1. Christmas is a Mystery Revealed
Only God could have thought of Christmas. In John’s record of the Christmas story, he wrote: “The Word became flesh.” Who among us can comprehend that the almighty, eternal Son of God divested Himself of His heavenly glory and “made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness?” However, 750 years earlier, Isaiah prophesied, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” And Matthew reminds us that Immanuel means “God with us.”
Only God could have thought of Christmas. Think of His timing. Generations and generations of Old Testament believers waited and longed for that promise to be fulfilled. We would have said “sooner rather than later,” but God was in no hurry. At just the right time, His time, He sent His own Son into this world to be its Savior: “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law. That we might receive the full rights of sons.”
Only God could have thought of Christmas. Think of the paradoxes. On that first Christmas night, mysteries abounded as angels anthemed His arrival. Majesty came to a manger. The King came to a crèche. The Creator came as a creature. The Omnipotent came among the impotent. The God who gave us everything “made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Only God could have thought of Christmas. Think of how it happened. Had Hollywood choreographed such an event, it would have been filled with pomp and pageantry with official proclamations and mass celebrations. We would have been overwhelmed with trumpeting troubadours, parading politicians, palatial surroundings, and gilded carriages drawn by snorting and stamping steeds.
That may be the world’s way, but that’s not God’s way. In His own inimitable way, God unobtrusively made His own arrangements. Only heaven seemed to be aware of the revelation of this mystery or interested in the events that unfolded on Christmas Evening. Suddenly, on a lonely hillside, an angelic choir was heard by snoozing shepherds. And just like that, the mystery of the ages was revealed. Immanuel! God was with us: “Unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Divinity combined with humanity. Through this tiny Baby, God had come. Not as expected: in might and majesty but in humanity and humility. “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” The heart of this mystery goes to the heart of God, a heart that loved us when we were unlovable: “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” Saints, only God could have thought of Christmas! Yes, Christmas is a Mystery Revealed, but also…
2. Christmas is a Melody Released
Luke records, “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Only God could have thought of Christmas. He addressed our deepest, heartfelt needs through the myriad melodies of Christmas.
Here is a song of PROMISE: This was the long-awaited moment. Believers from Adam to Malachi had scanned and searched the horizon, awaiting His coming. Now, this Child had come to fulfill the prophecies of the past and bring mankind hope for the future.
Here is a song of PRAISE: “Glory to God in the highest!” Who can comprehend its height or depth as the heavens burst forth with this powerful paean of praise? The song of the angel choirs was only the beginning. Down through history, to this very day, musicians of every generation have attempted to capture the magnificence and majesty of His coming…
His coming speaks of unsurpassed JOY: “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.”
His coming speaks of unashamed ADORATION: “O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.”
His coming speaks of unrestrained EXULTATION: “Joyful and triumphant; Sing in exultation; Glory to God in the highest!”
Here is a song of PEACE: “On earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” What a proclamation! So critical to a world in constant conflict! How timeless in a time of turmoil! How comforting amid our continuing chaos! He came to turn turbulence into tranquility and restlessness into restfulness. From the manger emanates a peace to pacify and appease people’s passions, a song of comfort for every weary heart.
When Christmas is over, for all who are receptive to His message of forgiveness and salvation, the melody of Christmas never dies. It lingers on in our hearts the whole year through. Truly, only God could have thought of Christmas. Yes, Christmas is a Melody released, but also…
3. Christmas is a Message Relayed
The angels brought the long-awaited message, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” What a message to a weary world. Suddenly, from the darkness … direction, from despair…deliverance, from helplessness…hope. Only God could have thought of Christmas. Who but God could conceive that a Child born in such an obscure place as a stable would one day rule in the hearts of millions? Great men have enlightened the world with their knowledge and achievements, but no one has ever held a candle to His star, for He is “the true Light that gives light to every man.”
Saints, only God could have thought of Christmas, don’t you agree? At Christmas, God took the initiative, for “God so loved the world that HE GAVE…” And what a Gift He gave…His own Son! It was His thoughtfulness and perfect understanding of His people that brought about this Gift of gifts. He sent His Son to live and die so that we might live and never die. Let us then not miss the true meaning of this Christmas season. Let us always hold near and dear to us the Mystery, the Melody, and the Message of Christmas. It’s true – only God could have thought of Christmas. Amen.
Dear Lord, Christmas was Your idea. We never would have thought of it. The whole idea of it would never have been conceived in our simple minds: You came here…among us! And You didn’t just come for a visit. You came to live and then to die. As our Substitute. You came among us as a Baby and did what babies do. You grew up to be a child and did what children do. As an adult, You did what adults do. All the while, You did what we could never do, or rather, You didn’t do what we always do. You never sinned. You obeyed Your Father. You walked a perfect path. For us. As our Substitute. Then You did another thing that we couldn’t do: You chose sin. Our sin. You took it on Your shoulders and paid a horrible price for it. As our Substitute. You paved a path to heaven for us. And it all started one chilly evening in an innkeeper’s stable in Bethlehem. With straw for Your pillow and a feeding trough for Your first bed, You made your grand entrance onto this planet, unnoticed by anyone but a few shepherds who received the birth announcement. Wow! We never would have done it that way, but because You did it Your way, we now have the sure hope of spending eternity at Your side. Bless this Christmas, Lord, as we celebrate Your birth. Remind us that You did it Your way and, as a result, became the only Way to heaven. Our only Way home. Keep us walking Your Way always. Thank You, Lord, for thinking of Christmas! Amen.