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March Special Sales
Saturday, March 4th ~ Arts Alive Party!
_Brilliance_ |
Come join us from 6 to 9pm and enjoy "Subtle Relationships" - an exploration of personal spiritual relationships by local artist and Shamanic Practitioner Michal Mugrage. Blue Lotus Jazz will be here to serenade you with old school jazz classics, and we'll
be serving an Elderflower & Ginger Wine Spritzer, fresh sliced apples, ginger cookies, and a delicious cream cheese schmear made with our organic Italian Stallion seasoning.
March 6th to 12th: Teapot Sale!
Save 15% all week long on our unique selection of tea pots and tea cups! Beautiful colors and styles - perfect for gifts!
March 13th to 19th: Book Sale!
Save 15% on books this week! Choose from hundreds of titles on subjects near and dear to our hearts.
March 20th to 26th: Glassware Sale!
Spring arrives this week! Save 15% on all our glassware, just in time for your spring potions. We offer the best selection of decorative and functional glass bottles in Humboldt - come in and stock up!
March 27th to April 2nd: Aromatherapy Sale!
We won't have another essential oil sale until Fall, so make yourself a reminder to stop by and save
15% on all our essential oils, organic hydrosols and aromatherapy diffusers!
Our March Sales are only for our brick-n-mortar shop, but we have a special coupon for our online shoppers at the end of this newsletter!
March Classes at Humboldt Herbals
with Marcia Stroud, MA, Biochemist, Herbalist & Nutritionist
Wednesday, March 8th
from 6:30 - 8:00pm ($25)
Thinking about changing the way you eat?
Good health depends on good nutrition - learn how you can eat your way to better health!
In this class, we'll discuss five key principles of healthy nutrition:
* How to determine your nutritional type
* Which saturated fats are healthy
* How the glycemic index relates to overall wellbeing
* How enzymes, pH, and raw foods relate to overall health
* When raw veggies may not be the best choice and which organic foods are not the healthiest
And, because what you don't put into your system is just as important as what you do, we'll examine ways to reduce your intake of toxins. This course also includes a look at some natural allies to support specific areas such as energy and sleep. And, finally, we'll discuss external body and skin health and their relationship to overall wellbeing.
Call us at (707) 442-3541 to register or for more information. Class will be held at Humboldt Herbals and not the Humboldt Herbals Community Classroom.
We're thrilled to once again sponsor our favorite gathering of Herbalists, Plant People and Revolutionary Thinkers! Click the image below to register or for additional information, but be forewarned. . . .if you go, it's going to change your life.
Nourishing Wild Spring Foraging & Recipes
By Candice Brunlinger, Herbalista
Here in Humboldt, this winter has brought a chill with lots of wonderful and necessary rain and snow which set the mood for hibernating and staying indoors the last few months. Now we are starting to feel the energy rising and becoming more active, motivated and ready for a renewed season filled with green and wild weeds everywhere. As we start to see the early spring plants sprout from the ground and grow out of the melting snow, we can start our wild harvesting and spring preserves.
This month, we will highlight some common spring plants great for early spring foraging. One of the things I personally enjoy about early spring gathering is we not only have an abundance of fresh greens but it is also a great time to harvest many nourishing roots before the plants become more mature. I try to use as much of the whole plant as possible when I forage wild nourishing weeds. Just always make sure you have properly identified the plant and that you are ethically foraging, especially if the plants are not cultivated and you are wildcrafting. Be sure the plants have not been sprayed with harmful chemicals or fertilizers and that you practice mindful wildcrafting to not harm the natural lands and ecosystems.
Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Burdock has endless benefits and is most reputable for gently toning and strengthening the body including all digestive and eliminatory organs and the immune system, especially when used over time. There does not seem to be an organ that does not receive some benefit from burdock, even if indirect.
The whole plant is very nourishing, great for inflammation, releases uric acid buildup and is beneficial for gout, arthritis and rheumatic conditions. It supports all aspects of digestion including stimulating enzymes and fluids to digest our food and assimilate nutrients. It activates our natural detoxing or "housekeeping" of the body by enhancing the actions of our liver, kidneys, intestines and lymph to eliminate toxins. It is rich in fiber, regulates bowel movements and absorbs toxins from the intestines. These detoxing and blood cleansing benefits aid with clearing skin inflammation, hives, eczema and acne. It also stimulates the pancreas and gallbladder and is beneficial for maintaining healthy blood sugar and diabetes.
