How do you prevent and treat overweight in children?

Reaching and maintaining an appropriate body weight is important. The healthiest way to change weight is gradually. That's why recommendations that focus on small but permanent changes in eating and physical activity may work better than a series of short-term changes that can't be sustained. The importance of continuing these lifestyle changes well past the initial treatment period should be emphasized to the entire family. Some great tips from the American Heart Association for parents and caretakers can be found on Limoneira's Blog under "Kids".


Source: American Heart Association
A New Study Finds That Citrus Could Help Fight Effects of Obesity


A group of researchers from Brazil has found that citrus fruits help prevent harmful effects of obesity in mice fed a Western-style, high-fat diet.


The Brazilian scientists presented their findings recently at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).


"Our results indicate that in the future we can use citrus flavanones, a class of antioxidants, to prevent or delay chronic diseases caused by obesity in humans," graduate student Paula S. Ferreira said.


More than one-third of all adults in the U.S. are obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Being obese increases the risk of developing heart disease, liver disease and diabetes, most likely because of oxidative stress and inflammation, Ferreira said.


When humans consume a high-fat diet, they accumulate fat in their bodies. Fat cells produce excessive reactive oxygen species, which can damage cells in a process called oxidative stress.


The body can usually fight off the molecules with antioxidants, but obese patients have very enlarged fat cells, which can lead to even higher levels of reactive oxygen species that overwhelm the body's ability to counteract them.


Citrus fruits contain large amounts flavanones, which previous studies have linked to lowering oxidative stress in vitro and in animal models.


In this study, the researchers wanted to observe the effects of citrus flavanones for the first time on mice with no genetic modifications and that were fed a high-fat diet.


The team, at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Brazil, conducted an experiment with 50 mice, treating them with flavanones found in oranges, limes and lemons. The flavanones they focused on were hesperidin, eriocitrin and eriodictyol. For one month, researchers gave groups either a standard diet, a high-fat diet, a high-fat diet plus hesperidin, a high-fat diet plus eriocitrin or a high-fat diet plus eriodictyol. View the study's results here.


Source: Fresh Fruit Portal
School Nutritionists Advance Healthy Eating Habits


To highlight some key issues in school nutrition, Today's Dietitian(TD), in an earlier issue, interviewed several people at the forefront of the field to find out what's working, what isn't, and what are some ways that can help kids follow a path of healthful eating and, hopefully, healthful living. The participants in their Q & A were as follows:


Chef Ann Cooper: Also known as the "Renegade Lunch Lady," Cooper is a chef, nutrition services director, consultant, author, public speaker, and advocate for school nutrition. She founded the Food Family Farming Foundation to further the cause of improving school nutrition.


David L. Katz, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP: Katz is founder and president of the Turn the Tide Foundation, an organization dedicated to developing and evaluating creative, practical strategies for empowering individuals and families to achieve optimal nutrition, good health, and sustainable weight control as well as lowering the rates of obesity and chronic disease among children and adults.


Pamela Koch, EdD, RD: Koch is executive director of the Center for Food & Environment at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her main research focus is on evaluating the impact of educational interventions on eating behaviors. She's the primary author of the Linking Food and the Environment (LiFE) curriculum series.


Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH: Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor in the department of nutrition, food studies, and public health as well as a professor of sociology at New York University. She was a senior policy advisor for Health and Human Services from 1986 to 1988 and managing editor of the 1988 Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health.


Ilaria St. Florian, MS, RD: St. Florian is a clinical dietitian at Stamford Hospital in Connecticut as well as a health and nutrition writer. She's written curriculum for and helped implement nutrition programs in the New York City area, including Foodfight, a two-part program for high school students that not only focuses on nutrition education but also teaches media literacy to help students identify the ways that advertisers influence their food choices. 

