The Eckstein Weekly
February 28, 2020
Eckstein News
Saturday School Tomorrow
This is an academic work session. Students are expected to arrive at 9 am with school work and a commitment to get caught up. Teachers, a counselor, and principal have volunteered to be onsite to work with students. It is expected that all students who attend will have a positive and productive experience, however students unable to follow expectations will be sent home to ensure a positive learning environment. Permission forms will be available in the main office starting Tuesday, February 26, 2020.

From the Office
If you shop at Office Depot/Office Max, give them Eckstein’s school code – 70107353. Eckstein gets money back every quarter. The Main Office uses this as their ‘supply’ money so we don’t have to use other school money. The checks have ranged from $12 to over $700.00 at times. It is an easy way to give back to the school! 

Elective Registration for 6 th  & 7 th  graders
Your student received an Elective Registration Worksheet on colored paper for choosing electives for the 2020-2021 school year. Please go over the choices with your student and fill out the form in preparation for our New Online Course Request System. Next week, counselors will visit classrooms with laptops to coach students through completing their elective course requests online to ensure that everyone gets their choices entered. 

Stress Management Workshop
Parents and students are cordially invited to a workshop with Martin Abdo on a 4-step process from effectively managing stress. The method he developed is called OPA which stands for Organize. Prioritize. Act. OPA is a cognitive behavioral tool to reduce stress quickly and effectively. It helps manage overwhelming stress, creates daily structure, and assists with goal setting. The workshop is Wednesday, March 4 th  from 7pm-8pm in the Eckstein library.   

Band Parent Meeting Monday, Mar 2
Band parent meetings are the first Monday of each month. The next one is Monday, March 2, 7:30-8 pm in the band room. To get more information on band at Eckstein, visit the booster website.

Eckstein Solo & Ensemble Festival: Sign-up Deadline March 6.
Enter here:  The Solo and Ensemble Festival on Saturday, March 21 is a great venue for students in band to perform a classical piece and receive friendly feedback from local professional musicians. Musicians of all abilities are encouraged to participate. Piano accompaniment is encouraged but not required for solo performances. Email or  link to more information:  Eckstein Solo & Ensemble 2020 Flyer

All Spring Athletes Need to Complete Athletic Paperwork
This includes a physical form signed by your doctor in order to turn out for any sports. Forms are available here and across the hall from the front office.

Boys Soccer Tryouts
Boys Soccer Tryouts will be Thursday, March 5 th  and Monday, March 9 th   from 4:00-5:30 PM on the Eckstein field. Practices will start on Thursday, March 12 th  and run Mondays and Thursdays after school from 4:00-5:30 P.M. All boys interested in trying out for boys soccer should plan on attending both dates suited out with appropriate gear (athletic shoes and shin guards).

Girls Volleyball Tryouts
Girls Volleyball Tryouts will be on the following dates/times in the Eckstein gym:
Wednesday, March 11 th  from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (updated time) for 7 th  & 8 th  graders
Friday, March 13 th  from 4:00-6:00 PM for 6 th  graders
Monday, March 16 th  from 4:00-6:00 PM by request
Practices will start on Tuesday, March 17 th , and follow these dates/times:
Varsity: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00-5:30 PM
JV: Tuesdays and Fridays, 4:00-5:30 PM
JVC: Mondays and Fridays, 4:00-5:30 PM

Volleyball Program needs Parent Helpers
Please contact Julie Matz for more info on how to help.

Eckstein Track
Be a part of the Eckstein track program! There will be a meeting in Room 209 on March 5 th  after school. Practices will tentatively start the following week.

Donut Forget to Read Book Club
Book Club is happening on Tuesday, March 10 th  at 5:15pm – everyone in the community is invited! We’ll be discussing the book  Maybe He Just Likes You  by Barbara Dee.  The book is about a girl who suddenly starts getting unwanted physical attention from kids in her grade and doesn’t know what to do about it. Want to come? RSVP to the librarian Erin Sterling at .
Harry Potter Land is Coming!
Harry Potter Land is coming to the Eckstein Library Wednesday, March 18 th  from 5:30 – 7:00pm. Eckstein students have been working hard on creating Harry Potter Land and families/community members are invited! Try out activities at different areas of Harry Potter Land, including the Leaky Cauldron, a Quidditch field, Zonko’s, and more. Students need to come with adults or get a permission slip from Ms. Sterling to attend. There is a $2 suggested donation to enter.
  • Feb 29: Saturday School, 9 am-1 pm
  • Mar 2: Band Parent Meeting, Band room, 7:30-8 pm
  • Mar 3: Winter Choir Concert, 7:30-8:30 pm
  • Mar 4: Stress Management Workshop, Eckstein Library 7-8 pm
  • Mar 9: PTSA Board Meeting, Eckstein Library 7-8 pm
  • Mar 10: Donut Forget to Read! book club, Eckstein Library 5:15 pm
  • Mar 13: Orchestra Concert, 7:30 pm
  • Mar 18: Harry Potter Land, Eckstein Library 5:30-7:00 pm
  • Mar 19: Concert Band Fest, 7:30 pm
  • Mar 21: Band Solo and Ensemble Festival, 9 am-12 pm
  • Mar 25: Eckstein Talent Show and bake sale
Community News
Roosevelt High School Engineering Summer Enrichment
July 6 - July 31, Monday through Friday, 11:30-4:15p.m.. Open to Roosevelt bound incoming 9 th  graders. High School level content. Industry standard software. No cost. Allows incoming RHS freshman to bypass the prerequisite introduction course and start freshman year with specialty courses in Architecture, Robotics, Aerospace, Digital Electronics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, and Project Management. Enrollment is limited. For questions, contact Karl Ruff. To preregister, fill out the summer program interest form .

8th graders interested in Cheer at Roosevelt?
8th graders are welcome to tryout Mar 31-Apr 2. More info here.
The Weekly is distributed on Fridays during the school year. Please send submissions by *Wednesday at 5PM* to Eckstein Weekly Inclusion is at the discretion of the Eckstein PTSA and Administration. Your 2019-20 Eckstein Weekly is edited by the PTSA Communications Team. Sign up for the Eckstein Weekly here!