It is high in inulin which acts as a prebiotic to create a healthy environment for our beneficial bacteria and other gut-microbes to thrive. The last decade or so of Gut Microbiome research suggests the ecosystem of bacteria and other micro-organisms in our gut may not only affect all aspect of our overall health and well-being, mood, energy levels, etc. but the gut-flora may also play a critical role in genetic cells turning on or off affecting our predisposition to many chronic diseases and autoimmune conditions. Burdock and other plants high in inulin are an important food source in our modern day where we have had the highest rates of digestive imbalances and autoimmune disease.
The whole plant of Burdock is edible. The leaves are a nourishing and bitter green which can be steamed or sautéed like kale, chard and collards. It is moderately bitter, though, so I like to drizzle it with a little vinegar and oil or I sauté it in butter and lemon juice, both of which help ease the bitterness. The stem or flowering stalks can also be used and are best when harvested before the plant goes into flower as it become more tough the longer it matures. Just chop and either steam, sauté in some good quality oil or gently boil in some salt water. Cook slightly for 5-10 minutes if you desire a crunchy texture like celery or cook longer, about 20-25 minutes for a softer, more tender texture. The root, leaves and stalks can also be fermented or pickled to preserve and enhance its nourishing benefits.
Burdock root has a dark, earthy brown color with a light tan color under its outer layer. It has a bitter and earthy flavor with a subtle and underlying hint of sweet. You can use burdock root in soups, stews, stir fries, or any way you would use carrots; however, it is more fibrous and not as sweet tasting. My personal favorite ways of eating burdock root are in soups and stews, fermented veggies and pickled. I love to snack on the pickled root as if I am eating carrot sticks, or I add a few sticks as a side garnish with my meals to aid with digestion and to receive all its amazing benefits. Try adding the pickled or fermented root/greens to salads, stir fries, sandwiches, casseroles, meat or egg salads, sushi, etc. Fresh burdock root is often available in the produce section of natural food stores, so if you can't forage in the wild you can forage at your local co-op.
Pickled Burdock Root (aka "Gobo" in Japanese cuisine)
Pickled burdock is a popular side in Japanese Cuisine and it is believed that eating a few sticks/coins every day can really support and strengthen the body over time and balance digestion. If the root is larger and more mature, the outer layer becomes tough so you may want to peel it first. I personally try to avoid peeling the outer skin as there are many benefits there. Then slice the burdock into round coins or long, thin sticks. Add your prepared roots in a pot with just enough water to cover them or add the roots into a steam basket and cook for 5-10 minutes for a crunchier texture or up to 20 minutes for a softer.
While your burdock cooks, prepare your spices and add them into your jar(s). I like to use the following recipe per pint:
2-3 coins or strips of fresh ginger
2-3 coins or strips of fresh turmeric
2-3 cloves of garlic
3-4 sprigs of fresh thyme (you can strip the leaves of you like)
1-2 inch spring of fresh rosemary
1 bay leaf
10-12 peppercorns
Optional: You can add a fresh chili pepper for a spicier flavor or try adding other delicious pickling spices such as mustard seed, dill, fennel, coriander, cumin, rosemary, thyme, oregano, bay, anise, cinnamon, clove, etc. The flavor combinations are endless!!
Once the roots are steamed/cooked, pack them into the jars, leaving an inch or more space from the top. Allow them to cool to room temperature to prevent damaging the culture from the vinegar and fermented soy. Once cooled, mix up the brine solution and fill your jar to the fill line and make sure all the burdock is fully covered.
Prepare the brine by taking equal parts:
-Vinegar (I prefer to use raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother culture)
-Tamari or other fermented soy product (use a GMO-free brand)
-Water from cooking/steaming the burdock
Seal the jars and allow them to sit for a day or so to allow the flavor to cure before storing your pickled burdock in the fridge. Most refrigerated pickled preparations are stable for 6 months to a year but I have never had a jar last more than a couple of months.
If you prefer pickling using the water bath or pressure cooker method, then you can use a more traditional brine solution of the vinegar with the burdock water and 1 tsp of salt per pint sized jar. Just pour the brine over the burdock while it is still hot and place the jar in your water bath for 20-25 minutes. If you want to pickle the greens, you can use either method; however, I personally prefer the texture of the refrigerated method myself to avoid over cooking them during the canning process.
Dandelion (Taraxicum officinale)
This common and under-appreciated weed is a highly nourishing plant rich in various vitamins and minerals. There are many species of Dandelion and there are even weeds which closely resemble the true dandelion so be sure the weed you are harvesting is the true species. Since dandelions are commonly sprayed, make sure your dandelions are grown without chemicals and the area you are harvesting from does not have a history of being sprayed or fertilized.
