Join us for the inaugural NYSMA Conference!
Hello, we hope this letter finds you well!

The New York State Montessori Alliance (NYSMA) is proud to announce our inaugural annual conference this winter. Our theme is “Bringing New York State Montessori together!” We are hosting this virtual conference to pull Montessorians together from upstate, downstate, and all over the globe to participate in workshops and conversations that benefit us all. NYSMA is committed to advocacy for Montessori education from a grass-roots level up to the public policy level.

As we prepare for the Conference on Saturday, February 5, 2022, we'd love for you to consider submitting a proposal to present on a topic of your expertise or interest! Do you have a workshop, research presentation or panel topic that would benefit the Montessori community?

If now is not the right time for you, perhaps you can recommend this opportunity to a friend or colleague. Please forward this email to them today!

All proposals are due Friday, November 19, 2021.
The conference will include two professional development workshop sessions at multiple levels of engagement, a keynote address, and networking sessions. This virtual event is open to the public and marketed globally so you can take advantage of an opportunity to share diverse perspectives in the vast Montessori community.

Members of our organization dedicate themselves to furthering the educational objectives, methods, and philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori in the State of New York by achieving the following goals:
  • First, to speak with one unified voice for Montessori education.
  • Second, to advance and protect the educational vision formulated by Dr. Maria Montessori in private and public schools in the state.
  • To support the administration of Montessori schools.
  • To offer ongoing education and guidance to the Montessori community in New York State.
  • To use its best efforts to ensure that all government entities within the State of New York understand and support the Montessori community’s mission.
  • To keep the Montessori community informed of all actions and events that might affect its ability to achieve its goals.
  • To address public policy issues that may affect education in general and, more specifically, Montessori education.
  • To advocate for the recognition of Montessori Teacher Certifications across the state.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 5, 2022, and consider submitting proposal before November 19, 2021!

Conference registration and details will follow in January.
If you have any questions please reach out to Lisanne Pinciotti and/or Sheba Kapur.
We can't wait to connect with you!