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The Orchard Hotel and Orchard Garden Hotel ~ "San Francisco's Most Ecologically Conscious Hotels" 


The Orchard Garden Hotel


Built in 2006, eco-friendly construction materials include concrete made from fly ash, a byproduct of recycling coal, and wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council as harvested in a sustainable manner. This environmentally sustainable building practice used during construction diverts debris from landfill disposal by redirecting recyclable material back to the manufacturing process.


This hotel offers California's debut of a guestroom key card energy control system - after opening the guestroom door with the key card, the guest places the card in a discreet box in order to turn on the lights and other room systems. When exiting the room, the guest simply takes the key card, automatically 'turning off' the entire room, with the exception of an outlet for charging guest's electronics. This system has saved nearly 20 percent in energy consumption, paying for itself in less than two years.

These properties set the standard for truly 'green' hotels. Both hotels are LEED certified, which is of the world's most prestigious 'green' accolades. The Orchard Garden Hotel was first hotel in California  to be LEED certified.




In addition the following sustainability practices are in place at both the Orchard Garden Hotel and the Orchard Hotel:

  • When possible, local/organic ingredients are used.
  • Both properties are EnergyStar Rated.
  • Both properties purchase Verified Emissions Reductions to offset their carbon impact.
All fabrics are made with recycled polyester and other textiles without chemicals and are machine-washed to avoid the chemicals that come with dry cleaning.
  • Both are 100% non-smoking hotels.
  • Organic, citrus-based cleaning products are used throughout the hotel.
  • Water faucets and toilets are 'low-flow.'
  • Menus/collateral/paper is 100% recycled and inks used on all collateral and stationery are soy-based.
  • All kitchens compost all waste materials and are meticulous about grease recycling.
  • All lighting is halogen, compact fluorescent or LED.
  • They have eliminated small plastic bottles for amenities and replaced them with bulk dispensers
  • They plant a tree for each review posted on TripAdvisor whether favorable or not through our partner Plant a Billion Trees
  • Strong supporters of alternative transportation: Commuter checks (pre-tax) provided to employees,  and bike racks are available for all.

To demonstrate and verify their sustainability leadership, the Orchard Garden and Orchard Hotel have achieved GS-33 (Silver) Certification by Green Seal - a nonprofit, independent sustainability organization. The Orchard Garden Hotel meets Green Seal™ Standard based on waste minimization, water and energy efficiency, hazardous substance handling, and an environmental purchasing policy.

These properties set the standard for truly 'green' hotels.
Like to have your property featured in an upcoming newsletter? Please contact Heather Teegarden 
Your company recently formed a green team, but it doesn't seem to be accomplishing much. Or maybe you've just been designated as your organization's green champion, but can't seem to get anything done. Sound familiar? You may be suffering from "start-up" syndrome. 


Back in June 2012, Inc. Magazine published an article by Peter Cohan called 3 Simple Goals You Must Set to Succeed, which discussed the importance of setting goals for start-up enterprises. We found it intriguing that his suggestions so closely mirror the questions we ask newly formed green teams during consulting engagements.



To answer this, ask yourself what problem matters most to your venture and why you are willing to go years with little pay or sleep to solve it. A start-up's mission must be deeply meaningful to the founder and be compelling to people that the founder wants to hire. After all, without capital, a hungry start-up's only currency is denominated in terms that are hard to quantify: the difference between a humdrum existence and work that has deep meaning.

Before you jump into developing new programs and initiatives, get clear on your sustainability goal. Is it to "green your office" or to "green your organization?" That answer will tell you whether you should be focused on replacing styrofoam in the kitchen or developing a comprehensive green supply chain program. It will also tell you who needs to be on the team -- whether is a cadre of mid-level employees, or top executives with budget-wielding power. Setting the enduring vision of your sustainability program will help determine the scope of your ambitions.



A long-term goal for your start-up must satisfy the aspirations of the founder, the investors, and the employees. And that forces the entrepreneur to trade-off a desire to maintain control with drawing in capital so investors can get a sizeable return.

Start with the end in mind -- what do you want your organization's sustainability program to look like in 20 years? (While in start-up land, 5 years might be an eternity, we would argue that it's not really "long term.") Where do you want sustainability responsibilities to reside? Who should be managing sustainability? What do you want to have accomplished? Where do you want to stand relative to your peer group? Understanding the long-term goal will help you make smart decisions now about where to focus your efforts.

If the mission and the long-term goal are the 1% of the inspiration needed to build a successful venture, the short-term goals are the 99% perspiration. Create a series of real options. I mean that you should make small, inexpensive bets -- a win means that the venture can go on to the next short-term goal; a loss means a chance to learn what went wrong and do it better the next time.


Sustainability guru Bob Willard says that pilot projects are the surest way to convince management to move forward to bigger sustainability commitments. They are small, they are relatively cheap, they are exciting, and they create a sense of innovation. You may not get a huge budget or a lot of responsibility -- but as the green champion, you may get the leeway to tackle a couple of "frugal experiments." Use these opportunities to show what you can do, and you'll get a bigger bite at the apple next time around.


Want to learn more on building a credible sustainability strategy? Read full article


Reprinted with permission. Originally Published: September 2, 2014
Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry
What Hotels & Resorts are doing to go and remain Green

From 2000 to today, hoteliers have expanded the scope of their sustainability efforts by incorporating environmental objectives into a broader corporate social responsibility  approach, which included the establishment of partnerships with a variety of public and private organizations. 



The LEED green building program, for example, gained significant global momentum among institutional investors for new build projects. The following represents some of what hotels and resorts are doing to go and remain green when it comes to energy, water and waste management.

Energy: Hotels seek to lower their energy consumption for HVAC operations, lighting, cooking fuel, and other miscellaneous power requirements. Front-of-the-house energy efficiency measures include lighting retrofits, minimization of plug loads, and sealing of the building envelope. Back-of-the-house energy efficiency measures include improved equipment and equipment scheduling, proper sensor calibration, elimination of simultaneous heating and cooling, and maintenance of proper building ventilation. What's more, recent technological advances with regard to renewable sources of energy (solar, geothermal, wind, etc.) have improved the economics of using these alternative energy sources at the individual facility level.


Water: Hotels consume water on a domestic basis (bathrooms, Food & Beverage, laundry), as well as process water for facility operations (HVAC, irrigation, cleaning and maintenance). Hotels also collect and in some cases treat grey water (water generated from domestic) and black water (sewage) generated by guests and back of the house operations. Typical water conservation measures employed by hoteliers include fixture retrofits, towel and linen reuse programs, HVAC and plumbing system improvements, and use of recycled/rain water for process and irrigation use.


Waste: Waste streams generated by hotels include wastes from construction and refurbishment, consumables (e.g. paper, toner, batteries), durable goods (e.g., furniture, office equipment, appliances), Food & Beverage wastes, hazardous materials (e.g. cleaning solutions, fluorescent bulbs), and recyclable oil. Hotel owners employ a variety of strategies to reduce, reuse, and recycle wastes to minimize processing and hauling costs. Vendors are increasingly providing 'waste-to-energy' processing services, whereby wastes are processed into alternative energy sources such as natural gas or biodiesel fuel and sold back to hoteliers at reduced prices.


There are a growing number of environmental certification programs that have arisen targeted toward the hospitality sector. These programs can be into several broad categories, including: 1) environmental programs targeted toward the hospitality industry; 2) programs targeted toward green building design and operation; and 3) green product certifications and standards.






Hotel insureds receive through AGPOM, such as our Green Property Behavioral Plan designed specifically for hotels and resorts to help improve sustainable behaviors.


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