Dandelion means "lion's tooth" and when used regularly, it can build resilience and provide you the "strength of a lion". Dandelion helps to cleanse the blood so it is beneficial for various skin conditions including rashes, hives, eczema, chicken pox, measles, etc. It aids digestion and constipation as well as the kidneys and liver.
Like burdock, dandelion tones and supports all of our organs, especially with general daily detoxing or what I like to call the day to day "housekeeping" of the body. It stimulates bile production from the liver and gall bladder along with other digestive enzymes and acids.
Dandelion also contains inulin so it also acts as a prebiotic to create a healthy environment for gut flora. It is a great tonic for the heart as it reduces high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and elevated cholesterol. It also stabilizes blood sugar, can increase appetite and helps with general digestive functions. The high levels of potassium make it a natural diuretic to support the urinary track and eliminate excess water retention without the risk of depleting your body's natural potassium levels. The whole plant is also high in calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, C, E and more
The entire plant can be used in food but the roots are especially bitter so I tend to use them more in tea, syrups, vinegar and alcohol extractions (tinctures). I like to harvest it along with yellow dock, nettle and other herbs to make an iron and mineral rich syrup (recipe below), or try drying and roasting the root to use in tea blends. I personally enjoy pairing the roasted root with chicory root to make a yummy coffee-like tea substitute (recipe below).
Use the fresh greens for salads, soups, stir fries, juice or green smoothies, etc. You can dry the leaves and either pulse grind until coarsely chopped or fully grind down to a powder. The dried leaf can be cooked into your food, or mix the powder into a smoothie, oatmeal, kefir, yogurt, etc. when fresh is not available. It is bitter so you may need to use it in smaller proportions and add other flavorful herbs and/or a natural sweetener. The flowers are also edible and medicinal. I tend to use the flowers more in summer though and allow the early spring flowers to complete their seed cycle and spread more dandelions for the rest of the year.
Fresh dandelion greens are often available in the produce section of your favorite grocery store, but it's so much more fun to harvest them in the wild.
Dandelion Green Smoothie
Blend together
1 cup of chopped dandelion greens
1 cup chopped kale, spinach, or other wild edible
1 banana
3 tbsp almond butter
8-10 ounces of coconut water or a nut milk
1 tbsp powdered astragalus or other tonic herbs (optional)
Optional: add a little honey or an herbal syrup to naturally sweeten if needed but I find the banana to be a good sweetener on its own.
Dandelion Tea or Coffee Substitute
Add 1 tbsp of the powder into a percolator, press or coffee maker per 8 ounces of water. Steep for 5 minutes or percolate as you would normally make coffee. Most the powder will dissolve into the water but strain to remove the sediment that will not.
For fun and enjoyable flavors, I will frequently add
cacao powder,
chaga mushroom powder, roasted and ground
vanilla bean or vanilla extract, additional
chai spices such as clove, cardamom, anise, ginger, peppercorns, etc. or even turmeric paste to make a dandelion golden milk. Sweeten your tea with a little honey, if needed. If I want to add a little cream I tend to use a milk substitute like coconut or macadamia to prevent any dairy from inhibiting the absorption of the iron-rich benefits of the herbs.
Violet (Viola spp.)
Just to clarify, woodland violet is very different than the common household plant, African Violet, which is not in the violet family and is not edible or medicinal. All true species of violets are considered medicinal and include the following botanical names: Viola odorata, Viola tricolor (Pansy), Viola yezoinsis, Viola spp., etc. [i] They grow well under the shade of trees and other plants, in woodland forests and damp meadows. Their flowers can vary in color, ranging from blue and purples to light pink, yellow or white.
If the plants are small, then just sparingly graze and harvest a few leaves. If the ground is covered with numerous violet plants, then you can take some shears or scissors and cut sections of the leaves which helps to thin the plants for more growth.
Use the fresh leaves and flowers as an edible green in culinary preparations like you would use spinach, or use them in various medicinal preparations. Violet leaves and flowers are wonderfully nourishing and considered to be high in vitamins A & C, calcium and magnesium. The whole plant is edible but the roots should be eaten sparingly as they can be emetic in high doses (in other words, eating too much can induce vomiting). Use the fresh leaves as you would any green but I personally like to eat it in raw salads and avoid cooking it which can damage its vitamin C. The flowers can be sprinkled over salads, desserts, jello, pudding, etc. The flowers do tend to fade quickly after being picked so they can be candied to preserve their shape and color.
