Friday, August 13th at 11:00am EST

How Do I Get Started in Financial Planning?

For those who missed the presentation at the 5th Annual DAR Branch Meeting, we are pleased to have the panel of Financial Planning professionals back again to expand on their discussion related to the panel topic “Financial Planning In Practice”. This in-depth conversation will cover the following questions you may have of "How To" get involved in Financial Planning:

  • What triggered it for you?
  • What training commitment was involved and who gave that support?
  • How did you set your fee schedule?
  • What is the typical dialogue used when discussing your financial planning process to a prospective client? How does it differ from the dialogue used with a current client?
  • What did you learn early on to change and adapt?

Formal Invite Forthcoming!

Learn from Our Panel of Professionals

Thomas Block (pictured right), will lead our panel (pictured below) in exploring the world of Financial Planning.

When: Friday, August 13th

What Time: 11:00am EST

How to Access: Formal Invite Forthcoming


Rickey Thomas, AIF®

Owner, Financial Advisor

at Thomas Financial Advisory Group


Michael Joksimovic 

Financial Advisor

at Bluecap Financial


Kristen Hull, CRPC®

Strategic Planning Analyst / Investment Advisor Representative

at Duncan Financial Group


Ursula Hand

Investment Advisor Representative / Registered Principal 

at Authentic Financial Advisors


Larry Signature.jpg

Larry L. Qvistgaard, II

President, COO

Duncan Advisor Resources

215 Avenida Del Mar, Ste. B, San Clemente, CA 92672

T 800.517.9901 x2230 C 949.306.0060 F 707.676.8633


Securities offered through Registered Representatives of Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Duncan Advisor Resources and Cambridge are not affiliated. Larry Qvistgaard CA Insurance License #0702166. 

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