These nutrition experts shared their thoughts as part of the Today's Dietician Q&A. Read their responses here


Source: Today's Dietician
Have A Healthy Back-To-School with Limoneira's Megan Roosevelt


Ring in the new school year with these zesty meal planning tips:


September means the beginning of fall, the changing of leaves - and yes, back to school. As schedules and calendars become more predictable and understandably more hectic, keeping meal prep easy is a staple of any smoothly-running home.


That's where Limoneira comes in, because lemons and other citrus fruits can help. Check out Megan Roosevelt's top tips for saving time in the kitchen here. Megan is a Registered Dietician, spokesperson for Limoneira Lemons for Life™ and the founder of Healthy Grocery Girl®.


"Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are great staples to keep in mind when meal planning because they're versatile and full of nutrients," says Megan in her latest video for Limoneira. Check out her time-saving back-to-school tips and tricks below.


1. Citrus & Apple - Apples are a great snack. To prevent them from browning once sliced, squeeze a little fresh lemon juice over the slices.

2. Citrus Snack Bars & Bites - Store bought snack bars can be high in sugar, and low in fiber and other wholesome ingredients. Make your own snacks on the weekends for the week ahead.


No-Bake Cashew Lemon Cookie Bites


  • 1 cup soaked cashews
  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • a pinch of sea salt


Pulse together until you create a batter. Roll into bites, and store in the fridge or freezer.


3. Chocolate Dipped Oranges - We all love a little treat after lunch, and chocolate-dipped orange slices are not only full of great antioxidants, but are easy to make in advance and keep stored in the fridge or freezer over the weekend.


4. Citrus Water - Lemon (or orange) water is a great way to make hydrating just a bit tastier. Keeping a jug of citrus water on hand in the fridge provides a yummy (and healthy) alternative to juices and sodas all week long.


Each month, Megan will be featuring another wonderful facet of lemon living. Subscribe to Limoneira's Youtube channel for more information on the many ways this endlessly versatile fruit can improve life inside the home and beyond.
Limoneira Shares 2017 Promotion Plan with Grocery and Food Service Partners


In a recent press release and ANUK (AND NOW YOU KNOW) article, Limoneira shared a number of ways to help our grocery and food service partners build produce sales:


Be On the Lookout for LEMONS FOR LIFE™ - The World of Lemons, Oranges and Specialty Citrus Throughout the Year.


It's all complimentary and value added for our grocery and food service partners:
  • Promotional videos for your shoppers
  • One million consumers geographically targeted
  • Megan Roosevelt Healthy Grocery Girl®
  • National blogger network
  • Global Opinion leaders in Health, Beauty, Culinary, and Green Cleaning
  • Robust social marketing
  • In-store merchandising


After the holidays, it's time to get back on track. Fresh citrus is one of the healthiest items in the grocery produce aisle. Check out our easy health tips. Tea with lemon is the perfect way to relax and get health benefits.



February is the month of love and beauty, and citrus provides a number of benefits for skin and hair. Couples can enjoy lemon drop martinis and learn how to create eye-catching complexions.



Spring is just around the corner and consumers around the world are opening windows, shaking out the dust and setting up the shine. Natural green cleaning solutions have become increasingly popular. Don't toss that citrus after its added zip to the recipes. It still a green clean machine!



Limoneira celebrates Earth Day this month, and our sustainably grown citrus has been grown using solar energy, water saving strategies, beneficial insects and mulch. They're picked and harvested by employees that have access to good housing and educational opportunities.



Where would we all be without Mom and this month we celebrate her. We offer time saving tips and great recipes to allow her more "me-time".



Graduation means accomplishment and perhaps additional skill attainment. In June we take a look at the changing world of agriculture and careers that are possible in feeding the world. We also celebrate Dad's for Father's Day with Citrus BBQ and other tips.



Summer offers infinite possibilities for in-nature pursuits. BBQs, al fresco dining, hikes and bike-rides are just a few ways to enjoy the season, and we offer easy, delicious ways that citrus can add to the fun.



This month we celebrate three great lemon holidays: National Lemonade Day, National Lemon Juice Day and for our pie passionate friends, Lemon Meringue Pie Day. Lemon Up!



