A Message from Mr. Maliwat
LBUSD and LBCC will be offering on-site dual enrollment courses for Spring 2024. The proposed schedule for all Spring 2024 on-site courses at Sato Academy is Monday and Wednesday from 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm. Classes start Feb. 5th.
The following courses will be offered at Sato Academy for Spring 2024: AH 60 Medical Terminology (11th & 12th), Art 15 Beginning Drawing (10th -12th), and Couns 48 Career Exploration (9th & 10th).
If interested, complete the interest survey by clicking the yellow button below.
For assistance with the LBCC dual enrollment registration, see information below:
Application Workshop: Guidance on completing the application process for LBCC including necessary documentation and deadlines.
o AT SATO (Date & Time)
▪ DATES: Tuesday, January 23 & Thursday, January 25
▪ TIME: 1:30 – 3:30pm
▪ Location: College & Career Center
▪ Winter/Spring Registration Workshop
• Tuesday, December 19 anytime from 12-5pm
o Liberal Arts Campus Library Computer Lab L-252
• Thursday, January 11 anytime from 12-5pm
o Pacific Coast Campus. AA Bldg Rm. 101