"As far back as 1885, a study compared violet leaf vitamin C content to that of oranges and vitamin A content to that of spinach. From the basal leaves, if collected in spring, this early research reported that violets contain twice as much vitamin C as the same weight of orange and more than twice the amount of vitamin A, gram for gram, when compared with spinach!
(Erichsen-Brown, 1979)." [ii]
Violets are also beneficial for decongesting the lymphatic tissues and are especially useful for hormonal related cysts and tumor growth in the reproductive organs and breast tissue. It is a cooling and moistening anti-inflammatory plant which soothes dry irritate tissues and as such is a classic ingredient in herbal cough syrups. It is a gentle nervine and supports both the emotional and physical heart.
Violet Salad
Just replace your salad greens with violet leaves and other wild spring edibles or greens, if desired. Add any other salad ingredients you enjoy. I personally love to eat my violet or spring salads with a fresh batch of Viola Vinaigrette or Chickweed dressing (use the base salad dressing recipe at the end of the article and add either violets or chickweed greens to it.)
Rose Family Astringents (Rose and Berry Leaves)
Early spring usually accompanies the growth of many of the berry plants which are often categorized into a group of herbs that many in the herbal community refer to as "Rose Family Astringents". Herbalist Michael Moore coined that term as many of the plants in the Rosacea, or Rose family, have similar effects throughout the body which astringe the tissues to pull out and release excess moisture from our internal tissues and the skin. This "boggy or damp tissue" state can result in edema (water retention), swelling, digestive and eliminatory problems, congestion, excess phlegm, lack of energy, feeling bogged down or unmotivated, etc. This action (along with the role of the other constituents) can help some of these plants tone and strengthen some of the organs in our body, improving their functions, especially when used over time.
The astringent actions of these plants do work throughout the entire body, but the different variety of berries or rose family astringents do tend to have specific strengths to them. For example, the Rose plant [Rosa spp.] is especially beneficial for supporting the heart, both physically and emotionally, while its astringent actions can strengthen and improve the elasticity of the skin, acting as an age and wrinkle preventative while protecting the skin against environmental and sun damage. Red Raspberry leaves [Rubus idaeus (European red raspberry) Rubus occidentalis (Black raspberry) Rubus strigosus (American red raspberry), etc.] have been used all over the world for thousands of years to support women's reproductive health as a uterine tonic to regulate cycles, reduce PMS, and support pregnancy and labor. Blackberry leaves [Rubus l., Rubus spp.] are very specific for digestion and loose stool as it can help regulate the excess moisture in the bowels; however, keep in mind that you should always address the cause of the loose stool or diarrhea, especially if it is pathogen related.
Just about any safe and edible berry plant can be used to astringe the tissues so experiment with your local wild berries in your area. The leaves of plants in the Rosacea family are known to have high levels of vitamin C which help to support the immune and respiratory systems, tissue repair and oral/gum health. They can be used internally as highlighted above or gargle some berry/rose leaf tea to sooth a sore throat and help reduce swollen throat glands. It is also beneficial for reducing inflamed gums and improving oral health. Topical first aid preparations can be used to reduce inflamed rashes, eye inflammation and conjunctivitis as well as help speed tissue repair for wound healing.
The leaves and fresh spring shoots can be eaten as a green. If you crush the fresh leaves and wrap them in a damp towel and hang it in warm place for 2-3 days, you can ferment the leaves which enhances their medicinal value and flavor. Once slightly fermented, use them as is or dry them for later use. The early young shoots in spring can be peeled and used as a vegetable but I will admit I have never tried it, but I am intrigued by the idea and will try it this season. Drinking a tea using the berry and rose leaves seem so beneficial in early spring where I live among the abundant wild berries of the Pacific Northcoast as we are usually in the midst of winter and spring rain, cold and flu season and can feel a little bogged down in general, having symptoms of excess moisture throughout the body.
How to Make Tea from Rose and Berry Leaves
Standard Steeping Method
Bring 8-12 ounces of water to a boil for every ¼ cup of fresh leaves or 2-3 tsp of the dried leaves. Remove the boiling water from the heat source and pour it over the leaves. Cover and allow the leaves to steep for about 10 minutes or so. The longer you steep the leaves, the more tannins and other minerals can be extracted. Once steeped, strain to remove the leaves and enjoy the natural sweetness of the leaves with its subtle green and bitter undertones. [Note: Some individuals who are sensitive to tannins tend to prefer shorter steeping times like 5-10 minutes.]
