Pea Shoots: The Taste of Spring

The Shelling Pea, Snap Pea and Snow Pea season may be winding down as the weather heats up, but if you love the taste of fresh Peas, rest assured that you can still grow Pea Shoots!

Pea Shoots are so easy to grow. Unlike traditional Sprouts such as Alfalfa Sprouts and Mung Bean Sprouts that are grown in jars on your kitchen counter top, Pea Shoots are grown in shallow flats of soil, in a warm spot with bright light. This time of year, a shady spot outdoors is just fine.

When the stems are 4 to 10 inches tall with small leaves and tendrils, munch on them raw, toss them into salads, lightly sauté them or make Pea Shoot Pesto for a wonderfully fresh, sweet and delicate Pea flavor that's divine on fresh pasta or crusty bread! Order your Pea Shoot seeds HERE, and read on for everything you need to know to grow a bumper crop.

Visit our Pea Shoot Recipes Pinterest board for recipes and inspiration for your Pea Shoot harvest! 

To grow Pea Shoots, first soak the dried Peas in lots of water for 24 hours. The Peas will swell and double in size. Fill the bottom of a shallow flat with moist potting mix to about an inch deep. Avoid soil that contains manure of any kind, as it can harbor harmful bacteria. Drain the Peas and spread them across the soil surface, about ¼" to ½" apart. Press the Peas into the soil gently.

Water the soil again gently with a spray bottle or gentle watering can, taking extra care to not overwater if your tray does not have drainage holes. Cover the flat to keep the Peas in the dark and conserve moisture. Place the tray in a warm spot until the Peas sprout, in about 2 to 3 days. 

Check regularly for growth and mist as needed. As the Pea Shoots sprout, remove the cover and move the flat into bright light. When the shoots are the height you want, cut them about 1" to 2" above the soil line to avoid any contact with the potting soil.

Eat harvested shoots right away or store them, dry and unrinsed, in plastic bags in the fridge for up to two weeks. Rinse them thoroughly just before use.

Alfalfa Sprouts and Beyond...

There isn't a green that's fresher tasting, more local, cheaper, faster or easier to grow than Sprouts. We offer six seeds specifically for sprouting: Broccoli, Radish, Fenugreek, Alfalfa, Mung Bean and Curled Cress. There are commercial sprouters available, but the old jar method works just fine. Fit a jar with a screen for rinsing and draining sprouts or simply use cheese cloth stretched and held in place over the jar mouth with an elastic band. The process of seed sprouting is easy. And it goes like this: Rinse. Soak. Drain. Rinse. Drain. Repeat. Growing instructions are posted HERE and come with every order. 

Broccoli Sprouts

Days to harvest: 4 to 6. Broccoli Sprouts contain an unusually high concentration of Sulforaphane, a potent antioxidant, and they taste wonderful! In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)

Days to harvest: 4 to 6. If you love Radishes, you'll love their Sprouts, too. They have the same spicy kick, and are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)

Fenugreek Sprouts

Days to harvest: 4 to 6. Fenugreek is an ancient spice in Indian cuisine. It's packed with vitamins and minerals. Its sprouts have a pleasant bitter crunch. In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)


Alfalfa Sprouts

Days to harvest: 5 to 6. Really easy to grow, this dainty, mild-flavored sprout lends a wispy, almost-crunchy, healthy bite to salads and sandwiches. A bit too delicate for cooking, Alfalfa seeds are slower to sprout yet harvest more quickly than Mung Beans. Make sure to try Manfred's Popeye & Olive Oil Sandwich with Alfalfa Sprouts, Spinach, Red Onions and Tomatoes. In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)

Days to harvest: 3 to 10. Mung Bean sprouts are fat, crunchy and tender. Perfect in cold salads or for added crunch in sandwiches, Mung sprouts are the sprout-of-choice for stir-fries since they hold up to a bit of quick heat. Faster to sprout yet longer to develop than Alfalfa, Mung Beans may be harvested incrementally: you decide how large you want these crisp-tender shoots to grow. In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)

Curled Cress Sprouts

Days to harvest: 4 to 5. Cress has a peppery, tangy flavor. Seeds should not be soaked or grown in a sprouter: they will become slimy and may not germinate. Spread the seeds on dampened paper towels in a deep tray and cover with plastic. After sprouts emerge, uncover them for good air circulation. Mist two to three times a day until sprouts are about 2" tall. In a 4 ounce resealable packet. (OP.)


Sunflower Sprouts, Too!

Black Oil Sunflower Sprouts are packed with protein, omega fatty acids, B vitamins, folate and zinc. And they taste nutty and delicious in salads and sandwiches. These sprouts are grown just like Pea Shoots, in shallow flats of soil. Soak the seeds overnight before sowing, and harvest in 7 to 10 days. Eat them right away or store the shoots, dry and unrinsed, in plastic bags in the fridge for up to two weeks. Rinse them thoroughly just before use.


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John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds

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