December 30, 2023


[Hebrews 13:8] “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Same old…Same old. In this chaotic, confusing world, wouldn’t it be nice to have that feeling once in a while? Same old…same old? It is safe to say those words don’t frequently cross our lips.

Same old…same old. Not here at Crean Lutheran. Certainly, the ministry here at CLHS is anything but static and stale. This year, we are celebrating our seventeenth year of doing ministry here in Irvine (barely out of infancy), and we are blessed to be serving more than 1100 students! That certainly doesn’t reflect a status quo mentality. We are adding new staff and faculty members each year, which testifies to the fact that this school is a dynamic, changing, growing, exciting place to be and to send your children for a first-rate Christian education. CLHS has been named one of the most challenging private schools in America. Additionally, in the year now in our rearview mirrors, CLHS was awarded the honor of being a National Blue Ribbon School. God has truly blessed the ministry here at Crean Lutheran High School! Same old…same old? Thankfully, no!

Same old…same old. Not in our country or in our world. Our world is changing so fast it makes our heads spin. Some of the changes are good for sure. There are advances in technology, advances in medicine, and advances in communication. But many of the changes are not so good. Many are downright evil. We can look back at the past year as a year of incredible and alarming changes in our country and in our world. We have seen a scary increase in terrorism, including a violent terrorist attack on Jewish people in Israel and a rising tide of anti-Semitism across the globe. We have seen an unstemmed and uncontrolled flood of folks entering our country at our southern border. We have seen our economy struggle under rampant inflation. We have seen the LGBTQ community advance its agendas and gain more and more legitimacy for its ungodly lifestyles. We have seen the continued crumbling of our nation’s morality and integrity and, not coincidentally, its strength and standing in the world. Same old…same old? Sadly, no!

Crean Lutheran is a place of refuge and respite in the middle of all the mayhem and madness that is going on around us. How is that possible? Well…at the heart and center of Crean Lutheran is Jesus Christ. And Jesus never changes. He always stays the same. Hebrews 13:8 testifies to that: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He is the one Constant in our lives and in our world. Everything else can and will change, but Jesus never will. The hymnist put it this way:

Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day

Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away.

Change and decay in all around I see

O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

So maybe you are a little bit worried about the new year ahead, or worried about the world’s woes, or worried about the elections coming up this fall, or worried about the increasing terrorism here and abroad, or worried about the country that our children and grandchildren will inherit. The Bible says that we should not be worriers but rather be warriors – prayer warriors. A wise person once said, “Worrying is wasting today’s time, cluttering up tomorrow’s opportunities with yesterday’s troubles.” Saints, wouldn’t you love to stop worrying about what’s going on around you? The good news is that you can. Paul says that worrying is an option. So we ought to opt out and let God take over running the world again. Paul tells us to worry about nothing and to pray about everything. He says to take whatever is messing with our minds, confusing our consciences, and hurting our hearts and talk to God about it. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 – “Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.”


Did you notice those last three words: “always giving thanks?” Paul wants us to include thanksgiving in our prayers no matter our circumstances. Do you know why? Giving thanks turns our thoughts from our burdens to our blessings. It puts everything into perspective with the cross squarely in the middle. It reminds us that God’s got our backs and that God’s in charge. It calms our fears and dries our tears. It assures us that even though the world is mixed up, upside down, inside out, and backward, Jesus never changes. Jesus has always been there for us, and Jesus will always be there for us. He took care of our greatest need at the cross and will take care of all our other needs as well. That brings us peace…because we know that in the midst of all this chaos and change, God doesn’t change. Sometimes we make the mistake of letting God get too small. Saints, let me remind you that God is large and in charge. He has things under control. Paul goes on in the Philippians passage: God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Peace really is not so much the absence of trouble as it is the presence of God.


We are at the beginning of a brand new year—lots of changes in our school, in our country, and in our world. We can endure all of those changes and even embrace some of those changes when we realize that the only thing that really matters and Crean’s only reason for being and our only reason for being at Crean never changes: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”


Paul finishes that section in Philippians with these words: “Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. And the God who gives peace will be with you. When our thoughts trouble us as we contemplate the condition and direction of our lives, our country, or our world, let’s take Paul’s advice and think about things that are good and worthy of praise instead. 


So, no worries, Saints. The world may be coming apart at the seams, but God’s not going anywhere. As we enter 2024, God’s got this, and He’s got us too! 

Rest assured! God will never change. I love that kind of same old…same old, don’t you? God’s peace be with you. Amen.

Lord, so much is changing around us. Everywhere we look, there seems to be turmoil and trouble. Every day, there is chaos and confusion all around us. Help us to stay focused on Jesus and the cross. We know that Jesus never changes. His Word never changes. The message of the cross never changes. He is the only Constant in this ever-changing world. Jesus promises peace amidst peril and calm amidst chaos. Help us never lose sight of why Crean Lutheran is here and why we are here at Crean Lutheran: we are here to represent You in a world that cares little about You, in a world that desperately needs You, to students that need to see You as a Shelter from the storm, as the Savior of their souls. Bless our year, and keep us close to You always and close to each other. Amen.

Have A Blessed New Year!

Rev. Timothy A. Unke, Campus Pastor

Crean Lutheran High School

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Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11

2023-2024 Theme Bible Verse