Mom has a lot on her plate in her role as chief Household Officer-We make it easy for her this month with some great tips for easy/tasty/nutritious kid's lunches.



How about enjoying a piece of Citrus Pumpkin Pie with Grand Marnier cream and a glass of Pumpkin Smash by the fire while trick or treaters are out and about. Autumn is ghoulishly good and in October we feature a number of delicious fall citrus recipes.



From appetizers, entrees, drinks and desserts, we have a lot of great recipes to be thankful for.



Wreathes with citrus, aromatic candles and citrus yule ideas-From decorating the tree, setting a creative table and enjoying traditional food faves with a new twist, our team offers a number of great citrus lifestyle tips.

Executive Chef Michael Foley On NBC's KSBY Preparing Recipes with Limoneira Lemons

Recently, Executive Chef Michael Foley, owner and operator of Chef's Table Catering was on NBC's KSBY preparing some of his favorite recipes with Limoneira Lemons.

Chef Mike has catered for two U.S. presidents, music performers Styx, Van Halen, and Michael Jackson and rock concerts, movie productions, a-list parties, elegant weddings, and major charity events.

Chef Mike is also known as a master behind the grill and the go-to caterer for the big barbeques throughout California's Central Coast. Over the years Chef Mike has developed close relationships with the best local farmers, ranchers, and fishermen on the central coast which allow him to consistently serve the freshest local produce, meat, and fish available. Chef Mike also believes in serving organic and sustainable foods whenever possible. He earned his culinary arts degree from Johnson and Wales University.

Watch Chef Mike's spot on NBC's KSBY and get the recipe for his delicious Rosemary Lemon Chicken here
article7Limoneira Lemons On CBS-WKRC Cincinnati with Heather Johnson


WKRC is Cincinnati's most watched local news station and Heather Johnson (aka "The Food Hussy") is the number one blogger in Cincinnati. It made perfect sense for these two Ohio dynamos to team up recently and Limoneira lemons brought them together to cover the magic of easy late summertime grilling. Heather's engaging personality and Good Morning Cincinnati's Bob Herzog's Lemon Juggling expertise made for a very engaging spot which you can view here. Special mention was to viewers to let them know that they can get Limoneira lemons and Meijer, which provides customers with great retail experiences in the Midwestern U.S.
Harvest at Limoneira Park Amenities - The City of Santa Paula Looking for Concept Feedback


A 38-acre Community park was previously approved for Harvest at Limoneira, and the City of Santa Paula would like Santa Paula residents to be involved in the process of deciding what facilities should be included in the new park.


Two outreach meetings are scheduled to share park amenity concepts and obtain community feedback:


Thursday, September 15, 2016 between 6pm and 8pm at the Santa Paula Community Center (530 West Main Street).


Saturday, September 17, 2016 between 10am and 12pm at the Limoneira Pavilion (55 Hallock Drive, intersection of Telegraph Road and highway 126).


Please feel free to stop in at any time during the open hours. Refreshments will be served at both meetings. If you are unable to attend either of the meetings, a handout about the future park facilities including a questionnaire will be available at City Hall (970 E. Ventura Street). Information will be available in English and Spanish.
Asia Fruit Logistica


This September Limoneira Management and Partners from the U.S. South America and South Africa will be on hand for ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, one of the Asia Pacific region's most important trade shows.


In 2015, AFL attracted more than 9,200 trade visitors from 70 different countries to Hong Kong's AsiaWorld-Expo Center. The record attendance at Asia's leading fresh fruit and vegetable trade show was driven by a significant increase in Asian visitor numbers. Total visitor numbers rose by 14 per cent on the previous year's event, and 66 per cent of those visitors came from Asia, up from 58 per cent in 2014.


China was by far the biggest country represented in terms of attendance, accounting for more than a third of total visitor numbers. Australia and the US ranked second and third respectively followed by India, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore.


