Janet E. Smith, PhD, is one of the most respected Catholic philosophers in America. Before her retirement in 2019 she taught Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit from eighteen years. Before that, she taught philosophy for nine years at the University of Notre Dame, and twelve years at the University of Dallas.
She also served three terms as a consulter to the Pontifical Council on the Family, and eight years on the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission III.
She authors a regular column for the National Catholic Register and has appeared on Geraldo, Fox Morning News, CNN International, CNN Newsroom, and EWTN among others.
She is the author of several books. More than two million copies of her talk, “Contraception: Why Not” have been distributed.
Dr. Smith has received numerous academic and ecclesiastic honors including 1993 John Cardinal Wright Award (Fellowship of Catholic Scholars) and honorary doctorates from Franciscan University of Steubenville and St. Charles Borromeo Seminary (Philadelphia).