Decoction or Simmering Method
: Some prefer to gently simmer the leaves on the stove's lowest setting for 10-15 minutes, covered, for a very strong medicinal tea. Turn off the heat and allow the infusion to steep for another 15-20 minutes or until the temperature is safe to use. This method is preferred by many especially when using the tannin properties as a gargle for oral health, sore throats or for topical first aid applications.
As you may have noticed, there is a common theme with spring plants. They are not only highly nourishing in various vitamins and minerals but they also help cleanse and activate the body to help us transition from the dormant and hibernating winter months to the more active spring months. The abundance of spring is a wonderful and welcomed gift from the earth so take advantage of spring wild foraging if you can and find various creative ways of including these wonderful plants into your food for healing, restoring and strengthening the body, mind and spirit. Here are some more recipes to inspire you herbally in the kitchen this spring.
8 More Recipes to Inspire You This Spring:
These base recipes are regularly used in my household all year round and I tend to substitute the ingredients with what is in season at the time. Here are my spring versions of these recipes but feel free to substitute any of the wild greens, roots and veggies with what you have access to.
Wild Spring Vinaigrette
1 cup freshly picked early spring greens such as violet, chickweed, nettle, sorrel, plantain, etc.
¼ cup lemon juice or vinegar (I like to use an herbal infused Apple Cider Vinegar)
1/3 cup nourishing oil (olive, avocado, flax, pumpkin, hemp, etc.)
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp honey
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/8 tsp salt and pepper
Add all ingredients except the oil into a blender and blend on high. Once mixed well, slowly drizzle the oil into the blender while it is still blending to help emulsify the dressing. Pour into a dressing container or mason jar and shake before using.
Baked Spring Salad
Toss your fresh herbal spring greens with olive or avocado oil, sliced bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and/or any vegetables of your choice. Bake at 350º for 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and toss with balsamic vinegar, herbal infused apple cider or wine vinegar and garnish with goat cheese, if desired. Add edible flowers, cherry tomatoes, dried cranberry, walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds or any other salad fixings.
This same recipe can also be used in a steamed or sautéed cooking process instead, if you rather cook it on the stove than baking it in the oven. [Picture is of baked salad mixed with tulsi basil dressing and served with a salmon patty and a dollop of Nesto (Nettle Pesto)]
Spring Green & Berry Smoothie
Blend together
½ cup of chopped bitter spring greens (like dandelion)
½ cup of sweet (or less bitter) spring greens (like chickweed, nettle, sorrel, plantain, etc.)
1 cup fresh or frozen berries (I tend to use a blend or whatever is in season)
1 banana
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/8 tsp of ginger root powder
12 ounces or so of a liquid base (I usually just pour and do not bother measuring so you may need to adjust the liquid proportions, if needed. I enjoy a combination of flax milk kefir, either macadamia, cashew or almond milk and some nourishing tea infusion usually with tulsi, oats, nettle and roses)
Wild Spring & Chicken Soup
3 cups shredded chicken
1 cup Dandelion greens
1 cup Mustard greens
2 cups Nettle leaves
(or use any other spring wild edibles of your choice)
1 medium onion
8-12 cloves of garlic
1-2 burdock roots
2 carrots
2 burdock stocks
2 celery stocks
3 tbsp thyme
2 tbsp parsley
2 tsp sage powder
2 tsp rosemary
Bone broth, veggie broth, mushroom broth, water, etc.
2-3 tbsp ghee, butter or cooking oil to sauté veggies (my favorite is turmeric infused ghee)
Wash, prepare and chop ingredients. Add the onion and celery to a pan and sauté them for 3-5 minutes. Add the carrots, burdock root & stocks and leafy greens and continue to sauté until veggies are tender and onions are translucent. Add the garlic for the last 2-3 minutes of cooking. Add the shredded chicken, spices and liquid base such as bone, mushroom or veggie broth and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes. Allow the soup to sit and cool slightly before serving.
Wild Spring Stuffed Mushrooms
12 crimini mushrooms (or use another variety which can be stuffed)
1 x 4 ounce package of chevre goat cheese (or use cottage cheese, feta, etc.)