The Asia Pacific Region is among the top export destinations for Limoneira lemons.
article10Limoneira One World of Citrus™ Advertising in Asiafruit Magazine


ASIAFRUIT magazine is Asia's leading supplier of news, information for the international fresh fruit and vegetable business. ASIAFRUIT is the reference point of choice for business leaders working in Asia's fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain. They are the decision makers who operate from the supermarket shelf to the farm. ASIAFRUIT also organizes fresh produce business conference events all over the world.
Limoneira Global Opinion Leader Hong Kong - Antonio Lai


One of Limoneira's global Opinion leaders in Asia is Antonio Lai, owner and operator of 3 glamorous cocktail emporiums in Hong Kong: Quinary, Envoy and Origins.


Antonio placed number eight out of 54 global mixologist contestants in Diageo's WORLD CLASS Bartender of the Year 2015 competition.


Hong Kong's Antonio Lai placed a very credible eighth in the world. Antonio commented overnight "My journey at WORLD CLASS 2015 has completed tonight. Thank you Diageo Reserve World Class for the experience of a lifetime. At the award ceremony, Antonio noted that "It has been an honor to meet the finest bartenders from across the globe. Loaded with unforgettable memories from both old and new friendships at the amazing event. Top 8 is more than I could wish for. A lucky number to add on my CV".


About Antonio's Hong Kong cocktail establishments:



Quinary seeks to engage all five senses. With renowned bartender Antonio Lai at the helm, expect the unexpected. Flavor and aroma combinations together with different textures, appearances and even sounds will challenge every preconception held about cocktails. Where classics take on a new twist, where new drinks may become tomorrow's classics, Quinary takes customers on a sensory experience into the world of cocktails.


The Envoy

The Envoy is located in The Pottinger Hotel on Stanley Street and provides a modern take on the colonial influences of Hong Kong and uses tea as a key element in both the bar's Cocktail and Afternoon Tea menu, A Southeast Asian touch on the a la carte, executive lunch, dinner menu and more. The Envoy's sophisticated atmosphere includes both indoor and outdoor areas, and provides a glittering retreat from Hong Kong's hustle and bustle.



The modern movement of gin has captured the imagination of small distillers from the far corners of the Earth. Consumers are now blessed with a profusion of superb, distinctive gins inspiring the world's mixologists to create unique and flavorsome cocktails or a just simple G&T done right. After the launch of Quinary, Antonio Lai, used his artistic vision to bring another unique experience to Hong Kong. Antonio works his magic at Origin by using culinary methods to create his signature cocktails for example with the inclusion of a rotary evaporator for redistilling unique flavors into the gin and a water-bath and vacuum to slow cook ingredients. Using these methods, Origin offers 12 homemade gin infusion flavors, such as lemongrass, basil, orange, and grapefruit.

Boys and Girls Club Breakfast of Champions


On Tuesday, September 13th, those lucky enough to attend the Boys and Girl's Club of the Santa Clara Valley's Breakfast of Champions will be in for a treat.


Attorney Douglas H. Ridley will be the key note speaker. Anyone who has heard Doug speak knows that he is an engaging and passionate. And very entertaining.


Attorney Ridley comes from a history of prosecution, working for five years as the Deputy District Attorney for Ventura County. His firm has handled thousands of criminal cases. Ridley also gives back to the community through his work with various charities, by speaking to high schools and community groups, and through a long history of service through Rotary.
article13Party Like a Pirate - Moonlight at The Ranch X September 10th


Moonlight at the Ranch X will take place September 10, 2016, at Historic Limoneira Ranch. This year's theme is "Party like a Pirate" where you are invited to dress as your favorite Pirate or just go casual. Enjoy appetizers, a no-host cocktail party, and tastings from dozens of fine restaurants, exciting raffles, and dancing the night away. We're excited to announce this year's music will be provided by the Sound Effect Band and DJ Bruce Barrios.


By attending this event, you'll be helping to make Santa Paula safer by assisting the Police and Fire Departments in providing quality services and valuable programs in our community.


