It's That Time of Year Again!

It's time to nominate the next Anne Laukaitis Champion for Children Award recipient. This award is given annually to an exceptional individual at the local level who is devoted to public service and whose leadership qualities have resulted in significant change for the betterment of young children, families, and communities.

Nominations are due by October 13. The award will be presented to the winner during the Voices for Children Luncheon on December 5.

Submit Your Nomination

Mark your calendars! You are invited to join us as we celebrate 25 years of ensuring child well-being in Cabarrus County during our Voices for Children Luncheon! We will enjoy a delicious lunch, share stories about our impact, and recognize this year's Anne Laukaitis Champion for Children Award recipient. You won't want to miss out!

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New Programs Announced

We are pleased to announce two new programs to support our work to ensure child well-being in Cabarrus County:

>> Safe Kids Cabarrus

Implements evidence-based programs, such as car seat checkups, safety workshops and sports clinics, that help parents and caregivers prevent childhood injuries.

>> Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children

Provides, in a child's home or child care setting, an assessment, creates goals and identifies needs for possible services.

Did You Know?

Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) could potentially reduce a large number of health conditions. For example, up to 1.9 million cases of heart disease and 21 million cases of depression could have been potentially avoided by preventing ACEs.

>> Get the Facts About ACEs

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We Need Your Feedback!

Have you connected with the Cabarrus County Partnership for Children by phone, email, messaging, by referral, through our website, or by taking part in one or more of our programs?

Please complete this short survey to tell us how we're doing!

>> Take Our Short Survey

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