¼ cup shredded carrot
¼ cup shredded raw, pickled or fermented burdock
¼ cup green onions or chives
½ cup finely chopped spring greens
¼ cup toasted pine nuts or chopped nut such as pecans, walnuts or almonds
1-2 cloves of garlic, finely minced
1 tbsp of dulse or other seaweed granules/flakes
1 tsp of freshly stripped thyme leaves
Olive or avocado oil to sauté and brush mushrooms
Note: If you prefer to keep this dish dairy free, try using rice, quinoa or a mashed potato, sweet potato or cauliflower base instead of the cheese.
Gently wash all mushrooms and remove the stems so there is room to stuff the mixture. Allow the mushrooms to dry completely or pat dry with a towel. Add all shredded and chopped veggies and greens into a pan and gently sauté for 4-5 minutes. If using burdock root or nettle greens, you may want to start sautéing them first as it will take a little longer to cook than the other ingredients. If using pine nuts, you can toast or roast them first for added flavor. Pour the veggies into a bowl and mix in seasonings, seaweed and cheese. Brush a generous layer of oil around the mushrooms and stuff the mixture into them. Spread them evenly in a casserole dish or cake pan and bake at 375º for 20-25 minutes or until mushrooms are sizzling and tender. Drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette and allow to cool before serving.
Wild Pesto; "Nesto" (Nettle Pesto); Chickweed Pesto; Dandelion Pesto; Violet Pesto; etc.
1-2 cups olive oil (use less for a dip or spread and more for a sauce)
½ cup pine nuts
2-3 cloves of garlic
4 cups of fresh spring wild edible greens
¼ cup grated parmesan
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 tbsp of seaweed flakes or granules (I enjoy using dulse or kelp)
Combine oil, nuts and garlic into a blender or food processer and blend until creamy. Slowly add fresh spring greens and puree well. If I incorporate a bitter green like dandelion, I usually try to blend it with a sweeter green like nettle or chickweed. Remove your pesto from the food processor or blender and mix in parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Use as a delicious and healthy spread or a dip. I also like to add a little seaweed to this recipe for its added benefits and savory flavor.
Spring Green Hot Cereal
Try pureeing the fresh greens and mixing them directly into your hot cereal or porridge. I like to add chickweed, nettle, plantain or dandelion greens to ours as we usually sweeten our steel cut oats or buckwheat porridge with banana or other fruit which conceals the bitter and green flavors. One of my convenient methods to my cooking especially with this dish is to freeze up the pureed greens into ice cube trays beforehand and add 1 cube (per serving) to the pot towards the end of the cooking time. It makes it an easy way to conveniently eat your greens for breakfast especially if you are on the go or rushed in the mornings.
Iron & Mineral Rich Syrup
1 part nettle leaf
½ part dandelion leaf
½ part yellow dock root
½ part dandelion root
½ part burdock root
½ part rose hips
½ part orange (sliced)
¼ part lemon (sliced)
Molasses & Honey to taste
Alcohol (optional to preserve)
Clean all foraged plants and chop the greens and slice the roots into thin coins. Cover all roots in a pot with water until they are fully saturated and free flowing with at least an extra inch of water. Cover and simmer on low for 20-30 minutes. Add any of your leafy greens, berries and citrus. The vitamin C from the rosehips and citrus aid with iron absorption and help improve the flavor of the syrup. Add more water until all herbs are free flowing and saturated again. Cover and bring back to a simmer but remove from heat as soon as it starts to simmer to avoid cooking the vitamin C from the plants which is heat sensitive. Keep covered and allow the herbs to infuse for up to 12 hours. Strain and measure the volume of your infusion. Add 1/3 part alcohol to preserve and honey and molasses to taste. If you prefer to avoid alcohol, omit it but make sure you have ¼-1/3 part honey to preserve and store your syrup in the fridge, using it within 2 months. Children can take 1-2 tsp and adults can take up to 1 tbsp, 1-3 time a day. Do not give honey to an infant under the age of 1 or to anyone who has a known bee allergy.
Happy Spring Foraging!!
About the Author
Candice Brunlinger has been studying and practicing herbal healing since 2004. She enjoys making herbal medicine, developing connections with plants, cooking, growing herbs, gardening, wild crafting, teaching workshops and classes, practicing Tai Chi and Qi Gong and being an "herbal mama". She teaches for the Northwest School of Botanical Studies and Humboldt Herbals and has an herbal product line, Herbal Infusions. You can visit her
Nourishing Herbs
blog or become a member of her facebook group
Herbal Living
Herbal Remedies Advice - Violet Flower Benefits by Rosalee de la Foret
More on Violet Lore and Science
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