All proceeds from Moonlight at the Ranch benefit the Santa Paula Police & Fire Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (Tax ID# 26-1911132). The SPPFF provides a source of supplemental funding for essential services and equipment that go above and beyond what the City's budget allows.

Don't miss out on this incredible event! Get your tickets now at
One of Southern California's Most Historic Pumpkin Patches to Launch


Orange Globes Fly Through Air Using French Trebuchet


Directionally Challenged Run Amok in 5 Acre Corn MaiZe


The waning days of summer are here, but a 5-acre corn MaiZe is beginning to grow on the horizon of what will be one of Southern California's largest and most historic pumpkin patches.


Over twenty thousand people from Southern California (and beyond) that typically arrive for Santa Paula Rotary's Pumpkin Patch are in for a treat this year. Previously held at Faulkner Farm in Santa Paula, this year the Patch has been relocated to Limoneira Ranch (also in Santa Paula). This historic ranch, with wide open green vistas framed by mountains, will be the site of fall fun in October with Santa Paula Rotary's bigger and better than ever Pumpkin Patch and brand new 5-acre Corn MaiZe.


A brand new, satellite designed, 5-acre Corn Maize has been created for the festivities this year and the designers have been featured on CNN, National Geographic, CBS, NBC, Discovery, People Magazine and more. Visitors fortunate enough to stumble onto the correct pathways may exit it in less than 30 minutes; the more directionally-challenged may wander the puzzles for a couple of hours providing a source of recreation that is unique, educational and good clean fun for all ages. Now, 20 years and nearly 3,000 corn mazes later, millions of people around the world have gone through these intricately designed mazes.


Limoneira's Olivelands Ranch is where the global agribusiness began back in 1893 and is still in operation producing citrus and avocados for the world's hungry consumers. History abounds, with barns, outbuildings and lots of vintage farm equipment and orchards for everyone to see and enjoy.


Families can easily spend a full day at the patch enjoying music, delicious fall food favorites, and old-fashioned hay wagon rides through acres of pumpkins, squash and gourds. Visitors to the patch will experience flying pumpkins from a recreated French Trebuchet (aka Pumpkin chucker), and kids (and the young at heart) can catapult pumpkins thousands of feet towards the "Castle" and win prizes. There's also a towering hay pyramid, animals to see and hold and food, crafts, live entertainment and a harvest of fun.


Treasure your autumn each weekend this October at The Pumpkin Patch at Limoneira Ranch. Saturdays and Sundays in October: 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 and 29-30 between 10am and 5 pm. School Trips, by reservation, take place on Fridays, October 7, 14, 21 and 28th. Admission is $5.00 and the Corn MaiZe is $10.00 (which includes admission to the Pumpkin Patch). The Pumpkin Patch is located on Foothill Road in Santa Paula, California just across from the Olivelands School. For more information or questions please contact us at or visit us at
Limoneira as Lemon Sponsor in Grocery Headquarters Fresh Food Handbook


Each September leading Produce media outlet Grocery Headquarters teams up with the venerable Nielsen organization to provide a statistical analysis of all perishable departments done with Nielsens Perishables Group, Chicago, IL.


Grocery Headquarters is an important publication covering Executives in all areas of the produce supply chain.


The Nielsen Perishables Group approaches category development from multiple dimensions to create impactful business solutions. This multi-faceted approach combines and applies expertise in advanced analytics, consumer research, marketing communications and data analysis. Their information and online analysis tools are designed so their customers can spend less time mining data and more time developing insights. View the Grocery Headquarters Q&A with Limoneira here.
winnersLimoneira Winner's Block

This month our lucky winner is Karyn Zoldan from Tucson, Arizona. As our monthly winner,  Karyn  has won a Limoneira Orchard Fresh or Lifestlyes Gift.  Congratulations  Karyn !!!

For your chance to win, make sure you're on our mailing list to be entered into our monthly drawing. To join  click here  or visit our website at

Be sure to check out our other contests and drawings for additional changes to win prizes.