A few years ago, I remember reading a devotion by Dr. Kari Vo, who frequently writes devotions for the Lutheran Hour Daily Devotions. If you’ve not yet subscribed to this resource, I recommend it. Dr. Vo is talented and often lifts out subtle insights that provoke thought. She and other writers for Lutheran Hour Ministries provide daily devotions that are always concise and to the point, serve to feed the soul, and keep God’s Word in front of us. Just where we need it every day.
Her devotion, titled “The Gates of Hell,” pointed out something I had not considered. She says, “I have always loved that sentence, "On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." It made me think of God holding His church safe from all evil. Not even hell itself would be able to get at us!” She went on, “It's a bit embarrassing, but it was many years before someone pointed out a perfectly obvious fact to me: gates don't walk. They don't ride into battle screaming a war cry. They don't actually do much of anything except stand around, locked and bolted.”
She concluded, “So what does Jesus mean when He says the gates of hell will not prevail against His church? He means that they will not be able to stand against us. Jesus is describing the church on the offensive—not hell. Hell is losing. Jesus is painting a picture of God's people carrying the battle to the very gates of hell—and beyond. It is as if He said, "With My help, nothing will be able to withstand you—not the devil himself."
I agree with Dr. Vo, and this is a very encouraging perspective. Today’s culture is full of examples that no doubt represent hell right here on earth. Wars and rumors of war, increased seemingly rampant lawlessness, fentanyl and other drugs pouring into America, homelessness, poverty, and other things we thought we’d never see right here in America, the list goes on.
Saints, let us not be discouraged. Jesus gives us the “keys” to the kingdom described in this very verse. He said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” As our Leader, Jesus assures us that under His leadership and sacrifice on the cross, we are a part of His plan, and as children of God, we will prevail against sin, death, and the devil - including the very gates of hell, when we are in Christ. Beyond any gate, the Kingdom of Heaven is ours and awaits, which is promised to those who believe (Ephesians 2:8-9).
So, Saints, we can keep on marching! Jesus has won the battle on our behalf, and yes, we are soldiers in His army, protected by Him and guided by the Holy Spirit. Victory is ours by Christ alone, not by our doing. The problem: sin. The solution: provided by God’s grace through Christ’s atoning work on the cross. The choice: ours, with the help of the Holy Spirit by faith, belief, and trust in the promise of salvation. The invitation: to be victorious as a follower of Christ, by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone, through Scripture alone, to the Glory of God alone. Amen!
We pray: Father God, You are good. You are merciful. Despite our sin You love us enough to make a plan to save us. You gave Your Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice. We are often afraid and intimidated by the things of this world, including the prince of this world, Satan, yet we know that with Jesus as our Leader and our Savior, we will prevail and conquer sin, death, and, yes, even Satan. Please be with those in our prayers who are suffering from illness, those who are lonely, and those who do not yet know You. Let us boldly proclaim Jesus Christ to them and the world so that all may know You and be saved. In the name of Jesus, Amen!