First Parish of Westwood 

United Church of Christ

Growing Faith + Sharing Love + Grounding Lives

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Sunday Worship Service

December 29th @ 10 AM

Please join us in person for a Lessons and Laughter worship service this Sunday, comprised of joyful songs and readings, as we continue our season of celebration of the birth of Christ! For a copy of the service bulletin, please click here.

This Sunday's service will not be livestreamed as it is an interactive format of readings and carols that does not lend itself well to participation by video. It's also a chance to also give our hardworking tech crew a break! For online services, please check back on Facebook next week. You do not need a Facebook account to do this.

As it is school vacation week, there will also be no Sunday School, but children are invited stay in the Sanctuary and join in singing familiar songs of the season! There will also be quiet activities that are available at the back of the room for children and all ages.

The unstaffed nursery on the second floor will be freely available and open for parents and caregivers to use throughout the day's activities. Go in and out as often as you need, or find a spot to comfortably settle in. To connect to the service from the nursery, just pull it up on Facebook!

Illustration is "Let All Creation Dance" by Lisle Gwynn Garrity/A Sanctified Art LLC/sanctified

Stewardship Update

Earlier this month, we presented our pledges that will help our church plan for the upcoming year and took the opportunity to bless them together during the offering. If you have not yet made your pledge, it's not too late. Blank cards are available in the lobby area or from an usher. Please join us as we imagine together what the coming year might hold!

Praying in Community -

Open for Participation

This fall, we have piloted a new prayer group over Zoom, led by Juliana and joined by a handful of church members.

Anyone is welcome to join future meetings, and we especially invite caregivers of any kind. Receive support for your joys and concerns in an informal, confidential Zoom gathering.

Contact Juliana at to participate.

TEC Coat Drive Update

Thanks to all who contributed to the coat drive, we have collected 20 coats and jackets! The donations of new and slightly used coats and jackets have filled and overflowed our collection bin in the outer lobby.

Our donations have been delivered to The Education Collaborative (TEC) that will distribute the clothing. Thank you for giving the gift of warm winter clothing to those in our community who will give them a second life.

Capital Campaign Update - $276,000 Raised!

As of Sunday, December 22nd, thanks to generous donors, we counted $276,000 in pledges, $3,860 in donations to cover Capital Campaign expenses, and a $5,000 donation for in-kind services!

We still need support from others to help us reach our goal. If you haven't yet decided to make a contribution and need to know more, feel free to reach out to Capital Campaign Committee co-chairs Nancy Hyde at and Bob Deininger at and check out these videos:

Video about bell for wider distribution:

Detailed video for select use:

GoFundMe site for wide distribution:

Feel free to share the links and stay tuned for progress reports as we approach our goal!

Lost & Found: Black Gloves

Two pairs of black gloves were left at church. Does one or both of them belong to you? Call or email the office if you would like to claim them.

Dates at a Glance

  • December 29 (Sun.) - Lessons and Laughter Worship Service at 10 AM

  • January 5 (Sun.) - Epiphany Star Words Worship Service at 10 AM

  • January 12 (Sun.) - Worship Service at 10 AM

  • January 19 (Sun.) - Worship Service at 10 AM

  • January 26 (Sun.) - Worshp Service at 10 AM

Church Office

Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The office will be closed Christmas Day and is only available by appointment during the week of December 30th.


Phone:   781.326.5344

Would you like to speak or meet with Pastor JT? He can be reached at: or 781.326.5344 x 202.

We are an Open & Affirming Church

First Parish of Westwood affirms the dignity and worth of every person regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, family structure, education level, economic circumstance and faith or religious tradition.

First Parish of Westwood

United Church of Christ

252 Nahatan Street

Westwood, MA 02090

