Compost Operations Training Course

Fort Collins, Colorado
November 8 - 12, 2021

About the COTC
This week-long course focuses on giving you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures, the course provides hands-on practice through indoor and outdoor activities as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality.

Find More details on the training: HERE

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Before registering please review our

All attendees are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and, to the best of their ability, to follow COVID-19 safety precautions during the course.
Early Bird Discount
Save $100 if you register before October 11th.
Instructors and Facilitators:
  • Cary Oshins, CREF
  • Matt Cotton, Integrated Waste Mgmt.
  • Shawn Bruckman, Vail Honeywagon
  • Kent Pendley, A1-Organics
  • Winn Cowman, Souder Miller Associates
  • Tim O'Neill, ECS
  • Clinton Sander, A1-Organics

This course is for anyone who wants in-depth instruction on the art and science of commercial scale compost production including: compost operators, environmental and agricultural consultants, local and state regulators, equipment vendors and more.

DAY 1:  Composting process, feedstocks and recipe development, compost systems

DAY 2:  Equipment, safety, site design, environmental protection (odors and stormwater)

DAY 3:  Regulations, composting facility tours

DAY 4:  Compost testing, product quality, compost uses and marketing

DAY 5:  Facility management, trouble-shooting, and analyzing compost piles

Students receive an instruction manual, access to complete presentations, plus supplemental resources.
Training meets prerequisite for USCC Professional Certification (CCOM™ and CCP™)
Thank you to the CREF COTC National Sponsors,
the Colorado Partners and all the local sponsors
If you need more information on this training, contact
Wayne Howard, project manager