Sunday Worship Service
December 29th @ 10 AM
Please join us in person for a Lessons and Laughter worship service this Sunday, comprised of joyful songs and readings, as we continue our season of celebration of the birth of Christ! For a copy of the service bulletin, please click here.
This Sunday's service will not be livestreamed as it is an interactive format of readings and carols that does not lend itself well to participation by video. It's also a chance to also give our hardworking tech crew a break! For online services, please check back on Facebook next week. You do not need a Facebook account to do this.
As it is school vacation week, there will also be no Sunday School, but children are invited stay in the Sanctuary and join in singing familiar songs of the season! There will also be quiet activities that are available at the back of the room for children and all ages.
The unstaffed nursery on the second floor will be freely available and open for parents and caregivers to use throughout the day's activities. Go in and out as often as you need, or find a spot to comfortably settle in. To connect to the service from the nursery, just pull it up on Facebook!
Illustration is "Let All Creation Dance" by Lisle Gwynn Garrity/A Sanctified Art LLC/sanctified